

"why ..why are you doing this"-i said with a weak tone of voice..

I was betrayed by my trusted comrades.Just because of royalty,wealth and rank..

"We are so sorry..but you are our hidrance"-The swordman said to me

"what make me a hidrance..?"-i said with weak tone of voice

"Why are you asking the fool question?"- he said to me

" it is because your appraisal skill"-he said to me

"but its doesn't matter now..because Jessica have taken your skill..."-He said to me..

" Yes,that true..with this skill i can become the mosy powerful Mage"-The Mage saying to me

"But do we need to do this to him..we can discuss about it"The Girl trying to persuade them..

" There is no need to discuss..even if we discuss about it..it is useless..why? ..because he doesn't have anything now..his skill have been taken by Jessica ..have you forgotten.."-The swordman saying to her..

"That's mean he is useless now"-The Mage Continue..

" But"-The girl still trying to persuade them

"SHUT UP"-The Mage said that with a angry tone of voice

" Why you keep protecting this man...he is useless now..!"-The Mage said..

"In fact,if this guy die i don't need to waste my mana to heal him" The Mage said

"If you really want to save him..why not stay with him"-the shielder said.

" Enough!"-I said

"Ouhh..look like you still alive"-The swordman trying to provoke me

At that moment,The Dungeon starting to destroyed..

" Lets get out from here"- The shielder said

"But"-The girl said

" Don't worry about me..i will be fine ..if i survived this..i will ask you to go out with me"-I said

The girl cry

"you need to survive..if you not i will kill you"-The girl said with sad tone of voice

"Alright .i promise"-i said..even i know that i can't fulfill the promise...

The Mage come to me and whisper..

"You know..I just want to cheer you a bit..so i give you some intresting thing.."-The Mage said

"What do yo mean?"- I said

" THE KING IS THE ONE WHO ORDER US TO KILL YOU"-The Mage said and laughing to me..

I can't talk anything...I feel like i was screaming asking for help ..

The Mage then leave me..

i was lying on the ground..my breathing have been block by the mage..my stomach have been stabbed by the swordman..

"If Only i have my old power"-I said

." I guess i try use my old magic as my last word"-I said.

I raised my hand.."Well, here goes nothing"-I said


-I said

"..its still don't work huh.."i said while closing my eye..

This is the end...


My breathing starting to normal..my wound have been recovered..

" Wait?!...how do i recover?!.."i sid with a surprise tone of voice..

"Is my old power work?"-I said..

I try to use one of my old power basic magic..


The shield appear in my body.....

"Its work.."-I said

" It mean i have regained my old power.."-I said with a Happy tone of voice.

I was relieve that i have regained my old power.. with this..i can survive this dungeon..



note*.(hi..i m sorry if my language is bad...because i still not mastered english....at first i want to use my native language but i want my story can be read by everyone..anyway...please support me...thank you