
The Replacement Bride

She got stiff as she felt his hot breath by her right ear. " You do know that there are punishments when lying, right? " Her breathing became uneven as her brain started to get clouded with his words. Eugene Roussos, known as one of the most handsome billionaires in Athens Greece. One heavy rainy night he found his fiance in bed with another guy, not only that but he also found out that she sold one of his family hotels to the Magnusson's family. To get his family business back, he has to marry one of the Magnusson's daughter. Liliana Magnusson, one of the best jewelry designers in Asia. She is well mannered and a skillful young lady, but her life changes the moment her rebellious step-sister ran away from home and she has to step in and be engaged with her sister's fiance. Can he ever love another woman after being heartbroken?

Do_Va · Fantasi
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8 Chs

Chapter Seven

|| Liliana Magnusson ||

As the morning came, a crew came and pack her things up. She refused them to pack her personal belongings but they didn't even listen to her as a group of ladies came and packed her clothes in huge boxes. She thought that she only need to pack a suitcase full of clothes for at least a few weeks but the crew that her father sent were crazy going in and out of her condo packing almost everything as if she was going to move to a new place. Her pictures of her that were hung up on the walls were packed away in a huge box that was label fragile in bold red letters. Her collection of magazines of jewelry and her collection of jewelry that she has been working on were also nicely packed away. Even her bed was packed away. She was trying to stop them from packing her whole life away but all they did was ignored her or walked the other way or apologized and pushed her out of the way. She was mad and upset, she looked at her phone and saw a voicemail from her father.

" The crew will be packing up most of the things in your condo, don't try to stop them because they are just doing their duty, as for you prepare yourself well and don't behave inappropriately, once we locate Natalia, we will replace her with you, have a safe flight pumpkin."

She looked down at her phone screen with tears coming down non-stop. She was only moving to live with him for a few weeks but it seems as if she was moving to be living with him for the rest of her life. She hasn't even met him nor knows his name and she's already starting to hate the idea of living with him. She made herself some hot ginger tea and stood outside on her balcony that was connected to her living room. She was annoyed and hurt. Where in the world was her stepsister and why did she just have to run away at this time. She took a deep sigh and wiped her tears away." Ms. Magnusson we are done packing your things, the plane will be departing in an hour." One of the workers said as she pokes her head through the glass doors of the balcony. Liliana nodded her head and the crew left her place as if they never came at all. She took a few deep breaths and looked at the view of her balcony one last time before she headed back inside. The weather was a nice warm breeze. She grabbed her cup of ginger tea and headed back in her condo, and set the cup down on the coffee table, she grabbed her purse and her sunglasses. As she walked out she didn't want to look around her condo one last time, since it was pretty much empty already and she didn't want the emptiness to remind her that she was moving. The plane ride to Greece was quiet and quite peaceful. Most of the time she designed random things that came to her mind or what she thought may look nice to wear. She looked out the window as they were now landing and the sun was beaming brightly into her window. Greece was one of the places that she doesn't visit often, she only comes to Greece once every three years for a jewelry fashion show of other artists that were inspired by the greek culture. She never actually gave much thought about living in Greece. As she got out of the plane and walked out of the airport a white range rover Evoque came and picked her up. As they drove passed many different colors of boutiques shops, and soon it was out of sight, she was a bit confused on exactly where they were going, it seems as if they been driving for over an hour now and her eyes were starting to closed on their own as she tried her best to keep them wide open, she couldn't deny the fact that she was exhausted from staying up all night trying to make sure everything was set and ready to be packed and she couldn't go to bed last night, due to the fact that she was still upset about this whole marriage thing. As she lay her head back on the headrest, darkness soon took over and before she knew it, she was sound asleep.

|| Eugene Roussos||

Since last night Eugene decided to move back to his villa in Peloponnese. It was only a two hour and a half drive from Athens. He owned two villas and decided to move back there since it was far away from his family and better for him to get fresh air since he was still not over Mellissa and would probably take years to forget someone like her. Just thinking about her made him felt hurt. Ever since he came back from that business trip to Sweden, he buried himself in work as he tried to keep himself busy, so that he doesn't have time to think about Mellisa. But soon enough he would crash hard and drank until he felt like no matter how much he tried to let her go, it was useless and pointless, he was broken. Not only that but he now has a new fiance. God, just thinking about it, made him felt wrong and disgusted at the idea. It felt wrong and there were no words to describe it as he now was standing in Liliana's room that he told his housekeepers to clean and organized. Her staff came in this morning full of boxes. He had requested for her bed to also be packed as he wanted her to have a comfy sleep and a warm welcome here, as much as he may not like the idea nor care, he wanted her to at least feel like she wasn't alone and at least have her stuff with her. His cleaning crew that he ordered came in and unpacked her things and placed them nicely in her room, her pictures were hung up in her room and throughout the villa. Everything in the villa changed as her stuff was added and it somehow made the room lit up. Most of the pictures were art or really confusing designs of jewelry that looked like she turned it into art, while her portraits were hung up on the walls with his portraits and other artworks. Her room was a simple look, nothing too much or less. Simple king size bed with white sheets and blankets and pillows, with a pattern of shades of pale green, yellow and blue bed runner at the end of the bed and with two ruched pillows, a color in pale green and a color in dull blue. There were two black square nightstands on each side of the bed and two huge lamps that are topped with a crisp white fabric drum shade with slim chrome edging. The lamp's body features an open circle design in a brushed steel finish and was nicely placed on each of the nightstands. The bed was facing a huge pool on the outside. The room had easy access to the backyard and the pool, all you had to do was open up the curtains and unlock the door and slide it open. As you walk down from the bed there was a hallway to the bathroom, which had two sinks, a huge bathtub and shower, and also a toilet. Her stuff arrived faster than she did since the minute the crew was done packing her things, they sent it right away, before she even boarded her flight. " Sir, Liliana has arrived but..." there was a pause as the chauffeur looked down at his pointed black shoes," she's sound asleep in the car, I can wake her if you want me to or I can..," Eugene replied back with amusement in his voice. "No need for that Dean, Don't worry about it, leave her in the car, now if you don't mind I have a meeting to go to and also you don't need to drive me today, you're off for the rest of the day." He walked out of the house and drove off. He definitely was not expecting to hear that she had passed out in the car. Once he got in his office his secretary was stacking up flies onto his desk. "What's all this?" He asked in a monotone voice. " The flies are for your meeting in Italy." He completely forgot about his meeting in Italy. He was going to meet one of the best Italian chefs in Italy to come up with an Italian menu that he wanted to publish before Christmas. "All right, then we should get going, the meeting will be tomorrow at exactly nine in the morning, be on time" He grabbed two of the black files. " But what about the meeting that will be starting less than ten minutes?" His secretary asked in a worried tone. " Cancel it, we have already gone through that topic for more than three times now, we will not continue on talking about this topic until the rest of the team comes up with a better idea." He walked out annoyed. Of course, he knew that the topic of coming up with a new line of products was going to be hard and so far none of the ideas that were suggested to him caught his attention. He called his personal flight deck and cabin crew to get his jet ready as he was heading straight there. The trip will only be a week long. He hopes that he doesn't bump into Mellisa as she also had a photo shoot there.

|| Liliana Magnusson ||

It's been three weeks since she's been living in Greece and there was no sign of Eugene anywhere. The day she arrived, she remembered waking up in the white range rover Evoque and it was pitch dark and she hit her head on something and passed out. The next thing she remembered she was laying in a comfy bed and was being taken care of by an older woman who was very polite and kind. So far she loved his villa it was a haven of total privacy drenched in natural colors and materials, hidden within the lush of olive groves of Messinia, Peloponnese. The property enjoys amazing views to the Messinian Bay, the Ionian Sea and offers glimpses of Costa Navarino's popular golf courses. His villa was decorated with modern polished pieces of furniture and decorative objects, top-quality amenities and airy spaces filled with abundant sunlight coming from the large glass doors. The villa's elegant living room, charming dining spot, and fully equipped modern kitchen share an open plan space that opens through large floor-to-ceiling windows to the pool area and the numerous sitting areas with comfy sofas and tables. Two master bedrooms are located on the ground floor while the other two bedrooms are found on the first floor opening to an outdoor veranda with sitting spots overlooking the amazing setting of the property. A large round-ish swimming pool follows the shape of the villa's building and creates semi-private spots of outdoor living and poolside fun. Sun-loungers, armchairs, sofas and an open-air dining area that are masterfully located around the pool on an elevated veranda that offers stunning views to the one acre of olive groves and panoramic sea views. She loved how warm welcoming his villa was. She took a sip of hot brewed hibiscus tea while looking over the sketches that she drew. One of his workers told her that he was gone for a meeting in Italy for a week, but it's been more than a week. The past week she's been working on a project for one of her father's clients. It was an engagement ring. She's been trying to draw the sketch over and over again, but it just doesn't match with the client's request. The villa has been quite peaceful but the only thing is that she doesn't speak Greek, so when the housekeepers talk to each other in Greek, she doesn't understand what they are discussing. She felt left out and a bit uncomfortable for them to cater to her needs. Every time they asked if she needs something she nods her head no and tells them she can do it herself, but they still disobeyed and cater to her. She set down her cup of hibiscus tea on her new wooden table that she had ordered and is placed in her room. Her room was filled with sketches of paper everywhere, some were scattered on the floor, on her bed and some were even taped to the walls. As she was about to pick up the sketches on the ground there was a loud crash outside her sliding door to the pool area. She rushed out and witness a tall blonde hair woman with bold dark red lips in a short black dress and black heels, slapped the older woman that has been kind to her. On the ground were scattered of glass pieces everywhere. " What do you think you are doing? " Liliana asked as she walked in front of the older woman who was looking down at her shoes in shock and in an afraid state. Liliana was scared but at the same time who in the world is this woman, and what rights did she have to slap such a nice and kind-hearted person. " Who the hell are you? His new mistress?" The blonde-haired women asked in a sassy tone that boiled anger inside of Liliana. " I'm his wife and whom the hell gave you permission to walk into my home and slap my worker," Liliana was starting to get annoyed as she has no respect whatsoever for this tall blonde haired women who only kept on smirking and twitching up her lips. The blonde-haired women laughed and set down her black clutch that she had been holding in her left hand. " It's so low of him to hire someone to be his wife, and he hired you, a short, no class, mixed Asian, what type of Asian are you, Chinese?, Japanese?, Thai?, a nobody," The blond-haired women laughed while putting both hands at her hips. Liliana was pissed off and her anger was definitely rising up and out of the roof. She was not expecting to be this disrespected by a person she didn't even know nor did she care about what her reason was on why she came here for. She knew that telling her that she was his wife was way overboard as they were just pretending to be engaged until her step-sister was found, but right at this moment, she felt the need to show this rude stranger the same disrespect that she just received. She slapped the blonde-haired woman right across her left cheek leaving a big bright red stain across her perfectly applied makeup. " And what are you a prostitute who lives on a guy to guy?" The blonde-haired woman stopped laughing and she covered her left cheek with her left hand as her mouth dropped open wide, with anger as her face lit up in red and the bone structure of her face clenched together hard. " You dare to slap me, you freakin servant, you freakin gold digger!" The blonde-haired woman pushed Liliana hard and straight towards the pool, as the older woman was screaming for help and was trying to stop the blonde-haired woman, but it was too late. Liliana was struggling in the pool due to the fact that she never learned how to swim. She felt herself panicking more than ever and she was trying hard to stay calm but it was no use since she felt her leg cramping and pulling her down into the water. Soon her view of the horrible blonde women and the older women was out of view as the water blurred her vision. She was falling deep into the pool as she felt herself running out of oxygen and she closed her eyes, knowing that she was going to die soon.