
Offer (2)

"Many were enjoying your appearance tonight but must have been too scared to approach you as they feared the rejection. You don't need guards to keep fools away from you. Your known personality does it for you," said Ian.

"It should be known by now that I don't like to have my time wasted. I have a lot of work to do and when I am free, I don't want to be bothered," Scarlet answered, then took another sip of wine.

Scarlet wasn't oblivious to the looks she received whether it be men or women. She had been receiving gifts at the estate from men using her divorce to court her. It ranged from flowers with cards to jewels. She had sent them all back.

"Who was the man standing with your mother? The one begging for your attention," Ian said, wanting to learn about the puppy.

"Nolan? Why must you describe him that way?" Scarlet asked.