
Chapter 17

'' _ ready?

Are you ready because if .....


<STRANGE people appeared out of nowhere for the other participants but for Ygghs it was different>

'' _ (participant) What are you doing ?? Aren't the organizers supposed to protect us?

_ (organizer) since when?

_that's good I take care of it bunch of useless

_ (organizer) who are you and .... Ho damn it is QUUUUUUOI CAAAAAAAAA ????????

<<< Gir Lar Darr >>>

<<< Creation of a star >>>

<<< attack amplification * 10'000 + eternal amplification * 5 every second >>>

_ (organizer) the ..... The ... The ta ..... Taaaaille of the thing these big ... Very big.

_you think it big ?! Hahahahahaha it's immensely small. Here, look. ''

<<< amplification of the attack * 3'000 >>>

''_so ? The even * 3'000 bigger, what does it do to you?

Hahahahahahahahah come on


I am your World King.

If any of you believe me then I will show you otherwise. "

<Ygghs sends the star and he held it for 93 seconds>

<which makes: 1 star * 10'000 * (5 * 93) * 3'000 and therefore this star is equivalent to: 13'950'000'000 stars in one>

<the damage from this star was so enormous that even several galaxy clusters were too small to compare. It took an entire universe for it to be comparable>

_ (unknown) it's ..... It's ....... It's the [fainted]

_ (unknown) He ... He .... Must pre ...... Warn .... The ..... The chief

_ (unknown) HE BLUFF GUYS YOU WILL NOT LET YOU HAVE HE LIES THE WORLD-KING AT LEAST 2 PUPILS OF INFINITY REGAAAAARDEZ LEEEEE [this stranger's voice grew weaker and weaker when he looked at The World-King in the face ]

Heeuuu I said nothing

_ (unknown) heuuu is that what who who who who he has 4 and his pupils are superimposed. He's the foolish World King

_Decline your identity and your group.

_ (unknown) you are already supposed to know

_it is not for me but for others. I already know you. So ? Declare your identity now.

_ (unknown) we do not tell .....


I'm going to do a 1 on 1 with you and I'll just win it.

_ha who is it? Well anyway you're too weak. You can't even make me close my eyes. ''

<Ygghs started to look at his enemy and ....>

<< '' _why do I know everything about her when I didn't even want it? Is it thanks to my pupils? And .... >>

<A voice began to echo in Ygghs head>

_ (unknown) yes it is thanks to your pupils. Do you know why we call them the pupils of infinity?

_no I can't remember. Why ?

_ (unknown) simply because it brings you an infinite amount of knowledge about what you are looking at and you have an energy in happy expansion.

In addition you have the 4 so you will reach the heights that you created but never could reach.

_who are you ?

_ you didn't recognize my voice? I am L'Étoile D'Alcane. It's time for you to regain some of your power, right? Now you don't even have the level as when you were a baby before your reincarnation.

Let's make a total pact or you can never get it all back. Get ready. ''

<The Etoile D'Alcane finished the pact that was in progress with Ygghs. >

<when ​​this pact was over Ygghs had a white aura hanging around him. A white aura and extremely large and oppressive to the point that a lot of the concept around him was getting confused.

The dead were coming back to life.

Fear turned to joy. And vice versa

Vice became goodness.

Hope was turning to depression. People were getting unlucky and denigrating themselves.

The elements that were stable exploded and made sort of elemental spikes.

And finally all the people from the Keskokarr group were frightened just by saying the first letter of the World King's first name. >

<The World King had completely resurfaced in this lower world>

<but after making this pact, for the World King to return. L'Étoile D'Alcane had to sacrifice itself. And even though Ygghs knew it he was in an intense rage>

'' _ [Pissed off] I. All those who are not happy that I am the King-World speak out and that he takes his courage in both hands.

_ (organizer) the .... The ... The elements are destroyed ... They .... They .... They separate and destroy each other. But ... But how is that possible? ......... ''

<the pressure that Ygghs was simply his presence and not his energy, it was so compressed on itself that ... that the Keskokarr group was forced to fall back because of the death toll>

<was the presence that it crushed the weakest to the ground and the ground split, destroyed itself, disappeared>

'' _ [angry] (sigh *) well she came to my aid relentlessly and continuously.

To do you honor. I will give you their life. "

<Ygghs was starting to throw his energy out of him>

"_ [flood as hard as he can] HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.

_ (organizer) he ... He ... Our ears ...... I have maaaaal .... How is it ... ...? We hear it when it is in a parallel dimension where the sound does not exist and ... And we hear it how is it done? We shouldn't hear it. But why ?

_ (Lyona) all simply because his presence causes the dimensions to be linked and therefore the dimension in which he is and the one in which you find yourself become one.

_ (organizer) but ..... But it is not possible to have so much energy.

_ (Lyona) and say that he is far from his maximum yet.





'' _... I forgot him

_ (Larabos) then old shnock still alive?

_as you can see yes I am and in full health moreover.

'' You're supposed to be long dead.

_you want me to remind you that I am immortal? I can only die if you destroy absolutely everything and therefore your life too.

It's the only way to kill me. And when I talk about everything, that's absolutely everything. Without exception.

Go young boy go back to your cradle with your mother ....

Ha bah no she died I forgot. YOU killed her.

_ motherfucker you're starting over with that.

And your DAUGHTER she's fine [mockingly]

_she is currently maintaining the balance between all the universes but it's okay.

_ let me laugh. How many universes are there?

_ hmmm it seems to me to have created a hell of a lot and as soon as there is one that is destroyed, she recreate it. And that's roughly 13 universes for every second.

You on the other hand you are weak you have inherited only my pure strength and nothing else you always disappoint me.

_ I disappoint you? But even in a most complex situation I beat you without difficulty.

_ just try brat "

<Ygghs and his son want to kill each other. May there be only one left alive.

But the answer was known in advance since>

<<< Check scenar >>>

<<< The scenario of this fiction will not interest me, the deleted would be better. >>>

<<< Time Matrix >>>

<<< The time spent since the start of the World Tournament is destroyed and we go back in time before the World Tournament begins >>>

<after this last attack was pronounced, the sequel which was intended for the fiction was deleted, it was no more. I had to rewrite one on occasion. >

.............. .............. .............. ......

"Everyone was touched by these abilities"

<they were going back. But not just them. But everything that could be touched was touched>

<The scenario had changed completely>

<Ygghs had confused the storyline. Time and space were confused and the dimensions were no longer connected to each other>

<the scenario confusion meant that only Ygghs knew what had happened. >

<but Ygghs already knew what was going to happen. >

<Just before everything goes back in time and space falls back into place. Lyona, understood something.

Ygghs Lord-Phoenix is ​​the creator since he is at the base of everything but he had to be born somewhere but where? How? 'Or' What ? Did he have any congeners? Where was he born since he wanted to? >

<but Lyona .......>

'' _It's okay you can stop you know?

No one in this world can know what I did anymore. Isn't that Author?

<it is true that I do not need to continue.

But why did you stop the scenario? Just to talk to me? What do you want ?

_I will wish but reincarnated again. Either way I can do it without you wanting to.

Simply because I am you but you are not me.

If I wish you can disappear from your world whatever way I use.

Well if not, it was to tell you that the next world I'm going to go to will be a Palésion * (* I want to clarify as the Author of this novel. I create words but I give them a meaning. Like you have been able to see it I have already done) to this world.

Basically it will be a parallel world to this one but it will be totally different.

It's understood ?

<Do you want to create a Palésion? Good as you want. I'm not gonna stop you.

It could occupy me as well as the readers.

And when do you want to create this Palésion? >

_Ho in not long.

Well take back what you were saying otherwise this text will no longer have meaning ''

<this is what I planned to do basic>

<I said? Ha yes>

<But Lyona absolutely wanted to know where Ygghs came from. >

'' _Good I arrived before the World Tournament and since I know that one of my sons intends to kill me, well I would prevent him. And....

_ heuu Ygghs?


_ during this tournament there will be the Keskokarr group which intends to attack us.

You committees do ....

_ I know they plan to attack us.

What I intend to do is just destroy them before the World Tournament starts and it will be very easy. I just need to spot them somewhere.

_ but they can be in any of the parallel dimensions you created. Any one and in addition you did not create only 2 dimensions but more than 150,000. And.....

_ waits ! How do you know they're gonna attack us?

And you have room to be sure too

How did you go about confirming this assumption?

_ Ho hahaha you are insightful.

_ so you're not Lyona.

Where is she ?

_ she's been away for a long time, but elsewhere.

If you want to come and get her come to me when you win this tournament.

Don't worry about her in a place you know well but which one? Go know Hahaha go I'll let you.

_ Author ? Will you let me kill her?

<do as you want I told you>

_ nickel thank you ''

<<< Lock memory >>>

<<< I go to my upper and alternative memory. Searching for a place that I know well >>>


'' _ Heuuu there are so many

<it is finally your home your old home before you have to create everything you have now. >

_ Oh yes ? Thank you, I don't have to search my memory.

<remember at least part of your life because you forgot so much.

Do this before. You create a clone and you send it to battle and during this time you take back the most memories>

_ give me no order. But I will do it anyway. ''

<<< Gir lar Darr >>>

<<< Creation of a clone >>>

<<< Check historia >>>

<<< Handling a story >>>

'' _ from now on you have your own story. And you're going to take my place for a while. Just the tournament time don't worry.

_ Thank you for bringing the real one to life, I will do absolutely anything you want. ''

<Ygghs resumed a good part of his memories.

Which gives more than: 5.83 * 10 ^ 222.

That is a huge number of memories. And in about 20 days>