
The Reincarnation Of The Third Son

The child which is least privileged in the house or you can say the youngest I was abused by my brothers and was never helped by my useless parents and at this moment I tried suicide.......To be continued in the story

Aderteous · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs

Human civilization(2)

"S-sir can you please tell me where I am"

John Smith said acting timid while putting both his hands together to act as If he was scared.

"You don't know where you are"

He said with a stern tone while holding onto his axe.


John Smith said with a fearful tone while looking at the axe.

"Don't be scared I won't hurt you"

He said In a worried tone while looking at his pitiful state.

"What happened to you"

The guard said.

John smith started to tell his fabricated story about him not remembering anything besides his name and profession he also told him about how he lost everything besides his money.

The guard let him In even though you would usually show some sort of identification but John Smith didn't due to his acting being extremely convincing the guard believed everything he said.

The guard told him to rest at an inn he knew and to get new identification papers the next morning.

After all of this John Smith got a new skill.

"Acquired Decievery skill rank rare"

He was pretty happy about this skill due to it being extremely useful.

When the night approached he went out wearing a robe and wearing a mask he also bleached his skin due to him being an extremely careful person.

He went to pubs to gather information.

He did this until morning then he killed himself so that nobody knew him at all because there always was a chance someone noticed him like I said he was an extremely careful person.

When he killed himself he got a title.

"Acquired Title Regresser"

He thought why didn't he get this title before when he died to that monster.

Then he thought maybe he didn't regress that time but someone else reversed time/regress time but made him keep his memories but this was just a hypothesis he thought.

This didn't matter now what was important right now was what was in front of me that was what he thought.

He retraced his actions from before and even fixed some of his mistakes here and there.

While he was doing this he thought he had to get rid of the penalty soon but he reset his kills but that didn't matter right now he could do the same amount again It wouldn't be hard.

"The second I leave this town I will gain that class"

He said In a determined tone while clenching his fist.

The night soon approached again but this time he wouldn't gather information because he already got all of the information he could.

This time he was going to see if the townspeople were hostile.

He was going to pretend to sleep and see if he was attacked, killed, or kidnapped it was a simple but effective plan.

He sensed someone entering the room and made his breathing similar to a person who is asleep.

The people who came were talking about how they were going to sell him as a slave to earn money and how happy they were to finally have a person come to their town.

He still pretended to be asleep due to him not knowing if the whole town was involved or if these people were working alone.

Soon he found out the whole town was involved due to the perpetrators saying how everyone In the town helped them and how they would share the profit with them.

He stopped pretending to be asleep and stood up.

"W-what you were awake"

The perpetrators became anxious and thus they stuttered.


He said In an extremely scared manner.

They tried to stab John with a paralyzing poison they succeeded well John let them to be exact.

John wanted to play with them before he killed them and he wanted them to learn what happens to people who mess with him.

"Plea-please don't kill me"

He said this while acting as If he was paralyzed and couldn't move his mouth so It could be understood very well.

"Oh look at this scaredy-cat"

One of the perpetrators said in an extremely mocking tone.

And the other perpetrator was just laughing at John.

John got bored of this charade pretty quickly so he decided It might as well be the time to kill them.

He stopped pretending to be paralyzed and walked to see what kind of reaction they would have on their faces.

"Wh-what how can you walk"

Both of the perpetrators said.

" "

John said nothing.

John kept walking toward them and then one of the perpetrators tried to stab him again with the dagger which had paralyzing poison on the tip.

John dodged this time and when he reached them he said.

"You shouldn't have tried to sell me as a slave"

He said with a vengeful tone while having a calm look on his face.

He then tortured the perpetrators for a while until they were begging him to kill them.

After they begged him to be killed for hours he finally killed them then he killed everyone in the town he didn't spare anyone not even the kids because they might try to avenge their parents.

He didn't like to leave loose ends so he burned the town because someone might investigate the deaths of these townspeople and they might find some kind of clue to find him.

After burning the town he wanted to find a place where he could hunt without any humans.

He thought of the forest he was in but he didn't know where it was.

Then a message came again.

It said I will give you the forests coordinates and magic which can tell you the coordinates of a place.

John said how will the coordinates of the place help.

A new message popped up.

It said you can create teleportation magic that requires coordinates.

John thought how would he create something like this and also thought why is this person helping me.

First, he asked the person why are you helping me.

A message popped up.

It said for entertainment.

John thought that sounds believable for now.

Next, he asked how to create magic.

A message popped up.

It said you have to imagine it.

John thought okay so this means I have to create magic that had functions like a GPS and then teleportation magic after that I would combine their functions.

Magic, where you can input some coordinates in it and then teleports you, didn't exist in this world due to this world being technologically behind than earth they didn't know what coordinates were and they didn't know what a GPS was so it wouldn't be possible to make magic like this.

It took him a long time but he created a new type of teleportation magic.


Teleportation coordinates:

DD (decimal degrees):

Latitude: 25.1457893

Longitude: 52.3451542

Lat, Long: 25.1457893,52.3451542

DMS (degrees, minutes, seconds):

Latitude: N 25 14 57.893

Longitude: E 52 34 51.542


He said the GPS part is complete now all I have to do Is imagine teleportation to the forest.

"Teleportation Initiating"

(A few moments later)

"Teleportation complete"

"I Did It"

He said in an extremely happy and relieved tone.

"Now I can teleport anywhere as long as I have the coordinates of the places"

He said very cheerfully

"Cold-hearted skill activating"

"Time to start hunting"

He said while having a calm expression due to his cold-hearted skill activating.

He started hunting and kept hunting for a year until he finally reached his quota of slaughtering a million beings.

He also gained these before when he finished the teleportation magic.

"Teleportation magic acquired"

"Coordinates magic acquired"

"Minimap acquired"