
The Rebirth Of The Fallen Demon Lord.

In a world there was a small town named Toshi. The town was peaceful until the demon lord and his army of demons attacked; the humans tried their best to fight back against the demon lord and his army, but they were lacking manpower. When the demon lord made his appearance amidst the chaos. 7 heroes rose to attack the demon lord. Their battle went on for 8 consecutive days. The heroes then use a skill called link to use a joint attack on the weaken demon lord. The demon lord was trying his best to hold off the heroes until the rest of his army could arrive. The joint attack from the heroes then pierced a hole in the demon lord's chest. Blood started pouring out of the hole in the demon lord's chest. The demon lord tried to heal it but his mana was too depleted to continue the fight. After the demon lord died; 30 years later the town Toshi returned to being the small and peaceful town once again; Until something unexpected occurred.

RealShadow · Fantasi
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Training With Daichi.

Kurai was practicing his swordsmanship alongside his father Daichi, a skilled samurai. They trained diligently, each strike and parry precise and deadly. Kurai was determined to follow in his father's footsteps and become a great adventurer like him. Kurai has been training swordsmanship alongside his father for 7 months, as he was only 10 years old his body was still weak.

His father then told him to ready his sword and Kurai instantly held his sword with a firm grip. He rushed towards his father with his sword in hand ready to strike.


His father smiled while he overpowered him and made Kuria back away, Kurai then rushed forward again for a strike. Suddenly there was a scream, we then stopped and rushed to where we heard the scream, and when we got there.


There were 7 dark wolves attacking the villagers who were trying to run away. There were a few villagers who were trying to drive off the wolves. Kurai and his father rushed to help them drive off the wolves. Daichi instantly slaid one of the wolves while Kurai was having a little problem with killing on but after a little while he killed it and when he was about to kill another wolve he saw the head of the wolf come off.

His father said to him that he had to be quicker than that with a sleigh smile. He giggled and said with more training he's sure he can easily defeat a horde of wolves. He went home with his father and told his mother about what happened today and that he helped the villagers suppress the monsters and she looked at me and said that's great with a sleigh smile.

Kurai's mother then asked Kurai if he was interested in magic. Kurai responded positively and said he is. His mother then said after a few more years of sword training with your dad I will teach you the basics of magic.

Kurai said Ok. Another day has come and Kurai is sparring with his father once again and again rushed at his father with his sword in hand while his father was preparing for his attack. He the swung his sword.

"Clang" "Clang" "Clang

This time he was constantly swinging his sword with speed and wasn't giving his father any room to attack. His attacks then started to lose speed as he was getting tired. His father realized this and, in the moment, Kurai was about to swing his sword again Daichi backed away and rushed at Kuria while he couldn't attack and Kurai rolled on the ground to avoid the attack and then his father said that was enough for today.

Daichi praised him for improving so much in just 7 months and said with a little more training he would surely have mastered the basics. Kurai asked his father about his older sister Aiko. Daichi told Kurai that Aiko was at an academy called Cross Academy, where they teach both magic and sword.

He also told Kurai that she was a mage with the fire and wind element. They called her a prodigy because it was rare for someone to be born with more than one element. Kurai then said that he would like to attend Cross Academy as well because he would like to learn both magic and swordsmanship. His father said he had to be 14 before he could take the entrance exams, and also told him that it wouldn't be easy to get into the academy because it was one of the top 3 academies in the nation. Kurai realized that Aiko had to be very strong to have made it into the school.

His father then said yes, she was the best mage in the village, Kurai listened to his father as he wanted to know more about his sister Aiko as he has never seen her before. Kurai then went to train his physical body more as he knew that he needed to get stronger that he could protect his village whenever there is a dire situation. A year has passed since then and Kurai is now 11 years old.

He has gotten even stronger and better with a sword. His father even allows him to go into the forest with him. Daichi believes that Kurai has mastered the basics of swordsmanship. At dinner Daichi told Iris that Kurai has mastered the basics of swordsmanship and that she could start to teach him about magic. Iris told Kurai to rest for two days before his training started because he has been training hard for the past year and he should take a break.

The next day Kurai went outside to train his physical body. He then went out into the village and looked down onto the forest that spread around his village. He looked closely and saw a man running from a golem and immediately called his father to help. His father grabbed his sword and rushed out to the forest with Kurai and a couple villagers.

The golem was quite slow but the man who was running had an open wound on his leg and couldn't move very fast. a villager then cast a flame spell at the golem to get its attention.

"Goddess Hestia, I beg of you lend me your power, Fire Ball."

A circle appeared Infront of the man's wooden staff and shot out hitting the golem's back. Magic is not really affective on golems. You can kill a golem by destroying their core in the middle of their chest's or destroying it with your power. The golem stopped chasing the man as it felt the fire ball hit it's back.

Kurai and his father along with the other villagers rushed forward excluding the mages who will stay in back and support. Kurai slashed at the golem's foot.


There was a feedback on Kurai's arm as the golem was tough. His father said that he will destroy the golems core and that Kurai should back him up. Kurai said ok. The golem swung at Daichi, Daichi dodged and jumped onto the golems arm as he was aiming for its core. The golem instantly swung his left hand intended to hit Daichi, but Daichi managed to dodge it and Kurai was swinging away at the golems ankle as he managed to make a crack in its ankle.

Kurai made a big cut at the golems ankle and the golem went on one knee because of the damage Kurai has done to its ankle Daichi finally reached the golem's core and then his sword emitted a bright yellow glow as he swung it. A crack was made in the golem's core and as Daichi cuts at his core again it shattered.

The golem then started to fall to the ground, everyone was happy and praised Daichi. They then tend to the man who was running from the golem as he was sitting by a tree. They took the man to the village and then they carried him somewhere he could be treated.

Kurai and his father returned home, and yet again Kurai told his mother about what happened, and she asked if he got hurt anywhere and Dachi said that he wouldn't make anything happen to him with a sleigh smile.