
The Rebellious Nun and the Witty Taoist

"The Rebellious Nun and the Witty Taoist" spins a tale of martial arts, mischief, and the occasional fish fry in the world of Jianghu.  Mei Lin, once a spirited nun known for sneaking smokes instead of meditating, finds herself entangled in the intrigues of the Black Moon Sect following her audacious escape from the confines of the White Lotus Temple. Rising as the Scarlet Shadow, the Evil Sect leader's cunning strategist and rumored paramour, she becomes both a figure of awe and consternation for her old friend, Zhang Wei. Meanwhile, Zhang Wei, now a senior Taoist elder tasked with maintaining discipline in the Azure Cloud sect, faces his greatest challenge yet: dealing with Mei Lin, his former partner-in-mischief turned shadowy operative, who is brought in by his sect's overzealous disciples following the death of the Evil Tyrant, Jiang Hei.  Mei Lin's capture has thrust Zhang Wei into a quagmire of sect politics and his own conflicting emotions. Their reunion, a decade in the making, unfolds with dry humor and razor-sharp banter as they skillfully dance around truths buried beneath layers of deception and unspoken yearning. Amidst Jianghu’s descent into chaos under the new leadership of the Black Moon Sect, Mei Lin and Zhang Wei must untangle their intricate history. With new insights emerging that blur Zhang Wei’s understanding of where righteousness ends and wickedness begins, they confront the daunting task of redefining their roles in a world teetering on the edge of moral ambiguity.  With their trademark dry wit and undeniable chemistry, they navigate a shifting landscape where alliances are as fickle as the wind, and where laughter serves as their shield against the perils of honor and ambition.

PirateSasha · Fantasi
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22 Chs

Flashback: The Stream (2)

As the fish began to sizzle and the delicious aroma filled the air, Zhang Wei handed Mei Lin a perfectly roasted piece. "Here you go, my lady. Prepared with all the skill and finesse of a master chef."

Mei Lin accepted the offering with a mock bow. "Thank you, kind sir. Let's see if it lives up to your boasts."

She took a bite, her eyes closing in exaggerated delight. "Mmm, not bad. You might just have a future in the culinary arts, Zhang Wei."

"High praise from such a discerning critic," Zhang Wei replied, his heart swelling with the warmth of their shared moment.

They continued eating in silence for some time.

Mei Lin chomped her second fish down. "Mmm, it's delicious, Zhang Wei. You really do have a talent for this."

Zhang Wei chuckled. "I'm glad you like it, but tell me, Mei Lin, how does a nun like you justify eating fish? Aren't you supposed to be a vegetarian?"

Mei Lin raised an eyebrow, a playful glint in her eyes. "And what about you, Zhang Wei? Aren't you supposed to be a Taoist? Last I checked, fish is still considered meat."

Zhang Wei waved his hand dismissively. "Ah, but in Taoism, fish isn't counted as meat. It's... different."

Mei Lin laughed, shaking her head. "I can't trust your words on that. What would a scholar like you know about the intricacies of Taoist doctrines?"

Zhang Wei feigned offense. "Hey, I may not be an expert, but I know enough. Besides, aren't you breaking your own vows by eating this fish?"

Mei Lin leaned in, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "Oh, and you're one to talk. You eat chicken, pheasant, rabbit, and pork. How's that fitting with your doctrines?"

Zhang Wei grinned. "The Taoist way is primarily about living according to the way of nature. And according to the way of nature, chickens are meant to be eaten. They wouldn't be so tasty otherwise."

Mei Lin rolled her eyes, but a smile tugged at her lips. "Oh, please. That's the most convenient interpretation I've ever heard."

Zhang Wei shrugged, still grinning. "Maybe so, but it works for me. Besides, I don't see you putting down that fish."

Mei Lin took another bite, enjoying the taste. "Touché, Zhang Wei. I suppose we're both a little 'fake' in our ways."

Zhang Wei laughed, the sound warm and full of camaraderie. "Maybe that's why we can enjoy a good meal together."

As they continued to eat and banter, the bond between them only grew stronger, the playful teasing a testament to the deep understanding and affection they shared.

Their laughter mingled with the gentle rush of the stream nearby, a melody of friendship that echoed through the tranquil evening.

Some time later, as they both lay down lazily, Mei Lin twirled a blade of grass between her fingers and looked at Zhang Wei with a glint in her eyes. "Zhang Wei, I need you to make me some Taoist robes."

Zhang Wei paused, raising an eyebrow as he turned to face her. "You, in Taoist robes? Why would you need those?"

"To sneak out of the nunnery, of course," Mei Lin replied, her tone making it sound as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. "It doesn't have to be your sect's robes, just regular ones. Something plain and unassuming."

"No, can't do," Zhang Wei immediately refused. Taoist robes were made of expensive material. Not only that, how was he supposed to go about buying clothes for a female no less. With his Shidi's big mouth, it wouldn't be long before the whole sect, maybe even the village at the foothills knew. 

Mei Lin stroked his robe with her hand. "Zhang Wei, haven't you seen your robes? Stop faking your poverty."

Zhang Wei let out a low chuckle and ran his fingers over her coarse jute sleeve, feeling the rough texture. Whatever her robes may be, that face of hers wasn't suited to blend in the crowd. The only thing that kept her charming face out of the world's purview was the veil Mei Lin had thrown over the rock.

"They are sect-issued, my dear Priestess Mei. I'm a poor Taoist myself. Only my sect is rich." Zhang Wei shrugged.

Mei Lin sighed dramatically, giving him a pleading look. "I'm broke too, Zhang Wei. I have no money to my name. But if you help me out, I promise I'll repay you with a lot of money in the future. Double the money, no triple. No, I'll let you have all of it."

"The double of nothing is still nothing." Zhang Wei scoffed at the idea, earning him a pebble flying at his head which he very calmly dodged. He shook his head in disbelief. "Repay me with money? You'll still be broke, Mei Lin. You'll still be a nun, after all. Where would you get all this money from?"

Mei Lin waved her hands, moving on. Her eyes sparkled with sudden mischief. "Alright, if you can't make the robes, how about sneaking me some wine instead?"

Zhang Wei chuckled, with a matching mischievous glint in his eyes. "Wine, huh? That, I might be able to manage. I'll try."

Mei Lin's face lit up with excitement. "You're the best, Zhang Wei. I knew I could count on you."

Zhang Wei returned her smile, feeling the warmth of their camaraderie. "Just don't get caught. The last thing I need is for the elders to come after me because you decided to have a little fun."

Mei Lin laughed, her voice a melodious sound that blended with the gentle murmur of the stream. "Don't worry, Zhang Wei. I'll be careful. Besides, who would suspect the dutiful Priestess Mei of sneaking out for wine?"

Zhang Wei shook his head, still smiling. "You're incorrigible, Mei Lin."

"And you love it," she teased, nudging him with her elbow.

Sometime later…

"Zhang Wei…" Mei Lin's voice trailed, "There's a bit of a problem."

Her solemn tone worried him a little. "What problem?"

"I need to get myself a rich friend soon. A poor bloke like you doesn't suit the Esteemed Priestess Mei." she jumped up, very happy to tease him.

Zhang Wei plucked some grass to throw over her head as revenge. 

Mei Lin dodged him, "Scholar Zhang, don't worry. I'll make sure you're sponsored. Your study on the Tao of poultry requires funding." She laughed, running away from him "Maybe even get you a recipe book. You must share the fruits of your labor with your friend after all."

Zhang Wei chased after her, watching her hop across the stream with practiced movements. "Mei Lin, you fake nun, come back here." 

His thoughts drifted to her, his heart swelling with unspoken words. Her spirit is as boundless as the sky,  he thought, his eyes tracing the gentle curve of her smile. If only I could tell her how much she means to me.

Across the stream, Mei Lin caught Zhang Wei's gaze. Her smile in that moment spoke volumes, a soft acknowledgment of the bond they shared beyond words. She appreciated his steady presence in her life, these stolen moments the only thing that made her life bearable.

Their playful banter continued, the shared secrets and light-hearted teasing strengthening their bond even further. In that secluded haven by the stream, the rigid rules of their sects seemed distant, allowing their friendship to flourish unhindered.

As the sun began its descent beyond the horizon, casting a final cascade of amber light across the landscape, they reluctantly started to pack up their belongings. Each movement carried a hint of reluctance, a desire to extend their fleeting moments together just a bit longer. 

Zhang Wei watched her use a spell to clean up her robes. Watching her crooked veil, he reached out to help her straighten it up, noticing she had put it on wrong. His fingers brushed against the smooth hair it concealed within.

"Really, how long have you been wearing this to not know how to wear a veil properly," Zhang Wei's complaints were a far cry from his true feelings. Truthfully, deep down he loved helping her put it on.

"My Shijie does it for me," Mei Lin shrugged.

"So spoiled," Zhang Wei tutted.

"You're just jealous. Would you rather have a Shimei like me or a Shidi like you?" Mei Lin struck her tongue out at him.

Not wanting to give her the answer that came to him almost immediately, Zhang Wei said instead, "Both are trouble."

Mei Lin grinned at him, "So self aware."

"Until next time, Mei Lin. Take care."

"You too, Zhang Wei. And don't let the elders catch you napping again."


As Zhang Wei walked the familiar path back to his sect, the day's events played vividly in his mind. The warmth of their laughter and the easy banter by the stream lingered with him, contrasting sharply with the cool evening air that now enveloped him. 

In his heart, a mix of happiness and melancholy intertwined. The joy of their time together always brought a smile to his face, yet it was inevitably shadowed by their parting. 

These moments are the brightest in the shadows of our lives. I will hold onto them, no matter what the future holds.

He replayed Mei Lin's infectious laughter, her animated storytelling, and the way her eyes sparkled with dreams yet to be realized. Each memory was etched in his mind, a treasure to cherish during the solitary moments in his sect's austere halls.

The moon cast a silvery glow on the winding path ahead, guiding Zhang Wei back to the familiar routines of his sect. With a resolute spirit, he continued his journey, heartened by the promise of future meetings. 

This flashback ended up almost double the length than I thought it would be, but I couldn’t bring myself to cut down their banter. It’s all good I suppose, all good.

Zhang Wei swears that if Mei Lin’s laughter could be bottled, it would outsell rare artifacts in the sect markets.

Our Fake Taoist has got it bad for the Fake Nun.

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