
the red magical bookShaikh_Jalaluddin1713265649

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the red magic book

Ones upon time deep in the forest of dense forest far away there was a kingdom in the kingdom there lived a king, and queen and one small baby prince. The king name jamaluddin and queen name was isha and the prince name hakim shakik all of them were a happy family living in the kingdom. One day when the king was roaming in the palace he saw that the isha was I'll she was coughing sneezing. The king decided to call a doctor the doctor said that she needs a red magic book. The king was puzzled he asked the doctor what is a red magic book? The doctor said that the red magic book has a powerful medicine in it even a most sick person read that book he get cure immediately after reading it. The king asked his where I can find this magic book to cure my queen. The doctor said that you can find in the mountain of these forest only. The king was happy he thanked the doctor for giving him this brilliant idea. And so he decided to set of the mountain. On reaching the mountain he saw the cave in the cave was the red magical book. But as he went to get that book he was attacked by vampires. The vampires guard the red magical book. But some how he fought them out and he bought the red magical book.the queen readed that book and she got cured.

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