
The problems of the family

A short time ago there lived a girl who live with her parents ,and his brother who was way younger than her .......

Her family was poor due to shortage of money, in the night she was working at a juice shop, and in the evening she works with her family at a rich family house. The owner has given her some clothes, and she was going to high school where all the rich students were admitted in ..... Her father was a way too much happy for her ,he was going to burst out of happiness . That school was not for poor students because the students who were seniors they used to bully the juniors every much ...JUST NOTICE THE WORD JUNIORS...whatever .....juniors and whoever poor came they used to bully them and make them run away . Rich come into this school and learn except the poor ones .

Her life was fucking although she was never going to give up she lived in a small storeroom with her brother ,and eat all the left over food what the rich family discards ,she to her mother," im exhausted with this kind of life "while crying , i need some freedom but her mother cant do anything except she can just make her feel better ,her mother tried everything, every single thing to make her happy but the family need money to survive so she cant do anything else .

One day something precious got lost and you know what the owners......

The owners have put a blame on them so that they can get rid of them now the owners then handover them to the police in this circle her father died now her situation is even worse then now she forgot her smile and her family cant help her now due to this depression cause they also suffer from the same feelings as her ,Martha her mother ,and sam her brother ,cannot even help her out now with her problem after some days the owners found their things as well so it was declared that they have done nothing wrong jeniffer means the girl, has cried for help from them but all they know that they are theif.