
The Reincarnated Mage: Path to Power

The Reincarnated Mage: Path to Power is a story about a young boy named Ash who is reincarnated into a world of magic after dying in a terrorist attack in his previous life. In this new world, magic is known to everyone and some daily tasks are accomplished using magic. The talent to sense mana, the energy that fuels magic, is ranked from 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest. Ash is gifted with a talent of rank 4, making him a promising wizard. The story follows Ash's journey as he attends a prestigious magic academy, where he learns to harness his abilities and climb the ranks of wizardry. Along the way, he makes new friends and faces many challenges and obstacles. Ash's best friend, Jin, has a rank 3 talent, and together they navigate the complexities of magic and life at the academy. As Ash progresses through the academy, he discovers that to advance in ranks, he needs to have a certain level of mental power. He learns that he can increase his mental power through meditation or by drinking high-quality potions, which only nobles can obtain. Ash also comes across a meditation manual that reveals a dark secret: sacrificing a wizard can give a tremendous boost to one's mental power. As Ash struggles with the ethical implications of this discovery, he is also faced with the threat of an ancient evil that is slowly awakening. With the help of his friends and mentors, Ash must hone his abilities and prepare for a battle that could determine the fate of the entire world. The Reincarnated Mage: Path to Power is a thrilling tale of magic, friendship, and self-discovery, as Ash navigates his way through a world full of wonder and danger.

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Test of Will

As the week of preparation for the Test of Will came to a close, Ash and Jin felt ready for the challenge. They had trained hard, meditated, and studied tirelessly in preparation for this moment.

The Test of Will was an important step for any aspiring wizard. It was a way to determine if a person had the determination and strength of will necessary to become a wizard. The test was simple: to withstand the pressure of a magical force and resist it with all their might.

On the day of the test, Ash and Jin arrived at the academy's courtyard, where the test was to take place. There were several other young wizards-in-training there, all waiting for the test to begin.

The headmaster of the academy, a wise and powerful wizard named Master Arin, approached the group. He explained the rules of the test and warned them that it would not be an easy feat. The pressure they would face would be immense, and only those with strong wills would be able to pass.

Master Arin then proceeded to create a magical barrier around the group. The barrier shimmered and glowed, and Ash could feel the magical force emanating from it. It was unlike anything he had ever felt before, and it made him shiver with anticipation.

"Are you ready?" Master Arin asked, his voice echoing through the courtyard.

Ash and Jin nodded, their faces set with determination.

"Very well," Master Arin said. "Let the test begin."

The pressure inside the barrier suddenly increased, and Ash felt like he was being crushed under a heavy weight. He gritted his teeth and tried to push back against the force. He focused all his energy and willpower on resisting the pressure.

He could hear the sounds of other students struggling around him, but he kept his focus. He closed his eyes and concentrated on the strength within him, the same strength that had allowed him to reach rank 1 in such a short amount of time.

Time seemed to slow down as the pressure intensified. Ash could feel his muscles straining, his bones creaking under the weight. But he refused to give up. He refused to let the pressure defeat him.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the pressure began to subside. Ash opened his eyes and gasped for air. He looked around and saw that several students had dropped out of the test, unable to withstand the pressure.

Jin, however, was still standing strong. He had a look of intense focus on his face, and Ash knew that he would not be defeated so easily.

The pressure intensified again, and Ash braced himself for the second round of the test. He knew it would be even harder than the first, but he was determined to pass.

As the pressure increased, Ash felt a surge of energy within him. He felt his mental power increase, and he knew that he had the strength to resist the force.

He gritted his teeth and pushed back with all his might, feeling the magical force bending and warping under his will. He could hear the sounds of other students dropping out of the test, but he refused to be one of them.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the pressure subsided once again. Ash gasped for air, his body trembling with exhaustion. But he felt a sense of triumph within him. He had passed the Test of Will.

Jin also stood victorious, a look of satisfaction on his face. The two friends exchanged a knowing glance, and Ash knew that they had both passed with flying colors.

Master Arin approached the group, his expression one of pride and approval.

"Congratulations," he said. "You have both passed the Test of Will. You have shown the determination and strength of will necessary