When John Milton, the poet, dies, he ascends not to the Christian Heaven or Hell, but to a cosmic realm where all gods of all mythologies reside. They each grant him a fragment of their power, recognizing his unparalleled mastery of language and understanding of the divine and infernal. Reborn into a new universe where gods and mortals mingle, Milton possesses absolute power and dominion over time, space, and reality itself.
As the Magic Wars dragged on, a new class of rulers began to emerge—the Mage-Lords. These were powerful mages who, through their control of magic, rose to positions of authority in the regions where the kings had lost control. In some places, the Mage-Lords were seen as liberators, freeing the people from oppressive rulers. In others, they became tyrants in their own right, using their magic to dominate and control the population.
In the city of Icaris, Lady Elyra, a noble and skilled diplomat, embraced the rise of the Mage-Lords. She welcomed them into her court, forging alliances with powerful mages to strengthen her position. Icaris became a haven for mages and nobles alike, a city where magic and politics intertwined in ways never before seen.
But not all Mage-Lords sought political power. Some, like Solara, a healer from the northern forests, used their magic to build communities where people could live in peace, away from the wars and struggles of the larger world. Solara's village, known as Haven, became a refuge for those seeking to escape the conflicts of Novus Mundus. It was a place where magic was used only for good, and where the people lived in harmony.