
The Real World! Eros and his Unknown Psyche

" I... I can't... b-breath! Hamp!" Then suddenly my eyes got opened! and...and all I can see is... L-Light! Light?... wait am... am I--- " Yazzy! My God I thought you were fully drowned already! Thank God!" and a Guy who's having an angel face were hugging me already? What the hell is happening... "W-what--" he cut me then faced me seriously "Shit! I'm so sorry my little Yazzy, I shouldn't have left you here alone" what? he's telling me so much but I'm afraid I can't yet solve the puzzle as he cuts me speaking. so I forcely gain strength to talk as fast as I can then. "W-what the hell on earth is happening?!" Though he's really so angelic and handsome? I got pissed too! He stopped and fixed me to have a sit in this... this grassy surface...? Then he breathed deeply and then at last! I clearly saw his face already this time coz he took his face away from me at last and made his face looked that way...again? I remembered him... and I definitely know him! He's really something, he's still like that?! He's my Brother, my true brother! whom I found out lately in the past. But wait amp! I'll explain! I know I've traveled In the FUTURE but am I just still in comma? dreaming? coz if it's Future? why then his face doesn't even change a bit? But if I'm still in comma? why am I feeling something true and sincere as he say this things "okay I'm sorry, I'll be here now your Big Brother whose gonna take you away from those troubles!" It's a story between confusive things. Yazzy wouldn't really know at first if where she really was, if it's still present or the Future already. Well Yazzy will find sooner or later. But the thing is can she accept the real world where she was now? and would she found her true place In someone's heart? Coz I believe she mustn't be single forever that she should marry someone in this so called "real world". And have someone behind her till her eyes finally shut with an end or a new start...

lostlaura · Umum
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4 Chs

Accepting this face is a new world then

They no longer stayed at the hospital as she requested that she preferred staying at home instead. So her Brother Yohan let her. But he isn't able to accompany her in the mansion this time coz his 'monster investor' has scheduled another meeting this night and he need to go and deal with this man.

She stood for another 5 minutes in front of her room's door, hoping that she can feel another energy at that spot. She admit it, she really feel bad everywhere. Anything were lifeless. But she knows it, she must deal with it starting this time already.

"Oh Miss Yazzy you're home! Do you need any help?" this maid where on her way to her Boss Yohan's room already to check the light when she noticed Yazzy standing there. And she couldn't help asking that's why.

Yazzy immediately opened her eyes and moved her body to face this Maid whom she doesn't know if what is her name. Well it's obvious she doesn't know anyone of them here at this mansion.

"oh, no no... I'm just going to open the door already" she hurriedly responded at her.

"Ahh well let me help you open it--"

"ah no! no need. I can manage and well there's one thing I actually wanna ask to you?" she was trying to move in a silent way.

I wanna know her name! all of them actually. But I shouldn't change how this Yazzy really respond in front of them? Suddenly change isn't good.

"ahm sure Miss Yazzy what is it that you wanna ask?" with her sincere and hopeful eyes.

Before telling anything? She composed her posture first and turn her eyes as cold as ice and asked "who are you." Ok that's not sound like she's asking. It even sounds like she doesn't have any manners at al!...

The Maid was shocked! Like she's telling her self 'I'm wrong! there's no new, this lady is still the devil without any manners!' and then she humbly bow her head and...

"I'm Manang Kuring the Family's loyal maid, at your service miss Yazzy" then she stopped bowing and faced at the door which Yazzy had opened and entered already without her finishing her talk.

At her room she was embraced by the awful, gloomy and black aura of her entered box again. And then whispered "I'm that devil..." while staring at the big framed picture of a lady in black at the wall she was facing right now. Which is actually HER.

Inside her room all of the windows were carefully closed and the only light that they may see is the gloomy chandelier which had been personalized which had lots of true ruby diamonds. Dark yet still clear in the eyes. For an eyesight like what a lady like her had.

There were also set of sofa at the right side colored with black, all of the stuffs inside is black in unison. And there at the left side, the big bed were coated with black too. And at last there's another door and if I'm not wrong, that was the CR.

She immediately moved and walked towards that door and opened it with a shock!

Coz inside? she saw a scattered pieces of mirror. There were stains of blood too. A blood which really belongs to her. Then she blinked and move her hand up enough to make her see those signs of scars on it.

She saw everything, those everything which may see as 'several years had passed already but it still stayed there with the same spot' in short it was all preserved!

Then at the end, finally she saw her reflection into one mirror who survived inside this box already.

There, she confirmed everything! She focused on her face's reflection and calmly touched it's every part and whispered...

"Accepting this face is a new world then..."