
The Resilient Clarke

"When someone seems too good to be true they usually are" I bet you this Is the most interesting and the sweetest autobiography you've ever seen or heard, it's totally not a sob story but a motivation,i wasn't born with silver spoon but I will never stop chasing until I get the silver spoon, it is good I wasn't born with it so that I can get it myself, I was born the only male child of my parents with three kid sisters and one elder sister who is too churchy. I was born in a poor home but my parents did their best to give me all the good training every good parent should give their children for example going to church one of the most sacred rules in my house, going to any kind of work as long as it will pay money was part of the house itself for everyone in the house, my father was a security man and a subsistent farmer while my mother was Jack of all trades,there was no kind of work she does not do, I never had any pleasant experience with my parents or my family in quote, we were always at war, always disagreeing to agree, my father was very far from me so I grew up with my mother and it was indeed a terrible experience, cat and rat, every day fight and unending quarrell

Wisdom_Ndukwe1 · Realistis
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40 Chs

Chapter 25 opportunity

Not everything that present itself as opportunity is really an opportunity, some are just traps, just as not every one who gives you food really cares for you, some just want to feed you so they can use you well, some just want to buy you off at a cheaper price, some just want to make heroic stories with it.

Not everyone smiling profusely with you is really happy with you, some really wish you are gone forever final, some really wish things gets worse than it is already for you so that you can come crawling, crying and begging them for help.

Some opportunities are traps I have seen it for real, and I believe so many wise people has seen it too, I have rejected some opportunities because I realized they just came to buy me off, I refused them, I let them know that I'm not gullible and no one can afford to buy me because know one on this earth has what I certainly want, no one on this earth has the kind of unbelievable plans I have for myself, so no one can buy me.

Some people will want to give you something just to have a remarkable point to talk about you, some people will want to give you food just say I once fed him or I once fed her, some will even disguise as if they want to help you but inside them they want to buy you so that they can control you as they want.

Especially if they can't control you then they would stop at nothing trying endlessly to bend you, they would apply extra measures just to bend you for their selfish desires.

Loyalty can not be bought with silver nor with gold, loyalty grows natural just as love, if there is no love there will be no loyalty,

loyalty is a self sworn allegiance out of love, not out of fear, not out of love for money or anything else, you don't buy love in the market and so you won't see loyalty too in the market.