
The reincarnated swordsman's growth log~

Yutozaki Shimura is a 16-years-old swordsman from Kyoto. He was practicing sword with his father when the police rushed in and arrested them. He tried to retaliate, but failed and got shot in the process. "Eh, where am I?" "You're in the world of the dead. I'm the Angel, Estalica." "Ehhhhhhhh?" What will happen to Shimura? Nothing could possibly go wrong, right?

OsakiYT · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs

Chapter 2: I met the Archangel.

I woke up in a completely white "room". It's not even a "room", it's a whole world. The sky is still blue though. It felt like I was on some kind of platform that's near to the sky.

"So you're up?"

I turned around. It was a girl, seemingly of my age. She has amber hair, magenta eyes and her skin is as white as snow. She might even blend into this white world if she lays on the ground and covers her head. She was wearing a long blue dress, and there are white wings behind her back. Hmm, is she an Angel? There's no floating circle above her head though.

"Let me introduce myself. I'm Estalica, and I'm in charge of the life cycle on Earth. It seems that you have just died. I guess you know how."

"Yes, I got shot. But wow, I never expected that I would see an Angel in my life."

It kinda sucks that I'm already dead. Well, there's nothing I could do about it so...

"You will be reincarnated into a new world, don't worry."

Eh, she can read my thoughts?

"Yes, I can. Now into the real business. There are 5 worlds you could choose to reincarnate into. I will line them up on the ground for you to choose."

After she said that, 5 sheets of paper appeared and laid themselves on the ground. Hmm, interesting.

The first world is called Angkar. Currently, there's a war going on between the beastmen and the humans. I don't like the thought of this. There's a "Bonus" section, but nothing is written there.

The next one is called Valaris. It's peaceful, but the living condition is poor. It seems like this world was only created 300 years ago. Nope. Definitely no.

The third is Astellis. This world is the same as the Earth in the Middle Ages. Hoh, there's magic. The "Bonus" section reads: "If you reincarnate in this world, there's a 50/50 chance that you will reincarnate as a hero. The Demon King is about to be reborn, so you will have strong buffs to help you defeat her."

Wait, her? The Demon King is a "her"? Yep. I'm in. No need to mention the next two. I'm in for this one.

"Umm, Estalica-san? I wanted to reincarnate in this 'Astellis' world. Is it OK?"

"Sure. But you will have to roll a dice. If it's larger than 3, you will become the hero. But if it's lower, then you will be a normal person. But don't worry. Even if you become a normal guy, you can still choose your occupation and you get to choose 3 buffs from the buff list."

Alright. I can do this. Luck-san, pleaseeeeee helpppppp meeeeee.

"Roll, roll, roll."

It's a two. TWO.



"Oh, looks like luck is not on your side today. But well, here's the job list and buff list."

She handed me the two lists. Wow, there's a lot.

One job caught my eyes though: Swordsman.

Well, I have already know the basics, so I guess I'll choose that.

[Occupation set: Swordsman]

Great! Now, moving on to the buff list.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. In that world, people call it {skill}, OK?"

Skill. Yep, got it. What should I choose now?

Oh, {Skill Steal} seems OK. Let's get that one. And the {Complete Manipulation} too. I don't know what that does, but it sounds really cool. Also, let's get the {Evolve} skill too. Again, what does that actually do?

[New skill acquired: Skill Steal]

[New skill acquired: Complete Manipulation]

[New skill acquired: Evolve]

Yep, they're all here.

"If you wanted to see your stats, just think {Stats} and a transparent board will appear. That world has this too, but with {Stats}, only you can see it, and others can only see if you let them. You can also alter your stats by {Stats Hide}. It will only change the display, and you can use that to fool others. To see more information, tap on the skill or blessing you wanted to see and the information will appear."

[New skill acquired: Stats]

[New skill acquired: Stats Hide]

[New blessing acquired: Blessing of the Archangel]

Wait, a blessing?

"That will increase your luck and will protect you from bad gods. Don't ask."

OK, sure. I guess that's all.

"Alright, let's reincarnate you. Bye. We will meet soon."

She waved at me and before I could wave back, my vision started to blur, and I lost my consciousness.