
Men (2)

"Is there trouble between the border and the Castros or war brewing with another kingdom?" Scarlet inquired.

"It is the first one. Many years later it seems they want to try controlling the border again. They are going to ruin a truce that has worked over the years. Our family never gave up the border and I shall not allow it. Luke doesn't think," Ryan said, knowing it was Luke's doing.

Scarlet found it odd that the palace would want to start an old fight. Long ago, the border and the Castro kingdom were at war and it took two people falling in love to make a difference. 

"If that is what he is pushing, not only would he have the border against him, but also the Callahan knights and the Collins. He would destroy a friendship that had been around long before us. He is ruining what our great-grandparents started. He is a fool," Scarlet agreed with Ryan.