
Gone (3)

"You weren't joking about how close you are to my estate. Or was it how fast you went that we got here faster? It looks like you lost him," Scarlet said after looking around for the carriage which was behind them earlier. 

They were lucky to have come across other carriages so it wasn't easy for Jack to keep up with them. 

Ian held Scarlet's hand to lead her inside. "Don't think about him when I am near. Let me give you a tour."

"But my bag," Scarlet said, wanting to take it out first before they could forget about it.

"Someone will take care of that for us. You'll get the same princess treatment here as you would at your estate. Would you like to see our room first?" Ian questioned as he led her inside.

There was still a chance that the delusional man looking for her might pass by here and Scarlet did not need to know about it. The first chance Ian got to sneak away from her, he would inform the guards to take Jack if he showed up there.