
Chapter 2

Sitting across from Scarlett was Crown Prince Elliot Alberto Coleridge, heir to the Coleridge kingdom. He was exceptionally handsome, with enticingly blue eyes that seemed able to stare into her very soul and make her shy from their intensity.

The Crown Prince had striking black hair and a sharp jawline accentuated by his high-bridged nose. With his flawless features, he could have easily graced the covers of Vogue—the game's rendering of him did no justice to his real-life looks.

As Scarlett sipped her tea, admiring the prince surreptitiously, an awkward silence hung between them. Their conversation could go in many directions. She could let him end the engagement to save herself from her predetermined fate, or continue suffering in it. Either way, she would need to act accordingly while playing her role as the villainous—not too perfectly, but enough to be exiled and forge her own destiny free of familial pressures and obligations.

After a long moment, the Crown Prince spoke. "Let me start by saying I'm sorry for what I said. I didn't mean to affect you in that way." He watched her carefully but Scarlett remained still and silent.

He continued, "I was devastated at the thought you'd never wake". However, she interjected, halting his words, "My collapse had nothing to do with what you said. I was already afflicted by a headache long before you sat down and broached such nonsense. So spare me your feigned solemnity, for we both know that you harbor no genuine concern. In fact, you likely wished for me to remain in that coma indefinitely—"

The prince interrupted, "That is not true, Scarlett. I genuinely fretted over your well-being. I see you're angry, which is fair, but I never ignored your feelings intentionally. This engagement was arranged without our consent since childhood. It all feels so suffocating. After all, we have been engaged since our tender years, and I discerned the presence of affection within your heart. Nevertheless, I chose to disregard it, as the weight of this arranged union, orchestrated by our respective families without our input, proved overwhelming."

Was he reading from a script? He sounds so convincing. I almost fell for it all over again. Almost.

Everything the Crown Prince said rang true. Scarlett couldn't deny that in her past life as the original Scarlett, she had genuine feelings for him. Who was she kidding, judging Alison for ending her life over a man, when Scarlett herself would have probably done the same for the Crown Prince? With his bedroom eyes that seemed to defy physics, who wouldn't fall for him?

She looked directly into those eyes and stated firmly, "Listen, Crown Prince Elliot. You need to get over yourself. I do not harbor feelings for you anymore. This engagement was an obligation I was trained for, nothing more. If you want to end it, by all means do so - you're the heir to the kingdom, who could deny your request? Plenty of women would throw themselves at you, so I don't actually care what you decide."

The Crown Prince stared at her in shock. The Scarlett he knew had been so infatuated with him that she bullied any other women who showed interest. In my own defense, I must admit that I was specifically designed to behave in such a manner. It was ingrained within my character. But now, I resolve to amend my ways. Even on my best days, I can acknowledge my past behavior as nothing short of unpleasant. Even on my best days I tend to act like a bitch.

After a moment, the Crown Prince replied, "Breaking off our engagement would not be a simple task, as it would require immense effort and power. You are the sole daughter of the powerful Silva family, the most influential ducal lineage. My father would never allow such a formidable alliance to slip away."

Indeed, rumors abound about the Silva family, whispers of royal blood flowing through their veins from a distant land, signifying their opulent lineage. While my knowledge of such matters remains limited, given the circumstances, breaking off the marriage seems an insurmountable task.

She met Elliot's gaze. "Then why did you say you planned to end the engagement, knowing all this?" A valid inquiry, no doubt - with Elliot's throne challenged by his brother and the kingdom divided between two powerful factions.

Elliot was silent for a long moment. "Though I have no power to annul it alone, there may be ways to dissolve the contract," he conceded.

Scarlett moved to reply but he continued, "I simply have yet to find a viable path. But together, perhaps we could explore options."

Another bout of silence ensued.

"Let us work as allies then, both wishing to be freed from this obligation," Scarlett agreed.

Elliot smiled too brightly. "It is decided. I have lingered here too long - there is much for me to manage at the capital. I will see you when the school term begins, Lady Scarlett." He pressed a polite kiss to her hand.

Scarlett refused to acknowledge the warmth rising in her cheeks at his gentlemanly treatment, despite her best efforts. Some instincts died harder than others, it seemed.

Thank you for reading :)

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