

Damon held me in his arms, his voice laced with pain. "Eliana, nobody wanted this accident to happen. Ariel was shocked too, she's been in hospital for the past couple of days. She's blaming herself."

"Damon" I broke free from his grasp, glaring at him with the most disgusted, furious look I had ever given anyone. I wished I had never met this man.

"She was the one who came to my ward and pushed me off the bed on purpose! She killed my baby!" Tears streamed down my face uncontrollably. Damon was taken aback, seemingly unaware of the situation. "Nicole said when she entered, you were already on the floor. Ariel was having a heart attack, she was in a wheelchair, she wouldn't have done it."

If losing the baby was the first major hit I took, then Damon's words were like pouring salt into the wound.