
The Rejected Alpha Is My Mate

Julianne Peterson was born without a wolf and her family despised her and treated her badly except for her younger brother Richard. When her younger sister came of age, her parent whom were alpha and ruler of Apples pack arranged for her sister to marry the richest Dan Anderson of their pack. But what happens when Dan shows up in Alpha Gregs Peterson Castle? And he could perceived a sweet alluring feminine scent that wasn't his arranged mate?. what should Julianne do when Alpha Dan, chooses her as his mate?. Read to find out.

GoodnessChiamaka · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
15 Chs

Meet A Guard

Lady Florence stepped out into the grand floor hall and she saw Lady Linda and Sophie tidying up the castle hall after all the elders has left.

Lady Florence didn't asked them anything, as she didn't saw Julianne amongst them, and so she took the right stairs and went upstairs to her room to rest.


Amelia was in her room upstairs, reminiscing on her encounter with Dan, as she laid on her bed thinking about Dan.

"He's so handsome, hot and a black skin wolf-man. Gosh!, I cannot wait for Dan Anderson to mark me as his mate. Officially, I will be the most respectable Alpha daughter and also Dan Anderson mate," Amelia blushed sweetly to herself, as she thought about her new title, when Dan would officially mark her as his mate.

The mating ceremony was coming up once yearly and every mates that had found their beta half, were supposed to registered themselves ahead of the mass wedding to took place in their Packs holy ground.

Amelia smiled as she thought to order for the beautiful wears that she would wore, And so she took up her mobile phone to contacted her friend, Nora Colt, as she had gone to Nora's house but Nora wasn't home as only Nora's mother was home.

The call didn't connected as obviously they used phone in their packs. And the phone were also launched under her father's reign and Amelia sighed as she thought to contacted Rosy David too.

Rosy was also fair like her, but Amelia didn't liked Rosy as Rosy was always asking her of Julianne..

"How's your sister Julianne? Send my greetings to her?" Rosy normally said.

"Ugh!" Amelia grimaced as she hated it whenever Rosy asked her of Julianne, As obviously Rosy was the only stubborn she-wolf that refused to forgot about Julianne.

None as ever asked Amelia of Julianne. Not even Nora that was also coming frequently to their castle.

Nora and Rosy were both nurses in their Apples Pack clinic, and Nora has told her not to mind Rosy, that Rosy just seemed to overly cared a lot about many werewolves being a nurse.

Amelia sighed and finally dialed on Rosy number as she obviously wanted to asked Rosy of Nora, if they were both on afternoon duty at the clinic, as the sun has actually gone down.

"Hello.." The call connected, and Amelia held a serious looked of displeased on her yellow face, while speaking to Rosy.

"Hi Amelia, how are you doing today?" Rosy asked and Amelia sighed and replied her, "Am fine Rosy, And you?."

"Am good Amelia. How's your sister, Julie .?" Rosy asked.

"Ugh! Rosy I didn't called you to asked me that." Amelia complained seriously, cutting Rosy off from finishing her questions.

"Alright, am sorry. So what's up with you? It's Sunday, ain't you going out to the club or partying tonight?. To shake out some ass?" Rosy asked, as Rosy liked to party.

"No, Am not," Amelia replied calmly, and Rosy asked her, "Why?."

"Rosy, Am going to marry soon. Obviously I know I haven't told you or Nora about this, but Am seriously going to be Dan's mate soon" Amelia smiled as she said Dan's name.

"Wait a minute, Which Dan is that? You mean Dan Anderson?. Are you really serious Amelia, Or you're only blabbing like you always used too?." Rosy asked.

"Rosy!!" Amelia head turned red in anger, but Rosy obviously wasn't there to receive a smack.

"Am sorry Amelia, I didn't meant to insulted you. But, are you sure or you're saying the truth?. Don't forget who Dan is, as he doesn't have time for we she-wolves," Rosy said.

"I know," Amelia calmly replied, as she stared to her long sharp nails that grew out longer, as her nails were white, like every other she-wolves in their packs. While the banana packs had yellow nails and the Grape packs had red nails.

"Okay, So you ain't joking right?," Rosy asked again and Amelia replied calmly, "Yes, Am not. Dan came to saw me today here in Peterson Castle. And we spoked for a while, while he seems to like me."

"Hmm," Rosy didn't seemed to believed that, as she knew how Amelia had tried most times to seduced Dan.

Dan was popular as whenever they went to one of Dan's club house, Many she-wolves tried to seduced Dan as he was a billionaire and also a good Samaritan too, while the Male wolves rather respected Dan and guarded him, even when Dan didn't requested of any guards to protected him.

Dan was ruthless, and he hasn't mated with any she-wolf yet, None that Rosy could think off, as gossips travelled faster easily in their packs like yummy food, And Rosy knew of some silly she-wolves that had sneaked into Dan's room, in one of his hotel to seduced him to mate with them, But nothing of such happened, As Dan sent the she-wolves away, while some he threw them out and handed them over to his hotel security.

Rosy knew so well that Amelia had tried her chance once, to got noticed by Dan on Dan's lastly ended birthday celebration at his hotel.

As Amelia took the privilege that she was Alpha Gregs daughter and so the guards let Amelia in to saw Dan, but Rosy.knew all that Amelia had told her were lies, as the Dan that she knew wouldn't even waisted time to flirt with Amelia.

"So you meant your are going to be Dan's official mate truly?. Wow, congratulations girlfriend. Have you called Nora to told her about this?," Rosy finally asked, as she didn't wanted to annoyed Amelia. Even as Amelia was her friend, Amelia was still Alpha Gregs daughter and could had her punished.

"Well no. I have been trying to called Nora's phone, but it isn't connecting. I even wanted to asked if Nora is there with you, As I will like her to accompany me for my wedding preparation tomorrow," Amelia replied and she could heard Rosy gasped on phone, "Oh wow!. That's really going to happen. I will let Nora know, as Nora isn't with me now. Nora is in the ward attending to some sick werewolves. But we will soon round up now, to hand over to the night nurses."

"Okay," Amelia replied as she sighed and said, "Just let Nora know and to call me on phone today. Tomorrow when she's free we will hang out ahead of my wedding preparation, bye."

Amelia finally ended the call, while she sighed and relaxed her back to her bed.

Amelia remembered the day she had stepped into Dan's office to saw him, And she actually dressed seductively hot that day, having her yellow boobs in full displayed as she wore a v-neck gown that alighted her hips and pushed up her breasts, but Dan rather stared to her like she was some clients.

She had to lied to Nora and Rosy as she couldn't told them that she only greeted Dan and said "Hi," to him.

As Dan only stared to her aloof and wondering if she had missed her way into his executive office.

"Hi, I came to see you," Amelia remembered what she said to Dan and Dan stared from her face and down to her chest, as even as it was his birthday. His black face didn't showed any sign of lust, And she had to repeated, "i brought you gift."

"Hmm, give it to the guards when you leave. You can excuse me now," Dan had dismissed her like she was some clients. Not asking her, for her name, whom she was, nor staring to her seductively, Like how Amelia had seen a lot of male-wolves drooling over her.

Amelia shook her head as she laid on her bed, anticipating to saw Dan again..


Julianne continued washing the heap of clothes till night fall and she grew tired as she rinsed out the last cloth left.

Thru packing all the washed clothes into a large empty bucket, as it wasn't Julianne whom spread the clothes to dried..

Julianne walked out from the laundry room, as it was already dark, And she meet a guard at the backyard, as she walked out from the laundry room..