
Chapter 3: Re:Life

As Kenji woke up, he felt a strange sensation coursing through his veins. He looked around his room, the walls seemed to be pulsating, the air thick with an otherworldly energy. In the mirror, he caught a glimpse of himself - his eyes glowed with an unnatural red light, and his skin was ashen gray. He was scared, confused, but also felt invigorated.

Kenji knew that he had been cursed, but he didn't feel like it was a curse at all. Instead, he saw it as a gift - a power that he could use to finally get revenge on all those who had bullied him and taken his happiness away from him. He had always been weak and vulnerable, but now he felt strong, powerful, unstoppable.

He decided to take the path of revenge, carefully planning out every move, every step of the way. He would kill everyone in his path, devouring every bit of them, and become the strongest, most feared being in the world.

Kenji put on a mask and acted weak in front of the people, lurking in the shadows, waiting for the right moment to strike. His anger and desire for vengeance fueled his every action, and he became a master of manipulation, able to turn even his closest friends and allies against one another.

As he rose to power, his power grew stronger, and he began to feel the pull of the darkness within him. He reveled in the fear and pain of his enemies, taking pleasure in their suffering.