
The Respawner

A man left with nothing claws his way through the very bottom of society. One day, he makes a chilling discovery: even death has abandoned him. Aldric somehow defies the inevitable, experiencing each demise as a cruel reenactment of his failures. But now, with the power to alter the past, he gains the ability to author a future worthy of a power hungry destitute like himself. Armed with a soul-hungry blade and the ability to cheat fate, he enters the Expanse—a realm where countless worlds collide, and men and gods struggle for dominion. [ The universe will continue on, again, and again, and again. And still, you will remain. Expelled from the principles of causality, yet, a silent orchestrator of it. ] [You are the Firsts' Great and Terrible Blade, and reality itself will crack at the weight of your failures.]

The_Forgotten_ · Fantasi
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75 Chs

The Bad News.

When one sees a demon sovereign, their best option at that moment is to kill themselves, for what happens when the demon sees them—and it will—is a fate far worse than death.

However, Aldric realized in that moment that this statement was flawed. Seeing the familiar drop of blood and feeling the distinct aura of it, Aldric was certain Stone Heart's suffering was caused by a demon creature.

This confirmed that not only had the demon creature seen them now, it had also seen them when they hid by hanging off a cliff, which would explain the message written in blood. Despite this, and contrary to what Aldric had been told, they were still alive and unharmed.

"Lerai, close your eyes!" Aldric exclaimed.

Lerai finally pulled his gaze away from the new beast that was Stone Heart and turned to Aldric, confused.

"There's a monstrosity before us and you're telling me to close my eyes?" Lerai spat back.