
The Reincarnation Of The Third Son

The child which is least privileged in the house or you can say the youngest I was abused by my brothers and was never helped by my useless parents and at this moment I tried suicide.......To be continued in the story

Aderteous · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs

I Died?


Name: John Smith(Original Name: " ")

Race: Human

Sex: Male

Age: 16



Strength: D (Average)

Stamina: D+(Better than average)

Intelligence: S+(Holy God! Man your extremely smart)

Magical power: C+(Mage-Level)

Dexterity: EX(I guess you've been doing more of that lately haven't you)

Luck: F+(Well understandable)

Impiety: 0.2(+0.1)(Why do you have impiety?)

Divinity: 0.3(Why do you have divinity?)

Charm: S+(Your looks are unparalleled in this world)

Potential: Unknown


Overall stats review:

Your Strength and stamina aren't that great but the rest are much better than average.


Titles: Crazy Suicidal Maniac

Effects: Impiety Increased By 0.1 Chance of dying Increased Mental resistance decreased, Fear resistance increased

Job: Suicidal warrior

Skills: Sprint

Unique Skills: Regression Rank:?

Job skills: Will be gained after doing certain actions



I said with a surprised look on my face and at the same time with my mouth wide open as I saw my stats and noticed how much they rose I thought I became strong enough not to worry about what was lurking deeper inside the forest.

But I quickly came back to reality after seeing those ratings on my stats even though they were kinda infuriating to look at they still told me many things like how I shouldn't have divinity or impiety and how my stats would be considered in this world.

After some thinking to choose which direction to go I decided It didn't matter because I knew nothing about this world's geography so I would not know where civilization Is and any direction chosen will still have its dangers.

So I randomly chose a direction but this wasn't random at all I knew my luck was terrible thus I knew would most likely go to the most dangerous path either way.

I went deeper and deeper inside the forest but I found nothing.

They were no monsters, no signs of civilization, and no signs of life other than the plants.

This didn't stop me I went deeper into the forest anyway but before that, I found a stick and planted markings on the tree's so I knew where I came from and didn't lose my way If I had to run from a monster and return to where I was before.

At this point, I didn't fully trust my regression skill because I knew nothing about this world there might be a chance In this world your status bar can falsify information to you, or maybe not the status bar but the person who made It might place false information upon It.

This world wasn't a game so this could happen because unlike a game where the developer has to listen to the players this person doesn't he can do whatever he wants to.

While thinking about this I received a message well at least that's what the status bar said.

I didn't open it due to it being suspicious but something weird happened the message opened on its own and it said don't worry your regression skill Is real It will actually regress you 24 hours before death to prove this I have sent a monster to you which you will be incapable of handling at this level well you can try If you want okay that was all I want to say bye now and good luck surviving even if it's impossible.

"Well I knew something bad would happen due to my luck but I didn't expect this"

I said while sighing and wondering what I did wrong In his past life to deserve this.

"Okay enough with the sighing let's just try to survive"

I said while trying to be optimistic about this situation.

I went deeper inside the forest knowing what was awaiting me.

I knew I couldn't return to where I was before because the person who sent the message would probably send the monster to me.

So I kept going deeper and deeper In there I found a shrine and there was a message to me It said If you enter this shrine and survive or die I will send you to human civilization.

I tried to move to the side and avoid the shrine and keep walking but the second I walked a meter away from the shrine I was teleported back.

So I had no choice but to go in and when I went In I saw statues of many types of animals but these animals were different from the animals in our world they were much more grotesque and ferocious looking.

Eventually, I reached where the monster was but the monster didn't attack the second I entered instead It waited for me to come to It.

It was looking at me as If It was bored.

I was wary of It so I didn't attack but then It got up and It was all over In a second.

All I could see was my body without a head.

"What happened"

I was breathing heavily cause just a few moments ago I had died.

"Am I alive"

I said while touching my head to see if it was still attached.

I tried to calm myself down.

While was I doing that something popped up in front of my eyes.


Teleport to a random human civilization



I decided to teleport to a random human civilization because I had my regression skill even If they were hostile I could kill myself before I had teleported but I had to make sure I was ready before I teleported so I decided to hunt monsters because from what I know this world is like a game so there must be a leveling system and what if unlike games you have to gain that leveling system by hunting a monster like if only monsters had a leveling system but when you kill them you take their leveling system thus you begin having levels too.

That was my hypothesis and I was correct after hunting a monster It said a new feature unlocked levels and now stats will be converted into numbers and stat points will be gained for every level up.

"Open status bar"

I said to see the new feature.

I'm sorry if I have bad grammar but I hope you enjoy

Aderteouscreators' thoughts