
Welcome to this Repository of Unfinished Projects

This is a space dedicated to the creative endeavors that never quite saw the light of day. Within these digital archives lie my forgotten scripts and untold ideas, left dormant and abandoned for various reasons. Some of these projects may include narratives that were meant for movies, series, or other mediums, finding solace here when they couldn't find their place elsewhere.

As you peruse through these pages, I invite you to share your thoughts and insights. Let me know which story resonates with you the most, and if there's enough interest, perhaps I can breathe new life into it, refining and enhancing it to make it a truly captivating creation.

Though these projects may be classified as "failures" by conventional standards, they still hold a spark of potential waiting to be rekindled. So, immerse yourself in the realm of unrealized dreams, and together, let's uncover hidden gems among my abandoned works.

Thank you for joining me on this journey, and I hope you find enjoyment in reading about my unfulfilled aspirations.