

Alvin is a normal boy with a normal life till the day his parents die. Now the fate of the world comes crashing down on his shoulders when he's told that he is a guardian of the Lighter class- of the Guard, an international secret organisation tasked with protecting the world from the creatures that roam the dark side of the world.

AOP_2782 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
22 Chs

Chapter 13


The dude is an idiot. Imagine a Compound Guardian getting a blackout twice within a span of a mere 7 hours. My trip to Zar'ra may have to be delayed. He looks 23 but you never know with these wannabe private eyes. He might not be a member of the Big Seven but he is still a Compound after all. Which makes him my sole responsibility. If the reports are right, we will need all the help we can get against Madam Zariki. I should have killed her when I had the chance, especially now that she has the boy with Mimicry. That is going to be a pain in the Guard's ass. I will also need to watch the Lighter and Necro duo. Blood relationships tend to bring out situations that shouldn't be usually possible. Now, as I battle this Zarkian infested vine, I wonder how I even found myself here. What was I thinking?! Having the power to manipulate blood is useless against a fricking plant! The most I can do is dodge and try to at least damage its weak point with a a shard of glass I found on the floor. Noticing that it seems to have freed the guy. I quickly make my way there and try to hoist him over my shoulder. However, I fall. Why the fudge is this guy so heavy?! The vine, seeing an opportunity strikes and I'm barely able to dodge out of the way. One of its thorns draws blood across my shoulder. Ouch. Shouldn't have done that. I can't stand seeing my blood. Sealing it off with a flick of my hand, I grin. Let me get this over with.

* *** *


The dreams still bother me. Sometimes they are nice. Sometimes they aren't. Today is an example. It usually starts in a hallway. I walk, admiring the art pieces that dot the walls. Until I hear a voice that freezes me. Something about it always feel off. Most of the times, It speaks for a moment and goes quiet. But this time, it's different. A face accompanies it. A rugged, corroded face. "Mum? Is....Is that you?" It replies with a cold smile, flashing off its rotting teeth. "Yes...it's me, my boy. Come, give your mother a hug" And I don't know why, but I do. Slowly, my body degrades, transforming into flecks of dust. And she speaks, her voice now a distorted chorus "Come join me, Stephen. You belong here" My name echoing through the walls, the rugged face transforming into Amaya. I sit up on my bed "I'm okay" She frowns "Sure?" "Yeah" They had brought me here after they found me in the woods. I was absent-minded for most of the trip, but one memorable thing was the level of mastery these dudes had over their powers. It was amazing, scary and degrading at the same time. Most times, I wonder how to also master my own powers. I know I can, but I just don't know how. That's one of the reasons I didn't run away from them immediately. The other was that I didn't have anyone. My mother had died mysteriously, her name never to be on the tip of tongues ever again. I also, had ceased calling her name. She was never a good mother to me after all. I never even knew who my father was. And that was another reason. I needed to find my father fast. Why? Because he appears a lot in my dreams now, warning me of doom and to find him immediately. His face was always hidden but I'm sure it's him. It has to be.