

Mia was having trouble using her little hand mirror to comb her hair,yes she had to watch.She felt she needed to watch herself brush her hair.

She got up from her dressing table and walked to the bathroom.

She was going to see herself better,the most clearest mirror.

She closed the door and stood in front of the mirror.

She tilted her head and gave her hair a soft brush,it was tangled.

Sighing,she pushed the brush further.

"Ugh..."She voiced looking up. But the mirror was distant. It wasn't at the wall. She moved forward and placed her arm out,there was no wall.

The mirror was about three metres away. Her image smiled at her and Mia dropped the hand mirror she had, breaking it into pieces.

It didn't bother her that she broke her favourite mirror, at least not as much as the image smiling in front of her.

The image waved and gave her a toothy smile.

Mia dropped her comb and felt her mouth. No,she wasn't smiling.

Nor was her hair wild.

Nor was she wearing a white night dress.

Mia closed her eyes for a brief second and opened them.

Her scared image was staring back at her.

She opened the faucet and washed her face.

'Am just imagining things.'

She looked up once more and it was her. The mirror and image distance were the same,not like before.

She walked out of the bathroom and shut the door, leaning on it.

Her soul was troubled,even as much as she tried...she still got the same picture in mind.

She walked to her desk and packed her books in her purple school bag ready for the next day.

It was three minutes to two, and she was exhausted. Spending the better part of the night applying creams mixtures on her face as the internet adviced.

Her face smelled of toothpaste,which she had tried altogether.

She got in bed and switched off the lights with a clap.


'I thought I turned the water off.'

She grumbled and lifted her covers. By the digital clock by her bed lamp,it was 2.15am.

Mia slid her feet into the black fluffy rabbit shoes and walked to the bathroom.

She flicked a switch for the lights and walked to the faucet.In front of the clearest mirror.

The image distance was long. She became alert and watched her smiling image.

'Who are you.' She asked trembling. The image smiled and waved.

Mia's image picked the largest piece of the shattered mirror  by her feet and stood up straight.

Mia was confused. She moved back ready to bolt out of the door.

Her image licked the piece of the broken mirror and placed it whole in her mouth.

Mia felt cold in her own mouth.

Without warning,her image began chewing the mirror in her mouth, slowly then increasing the pace.

"Stop!"Mia screamed feeling her tongue been pricked. It was the most painful thing she experienced.

The image chewed faster, Mia screamed louder for it to stop.

Mia's mouth was full of blood,she was the recipient of the image's actions.

She spit out blood and a piece of her tongue came out too.

The image stopped and Mia looked up.

"Please."She said regretting it immediately as the pain struck in.

A particular piece of glass was under her tongue,stuck and it hurt.It hurt so bad she fell down on her knees.

The image smiled warmly and swallowed the pieces.

Mia grabbed her throat as the pieces made down to her stomach.

Her throat was slit preventing the rest from travelling down. Swallowing is an irreversible action,and this was more than painful.

Mia's face paled and she passed out as a result of the pain.


Mia's eyes fluttered open and she closed them immediately,out of fear of her own self. Her image.

She finally opened her eyes and saw her father,arms crossed.

Her mother was by her other side.

"What happened?"She asked but no voice came out. Her lips moved producing a wheezing sound from her throat.

"Why Mia?Why did you decide to commit suicide?" Her father demanded eyeing her.

"I didn't."Mia mouthed, forgetting that she had no voice.

"I am so disappointed in you young lady."He added leaving the room.

"I didn't know you were that serious!"Her mother spoke next."I am more than willing to pay for your surgery."

Although she didn't love her daughter that much,she was shook.

She couldn't believe Mia tried 'committing suicide.'

She didn't appreciate her,but she wasn't ready to loose her own daughter.

Deep down she cared. It was a mother's love.

A tear slowly trailed Mia's left cheek. She did not commit suicide.

It wasn't her.

She couldn't understand what happened. And she was scared of herself.

Worst of all she couldn't speak. Another tear came down and from there she cried silently.

Her own image.

Her father walked in with news."The doctor said there is a chance your voice box will heal. But you're free to leave, let me make arrangements."

Mia's eyes widened. Not that place. Not again. What if the image will be waiting?

Waiting to finish her off?

She screamed.

She screamed air.