
What I want (2)

"I could have done that for you when I came back," Ian said, watching as Scarlet poured something into the water. 

"I didn't know how soon you would be back. Did you find the person already?" Scarlet asked, looking away from the water to Ian.  

"I did not. Your guard Dawson said he would take care of it so I should return to your side. The fire is out and it was only the smoke that you saw. Let me," Ian said, wanting to run the bath for her so she could get in. "I will go after you."

"It isn't for me. It is for you," Scarlet replied.

His bath time was disturbed so she thought to prepare it for him in his absence.

"My estate being on fire has ruined my mood and I don't think you can put me back. You don't have to sleep with me all night as if I will disappear tomorrow. Wash up first so we can eat and then go to bed," Scarlet said, standing up as she was done with her part.