
Chapter 3

Scarlett, overcome by weariness, sank onto her bed. Today had been a long and eventful day, she mused. As of yet, she had not devised a concrete plan. However, she had managed to persuade the crown prince to collaborate with her in annulling their engagement.

Closing her eyes, Scarlett delved into her thoughts, reflecting upon her extensive knowledge of the game. Curiously, she couldn't recall its name, but she possessed an intimate understanding of every route she had traversed countless times in her previous existence as Alison.

The story focused on a hardworking female protagonist who, through merit alone, had earned a coveted scholarship to the prestigious Cape Town University despite humble origins. As the daughter of farming peasants, she had excelled at her underfunded local high school through academic determination alone.

Scarlett reminisced how the heroine's parents had toiled relentlessly over the years to support her scholarly passions, believing firmly in the power of education to change their daughter's fortunes. Their faith in her was rewarded when the maiden was selected as one of the pioneering students in the university's new scholarship program.

Why the university carried the name "Cape Town" remains a mystery to Scarlett, but its distinctiveness certainly aids recollection. While she struggled to recall the female lead's name, her face remained etched in Scarlett's memory. With her flowing blonde hair, mesmerizing greenish eyes, and the signature style of two large braids, she possessed a captivating beauty. Notably, her enchanting smile featured the most delightful dimples.

She remembers the protagonist possessed a kind and generous spirit. It was on her first day exploring the campus grounds that fate brought her crossing paths with Crown Prince Elliot in rather ridiculous circumstances. Witnessing a stray cat trapped in a tree, she attempted to climb the tree to rescue it, only to find herself stranded when the feline easily leapt to freedom. Just then, a branch snapped under her weight, sending her tumbling right into the prince's arms.

The whole scenario seemed cliché, and Scarlett couldn't help but question why Alison had been so captivated by the story. The female lead's willingness to entertain Elliot's flirtations, despite knowing of his engagement - arranged or not - struck both women as rather homewrecking and manipulative. Though the tale promoted wholesome values overall, certain behaviors gave Scarlett pause, even if hormonal Alison had been too swept up in the fantasy to notice at the time.

The breach of girl code was indeed a disheartening. The audacity of the female lead to portray herself as a victim while actively pursuing Prince Elliot's affections, despite his well-known engagement, is truly perplexing. Granted, Scarlett's reaction upon discovering the female lead's existence may have been excessively harsh, resorting to acts of bullying and even pushing her down the stairs. However, it is understandable that a woman, who harbors genuine feelings for a man publicly acknowledged as betrothed, would not idly stand by and allow another woman to encroach upon his life.

Scarlett's actions were indefensible, I must admit. Nevertheless, the female lead's behavior remains inexcusable as well. Alison had initially held a fondness for the female lead, but her allegiance gradually shifted towards Scarlett. She recognized the female lead's role as a home-wrecker, someone who callously disrupted Scarlett's engagement.

Perhaps this is why Alison assumed the identity of Scarlett in her own way. In a peculiar manner, Alison found solace in Scarlett's life. It was sad. But it was her sad truth. Scarlett felt a tearful at that. And fell asleep sobbing.


Before Scarlett knew it, the first day of university had arrived. She felt waves of nerves crashing over her, knowing all too well that today the fated meeting between Crown Prince Elliot and the heroine would commence, setting the plot into chaotic motion.

Since their conversation about dissolving her engagement, Scarlett had not heard from the prince. Now she bade a tearful goodbye to her weeping mother, held tightly in her father's comforting embrace.

At least she could take solace that unlike her past reincarnations, she was not embarking upon lower schooling but university directly. The thought brought her some relief - she had no desire to relive childhood or adolescence again after all Alison had endured.

High school remained an uneasy memory. Though Alison's teachers had adored her, there were days when she couldn't help but curse them for burdening her with excessive work. She would mourn never attending the prestigious Harvard, her dream as Alison. But Cape Town University, though its name amused her, would be another chance to thrive academically as the best of the best, excelling in whatever field called to her.

With a bracing breath, Scarlett steadied her nerves and set off toward her dorms, determined to prosper in this new chapter and rewrite her predetermined path through skill and perseverance alone.

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