
Chapter 30

<the child was sure Ygghs was going to die. But this is not what he thought.

In fact for him it would only be simple and paradoxically complicated.

Because the little one said that the difficulty increases according to the people and their power.

So 2 factors to take into account so Ygghs had also said that the difficulty of the Labyrinth could change even if there was only one person.

If it was more or less strong. >

"_ here's a Guide. It was pretty hard not to notice."

<in fact the "Guide" wore either a wig of the Kings of France on the head or was to be noticed.

In addition he wore the same clothes.

All this was to lose the notion of "fashion" and bah bah done it did not even exist in this guy. >

"_ are you the guide?"

_ (Guide) yes it's me. What do you want man of the plebs? "

<he spoke arrogantly.

His head was ... Wait, but in fact it was the spitting image of Louix XIV. >

"_ I want you to take me and this child to a Labyrinth. Any.

_ (Guide) if you want. "

<at this moment the guide had made a gesture with his hand and a kind of green portal appeared.

It was oval in shape and was 2 meters high and 1.30 meters wide. >

"_ (Guide) good luck."

<Ygghs goes through the portal and so does the child. >

<a sensation had overwhelmed them. That feeling was the change of air. The child who had some knowledge of Labyrinths spoke a little. >

"_ (child) this is Labyrinth n ° 3.

He is renowned for being the one with the simplest starting rooms.

_ mmmm? There are 3 presence here. Finally "here".

In the whole Labyrinth there are 3 presences. Ha yes you told me you didn't know the exact number of rooms in a Labyrinth?

_ (child) [wonders what Ygghs could say] not just me but not everyone knows.

_ hooooo what if I told you that 100 years is too long to finish it? Nah, you know what we're going to finish it up a lot of times ...... Finally by "we" I mean "me" because you are of no use to me. "

<after that is odious words Ygghs knocked out the young man and he started to look around him. >

"_ ouaaa it's huge.

But on the other hand I see nothing. You have to shed some light on that, by the way, I'm going to use the energy of this world a little. "

<<< Kir Soh Farr >>>

<<< All the knowledge about magic invades me and I remember each of them >>>

.......................... ....

<after 10 minutes of finding out what he was in, Ygghs made a statement. >

"_ So I'm in a sort of not very big room, I will say 40m ^ 2 at most.

There is no light, but there are several corpses, moreover, only the skeleton remains.

And there is a 5 meter high gate.

Now the question is: how do I get out of this room? "

<Ygghs stayed put until something happened. If it took a while for something to happen or something had to be done for him. >

<after 2 minutes Ygghs heard a voice and it seemed like this voice was everywhere. >

"_ (unknown) Hello everyone. Finally if there are several of you.

You are currently at the very beginning of the Labyrinth and therefore in the 1st room.

You can name me: The Voice.

And I'm here to guide you to the end of the Labyrinth.

So in the 1st room, you have to complete a riddle about the creator.

It's a very simple riddle. And it's on the Hall Gate.

I wish you all good luck. "

<Ygghs was going to see the door. And watched carefully. And ....>

"_ (The Voice) I almost forgot.

Every room you go to finished. You will get a reward.

It's up to you. And it comes in a choice with 3 possibilities:

- A Power different from those you already have

- Knowledge

- An improvement in one of the skills you have and it is the one of your choice.

Well this time it's the right one, I'll leave you. "

<Ygghs arrives at the door. >

<It was 5 meters high and 2 meters wide. It was made of extremely durable materials. Well, it was just a deduction.

The inscription wasn't just the door itself but a sort of floating inscription. Like a kind of hologram. >

"_ [repeats what he reads] What was the name of our creator. Description: Our creator is a tall man, he was almost 4 meters high and over 1 meter 80 wide.

He had white hair. The eyeballs were black with a white cross-shaped pupil *.

His clothes were what he called a white and black suit.

He was serious all the time and there is a demon who is looking for him intensely. And since now Zoliars ** it is estimated that it is even much older than that. Since the more we advance in time the more we notice them. And currently we are up to 8'875 Zoliars. "

<Ygghs didn't even have to think about it. Since he had heard that before. When he arrived at his race. >

<He walks towards the door and speaks out loud. >

"_ The creator is called Yvdor Geirann."

<A voice began to be heard. A rather deep and heavy voice. >

"_ (a voice) Good answer. You can move on to the next room.

You will get a reward, choose between the 3 offered:

_ A capacity other than the one you currently have

_ Increase of a capacity that you have

_ Knowledge

What do you choose?

_ I am going to take an ability other than I don't have. "

<After saying that. A kind of light ray of circular shape and yellow color surrounded him. >

<And after 10 seconds Ygghs had additional capacity. That of seeing in the future. He had noticed it. Since he saw everything in advance. And the voice began to speak to him. >

"_ (The voice) I gave you an additional reward for the short time that you took. This ability allows you to see into the future. But then it will go away as soon as something is bad for you. is a skill that doesn't need to run. Since it launches on its own. It's passive, but you can cast it whenever you want too don't worry. "

<Ygghs was stunned. He just had to put energy in one eye or both to see the future. Or whenever anything happened to him it would kick in.

But she was restricted. Since it was only 5 seconds into the future. >

"_ (Voice) Please go to the next room I took you."

<the door, more than 5 meters high and 2 meters wide, began to open.

In fact it was a double door .. And where we saw the next room.

Ygghs gets inside and the voice starts to speak again. >

"_ (Voice) here there are the same number of doors as there are people in this room. And you have to find which door is the correct one.

I want to clarify, you can get out alive from wherever you decide to go. But you have no way back.

Are you ready ? I bring up the doors and get ready. "

<Since Ygghs had come to the Labyrinth with the youth. 2 doors appeared. So Ygghs had a one in two chance of getting the right door. >

"_ I'll take this one."

<Ygghs At this time Ygghs was standing in front of an ordinary door. And the 2nd door was flashy.

She was golden and extremely showy. While the one that was right in front of our character. It was a very basic door. A door that you or I can have. >

<Ygghs comes through the door. >

"_ still in complete darkness?

Now that I tell myself. It will take a long time to complete the Labyrinth.

But let's move on and ..... !!! "

<just then Ygghs was voting the future. >

<and a banal trap from a trunk of wood rushing at a person was going to fall on him right in the body. >

"_ It will come from the right!"

<Ygghs takes a few steps back and sees the trunk pass in front of him. >

<the trunk was not coming back from where it was. >

"_ anyway I will go through the door!"

<For some reason unknown to him, Ygghs was sort of excited, like a child who has just received a gift and rushed to open it. >

"_ (Voice) Now that you've gone through the doors. The 2nd room challenge can finally begin.

You will have to do it alone. You will have no clue.

Good luck. "

<after "The Voice" said this Ygghs was starting to feel some kind of energy. >

"_ what is that ??? "

<Ygghs saw a mythical beast in front of him.

It was a dragon. And at the same time he saw the hall changed. >

"_ is she growing up? Or ...

No, she's growing up. The dragon is very clearly the cause.


Is she still growing? It's a joke but will she cut it? "

<Ygghs waited a few minutes and saw the room getting bigger and bigger. >

<He saw the room stop growing and The voice spoke up. And it was brief. >

"_ (The Voice) As I speak to you. The room has stopped growing, currently it is the size of a small Universe. It is about 2 times smaller

Without any problem like: Nebulae, black holes. And there is oxygen.

You must defeat the Dragon in front of you.

Good luck. To yes I almost forgot if you are lucky the dragon soul will choose you as the new carrier and therefore you will have what the dragon had. "

<At this point Ygghs saw the dragon and he was making some estimates. >

"_ it must be about the size of a planet.

It is completely black with red lines.

I imagine its body is red and it has black scales, and it looks like it has 2 layers.

Her eyes were white and her pupils were black too. He had horns in the shape of very slightly distorted right angles and placed on the sides of his head.

And at the end they come back slightly upwards.

And it gives an air of murderous envy. But not just one murder, several incessant cravings.

Rather stylish the guy eh. "

<after that Ygghs saw the dragon staring at him intently. Even though he was extremely small, the dragon was not a problem. >

<and there was a bigger problem, The voice said we would get what the dragon had if the soul chose us.

But what does the dragon have? >

<to know that Ygghs had to try to do something. And that is what he did. >

"_ so to start .....

What am I going to do ? Ha yes that !! "

<at this very moment Ygghs had the idea to send a ray of magical energy. >

"_ no need for technique for that."

<Ygghs sends the ray and something happened. And it was rather unusual. >

"_ what ?? The ray comes back to me? And why does my ability to see into the future not kick in ??

He .... He BLOCKED IT!

That's why I can't see into the future even on my own accord.

Hop there I dodge and that's it. Okay now what is ..... HAA WHAT IS THIS? ''

<Ygghs had just received something on the back. >

"_ My beam came back to me? Wait? It returns the beams and returns them to homing? Is this a joke?

Well, I'm going to pick up speed by jumping from basic to parallel dimensions. "

<doing this Ygghs was in several places at the same time '.

Which is in itself false since there is movement and it is so fast that it leaves an afterimage behind it. >

"_ so my dear dragon? How are you going to follow me .... [takes a slap]

BUT WHAT ??? how can he follow me at this speed? How does he see what dimensions I will be in ??

It is not possible. Would he also have some ability to see into the future?

If not how is this possible because ....

_ (dragon) human. You are weak, do you know that?

I thought they were going to send me someone powerful with what I was told, but not at all.

_ is it a joke? How do you follow me?

Each time I find myself on a different existential plane.

_ (dragon) don't you understand? It does not matter I will explain quickly.

When you change dimension. You only aim for temporality. You are not aiming for space. You may have a possibility of being able to bypass the time. But the space still blocked your movements. Which makes you so slow.

Since I am not affected by this one, the fact that you change temporality does not matter to me.

_ But ? But it's illogical even if I change the weather. You should be hit!

_ (dragon) even for that don't you know? It's incredible. Well I continue, I am in each of the higher dimensions so that you may change no matter how I would touch you anyway. And I am also 10 seconds in the past, in the present and 10 seconds in the future. And you have certainly noticed that you cannot see into the future. "

<Ygghs was surprised. It was the first time he had seen someone so calm in front of him who might even be superior. >