
102. The king comes to bear

Hunter, brandishing his sword, let out a roar in a voice that human brains could not comprehend:

"War, war, everything is meaningless, war, victory, obliteration."

He charged as he had wished, now he was rushing outside, bringing the war with him.

He hadn't lost his sanity, rather, what he saw now was the truth, in the face of absolute truth, the past constraints could no longer bind him.

Lovers, parents, friends, dreams, honor, vows, none stirred a ripple in his mind.

He even regretted not understanding the teachings of the Gods earlier, when they had been whispering in his ear all along.

The death of everyone was not a disaster, but everyone was dancing to praise the great invisible entity.

Now he was going to bring this gift to his and Tom's family, so they could also witness the sacred posture of the gods that existed in the mind, indescribable in human language.

"Stop." Hewitt stood in front of him.