
Chapter 4

How could this be happening? Scarlett thought desperately as she sat paralyzed in class. Her new professor bore such an unnerving resemblance to her abusive adoptive father that she found herself transported back to those dark days.

She had tried to ignore the similarities at first, convincing herself it was merely a coincidence. But her instincts had been right - just being near this man filled her with a visceral panic. Every fiber of her body screamed at her to flee.


It transpired a month ago, when Scarlett was gradually settling into her new life at the university. Privileged with a dorm room all to herself, her status as the duke's daughter undeniably played a role in securing such preferential treatment. She paid no mind to the accusations of favoritism, nor did she concern herself with the fact that most of her dormmates had their own roommates. Why should she allow such trivial matters to occupy her thoughts?

Indeed, Scarlett reveled in the advantages that her newfound wealth bestowed upon her, a luxury she had not experienced in her previous existence. The mere thought of it uplifted her spirits. Her schedule lay before her on the bed, a convenience that spared her the need to visit the office, if one even existed. Scarlett attended her classes as expected, without any encounters with the Crown Prince.

Content in her solitude, or so she believed, Scarlett found herself trailed by the persistent presence of her bothersome "friends," remnants of the original Scarlett's social circle. The sudden influx of people overwhelmed her, particularly since Alison, in her former life, had seldom enjoyed the company of friends. However, she gradually grew accustomed to the newfound camaraderie.

Her first semester bore the weight of five courses: Algebra, English 1, Chemistry, Art, and Communication. Scarlett anticipated the forthcoming challenges with a sense of dread, particularly regarding Algebra and English. It appeared that this semester would demand her utmost dedication, sparing her no remorse. She begrudgingly acknowledged that some advantages were given to her while others were lost—a sentiment she had learned to accept.


The crack of dawn marked the commencement of Scarlett's first class: Algebra. Being far from a morning person, she couldn't suppress her annoyance at such an early start. However, as the second period rolled around, her irritation lessened slightly. It was during the third period, though, that everything took a turn for the worse.

Upon entering the room and casting her gaze upon the figure of her professor, Scarlett was struck with disbelief. The words "What the fuck" involuntarily escaped her lips upon realizing that her Chemistry professor bore an uncanny resemblance to the man who had haunted her dreams—the specter of her adoptive father from a bygone life.

She struggled to steady her breathing, her heart pounding erratically within her chest. "Calm down," she whispered to herself, acutely aware that this was not Alison's life, and the man before her was not Alison's adoptive father. She was Scarlett Katerina Selva now, and she couldn't afford to succumb to such emotions. "That man hasn't done anything to you, Scarlett," she reasoned with herself, attempting to quell the rising unease. Yet, a whisper from the depths of her mind, carried by the voice of Alison, interjected, "Not yet..."

No. Scarlett vehemently rejected the intrusive thought. She took a deep breath, summoning her composure. "Scarlett... MISS SCARLETT!" Finally, the professor's voice penetrated her consciousness. "Yes, professor," she responded, her tone remarkably composed, despite the inner turmoil. "I was taking attendance, and I know the infamous Scarlett Katerina Selva is in our midst. So why didn't you respond, Miss Scarlett?" Professor Campbell inquired.

"I apologize, professor. I'm not feeling well. May I be excused to get some fresh air?" she replied, her voice tinged with sincerity.

"That won't do, Miss Scarlett. I require your undivided attention. However, if your health is compromised, you may step outside momentarily for some fresh air. I understand that first days can be nerve-wracking. Just ensure you return promptly, within a span of no more than 10 minutes," the professor responded.

"Thank you, professor. I will be back shortly," Scarlett acknowledged, offering him a kind smile.


Indeed, she reminded herself, this professor was not her adoptive father. He exuded a kindness that stood in stark contrast to the memories of her past. "I thought the same way about my adoptive parents, and look where that got me," echoed Alison's voice in her mind.

Scarlett instinctively wrapped her arms around herself, seeking solace. "He cannot be like my father. He cannot be like my father," she repeated, utilizing the mantra as a source of reassurance.

With cautious steps, she reentered the classroom, maintaining her wariness towards the professor but gradually adapting to the unfamiliar environment.


A month had passed since then, and Scarlett gradually shed her caution around Professor Campbell. In a rather unexpected turn of events, she even found herself warming up to him to some extent. Alongside this, she and the Crown Prince had devised a plan, meticulously coordinating their schedules and strategizing how to avoid each other's presence.

They had agreed to meet every two weeks to share any progress made towards breaking off the engagement. Additionally, Scarlett had discovered her passion for chemistry, a subject she had not encountered during her high school years. Its intriguing nature captivated her, and she reveled in the enjoyment it brought. Though burdened by the demands of her coursework, she managed to navigate the stress and maintain a semblance of equilibrium.

However, her newfound tranquility shattered abruptly, dissipating as swiftly as it had manifested. It happened so fast. One moment, Scarlett was engaged in the pleasures of her school life, only to find herself alone in her classroom with Professor Campbell the next. To her horror, he began to force himself upon her, violating her personal boundaries without consent. He hurled derogatory insults, branding her as a whore. "I knew you were a whore the moment you walked into my classroom," he sneered. "You desire this just as much as I do. Do not be afraid."

Disgust coursed through her veins as she grappled with the overwhelming question of how this could have happened. She berated herself for allowing such a heinous act to occur, feeling a profound sense of weakness and helplessness. His weight pressed upon her delicate frame. She wanted to scream but she couldn't find her voice in the moment. In the midst of this harrowing ordeal, just as she believed she was on the verge of losing yet another precious part of her life, the door swung open, revealing Elliot standing there.

He unleashed a torrent of anger towards the professor, swiftly launching a punch that propelled him away from Scarlett. Activating the emergency button in the classroom, Elliot subdued the professor until help arrived, throwing his uniform vest to Scarlett as a gesture of protection.

Tears streamed down her face as she continued to weep, tormented by the realization that even in this world, her status as the daughter of a multimillionaire could not shield her from such atrocities. The presence of despicable individuals seemed to permeate every corner, a truth she was painfully aware of. She chastised herself for allowing her guard to slip, for feeling a sense of comfort around the professor. She should have heeded Alison's warnings, listened to her intuition. As footsteps approached the classroom, Scarlett succumbed to unconsciousness, her final thoughts echoing, "I will never allow this to happen again."

This took a turn for the worst. I hope no one is triggered by what I wrote just now. Criticism is accepted tho. Please comment down below. I hope you appreciate this chapter. Thank you for reading.

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