
The Records Of 3 Islands

ElainaSimp · Fantasi
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: The Beginning?

South Porchasse, the Docks.

From one of the boats docked there, comes out a group of half naked women, in shackles and a slave collar on they're necks

The person leading that group hands in some kind of paperwork for the buyer.


One of the woman screams, pleading for help instead she gets beaten by the public.

(What a cruel world)

The woman ponders, whilst still getting beaten.

She got beaten, till her intire body is covered in wounds and bruises.

People Couldn't recognize her anymore


The Smallest of the 3 Islands, also the poorest out of the 3.

This Island water's natural beauty can't be beaten.

In short, the beauty of the oceans is incomparable.

This Island is also brimming in shady businesses

Porchasse is divided into the northern region, and the southern one.

8 Years Later...

A boy can be seen running through the farmlands,

following him, is a cool, gust of wind making the crops move as he is moving.

Even the scarecrow's there were shaking.

It's now evening

The boy goes back in the mansion

The Library After dinner

[Are you having Fun, Ritte?]

The Middle aged Man Asks

[This is his last day here, before taking the Coming Of Age ceremony, so of course he'll spend his time, doing something fun....]

Answers the Mid 30s Woman

The Man could only nod,

As he watches Ritte eat his food eagerly

End of Chapter 1