
The reset

The destruction of the world through a gas emitted from the North Pole and killing everyone on Earth within a few days, two scientists at the Arctic Climate Control Center are the first to discover the matter, but to no avail. A secret organization that was prepared for similar events prepared secret shelters and selected elite humans to live inside these shelters as the last safe haven for humans from extinction Will they survive inside these shelters?

MrRAE · Fantasi
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39 Chs

Chapter 7

.Mayor: Evacuate again. Sariska is more than 100 km away from us. Do you want the whole country?Dr. Randy: What are we going to do if we don't understand what we are dealing with before it reaches us again, the population will double and we won't do anything..! Mayor: I will not cause panic in the whole country for ridiculous gases if you and those with you eccentrics cannot know what you need to stop and put out these gases. Your life depends on it because it really depends.Now gather what you want and come with us now, and if you raise or open the issue of evacuation again, you will regret it the most, believe me and do not test my sincerity. Everyone moved towards the airport with the mayor's convoy and some devices that they brought from the center.On the way, while everyone was looking farewell to the city in which they lived and spent most of the years of their lives, a farewell look to the main landmarks, the town hall, the sports stadium, the water park and the high school.The convoy arrived at the airport, and everyone took advantage of a military cargo plane that was waiting for them, and the plane began to take off from the runway, announcing the end of the last days of humankind in this city.On the plane, everyone was silent. No one had anything to say.

The second chapter.

the end: After everyone reached the city (Sarisilica) some of the They lived with their relatives, some left directly to other cities, and the rest were distributed in hotels that the government rented to them.The research center team was placed in a small empty hospital that was originally a veterinary clinic.The team emptied their devices and connected them and set up the center.Doctor Randy went to the mayor Dr. Randy: Mr. Mayor, where can I find Professor Jenreski Elhan? Mayor: And who is this Jienerski?Randy Misky: he is someone who was with me at the pole at the test points. He was exposed to gas and was taken to the city hospital. I don't know if the hospital was evacuated or not.? The mayor, we have evacuated the hospital. We certainly will not leave the helpless patients there. Everyone who was there was brought to the main hospital of this city, which is larger and more developed.Randy: Well, can you point me there ? Well, do not be afraid, I will send someone with you.The mayor calls for his assistant and asks him to take care of the matter Assistant: Ok Mr. Randy come with me from here I will.The two move out of the building to the parking lot and the assistant calls out to one of them.Assistant: Mr. Randy, go with this driver, he will go with you to the hospital and he will serve youRandy gets into the car and goes with the driver.On the way, the driver asks him Driver: May I ask you, sir? Randy: please

Driver: What do you think is the reason for the spread of gas? Is it a terrorist act?Randy: The truth is that so far no one knows anything, but I rule out the theory of a terrorist attack.Driver: Why are you leaving it out, if I may ask? Randy: As I said, no one knows anything, but the size of the gas circulating and the place of its release, no missile or missiles or anything that can contain all this gas, if it is in huge warehouses that were built stealthily without us seeing them during our work there unless they were built under Earth (Here Randy took his phone and called.Randy: Hello, Randy. Can you do pictures and a satellite examination of the area (xxxx) photographing the layers of the earth, not the surface, and send me the pictures in my email quicklyThe two arrived at the hospital

Driver: I'll wait for you here

Randy: Ok, thank you, I'll see you soon In the hospital at the reception

Randy: Hi, I'm looking for Professor Generiki HanThe receptionist after typing the name on the computer Receptionist: There is no one with that name here Randy: It's from a man in his sixties who came with patients from the city (Maehamn).Receptionist: Everyone who was brought from the city (Mehamn) is in building D.Randy: Where's the D-wing?Receptionist: From here, sir, it's on the tenth floor. Randy: Thank youAfter he went up to the tenth floor and started looking for the professor