
The Randomland

Hello ~ Hello ~ Welcome ~ Do you feel like your life is boring? With nothing unusual going on or even some dragons appearing in the city out of nowhere? Do you think we are all is doing stuffs systemically or have to follow each rules? Have to follow our morals and found out what we can do for the world? Don't you want to go to a place that have anything your imagination never imagined? Come, Come. Come to this place and let your imagination become as wild as possible ~ Oh, and remember, Let go off your logic because it isn't necessary in this place. Welcome to Randomland and we wish you a random journey ~ ___________________ Author note : there are some curse words in this story so I warn you if you are not alright with it. And English is not my first language so maybe there grammars errors In there. Enjoy! Another story of mine: https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/14901475106138705?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4304972744 my discord channel : https://discord.gg/EtsRSdW

RandomGuy · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
17 Chs



Biting the wings of the wyvern, Rein dragon hand grab the wyvern neck and rip out the wyvern limbs each by each in gores and blood.


Seeing one of their comrade helpless in front of this big red liz- *cough* dragon, other wyverns fly to Rein and try to do what he did to their friend.

And all of them is swatted away with Rein dragon tail and bombarded from fireballs Rein spewing out from his mouth.

"Muahahah! You can't even take on my majestic tail head on!" said Rein as he become more pumped up somehow.

Looking to another direction, I see Shin trying to kill each of the Viking warriors in front of her and make a lot of copies of herself, so that the enemies didn't know who's the real one.


Using that third chapter technique again, Shez destroyed all of the zombies and half of the skeleton armies by himself. After that, Shez take a stance with both of his legs spread wide and making a low horse stance. Grabbing the sword hilt right at shoulder height and with a posture to slash, he say "Divine Sword Arts: Fifth chapter- Heavenly slash of splitting sea."


Swinging the sword down, the slash created a huge transparent crescent blade, going right through to the Randy guy that's floating far away from us and erupted everything it passed by. Creating enormous cracks in the ground, it slicing through unhindered even with hundreds armies between them. While decimating that said armies at the same time.

Holy fuck! That move is so OP!

Smiling ear to ear, the Randy guy pulled his right arm in a posture to punch, while his right fist is emitting more and more blue light each passing seconds "Haha! To think I would see a mortal with a smell of divinity! Not bad!" and then he punched his fist right to the huge crescent slash that want to obliterate him to dust.


Shaking the earth and air, their attack collision alone made a earthquake that can be felt for hundreds meters of radius away. Even decimating the surrounding armies near the Randy guy.

"Hahahaha! Not bad! Let's change the battleground, oh strong mortal" snapping his fingers, both him and Shez were being enveloped by blue light and gone in the next second.

Great.. Now our strongest force is gone…

Noticing something in my line of sight, I raise my head and squints my eyes to look clearly what's it. In the sky, there's black dots that become bigger and bigger. After flying near to us, I can see that the black dots is actually peoples who's flying in the air and they are all people I know.

"Writers guild had come!" shout Sol loudly as she immediately turned her head to her right and talking with someone in there, dumdum. Nodding from what Sol said, dumdum raised her hand forward and then Sol flying speed raised to another notch.

Flying to where we were, Sol body changed into that of male giant that have fifty meters height and buffed body. And with a*BOOM* and some footprints craters in the ground, Sol dash into the rest of skeleton armies and pummeling them like a gigantic bulldozer.

"Hiya!" and the next is Yumi who landed in the ground and swing barbed black whip in her hand to the Viking armies. And suddenly, her eyes is glowing in red, while shouting "You all will attack your comrades!"

Right after she said that, every Viking warriors in front of her turned their body and slashing their swords to their comrades, make an infighting between themselves in a blink of an eyes. But one of the Viking slipped away from Yumi spell and trying to strike her from behind.

"Yumi!" appearing from behind, Shin swung her katana to the direction where the sword is and block it. Parrying the blow, Shin slash her katana to the Viking neck and kill the warrior. Stepping back and meeting her back with Yumi back, Shin say "Be careful."

"Yes." Nodded Yumi as they both back again to fight the Viking warriors while covering each other backs.

"Let me get the spot light as well." said Gome as he landed to the ground and taking out two handsome guns in each if his hands. And before anyone can react, he's suddenly gone from the spot and appeared fifteen meters away, right at middle of Viking warriors crowd.


A second later, dozens warriors that surrounded him is falling to the ground with holes as big as a finger in their foreheads.

"Spiked rain." mumbled Tae as she's still floating in air. Hundreds of metals spike is hovering around her raining down upon the Viking warriors and killed most if them, as some is reacting fast enough to put up their shields.

"Take this you all!!" shouted a girl with brown hairs and have braids hairstyle. Wearing some kind of clothes that looks like highschool uniform, the girl shout spreading across the battlefield and make any Viking warriors had their ears bleed and some even collapsed immediately.

Wow… another superpower character…


Suddenly, the debris that's around us floating In the air and rain down to the Viking warriors and wyvern above. Plummeting both armies at the same time.

"Brother!" screamed Goldie as she's flying to Rein and spreads out hundreds of papers to the wyverns, explode them to cover Rein and give him some space to take a breath.

Right behind Goldie is Blow who already transformed her body into that of Aquatic race, bluish fish scales all over her body and big fins in the place of her ears. Creating water blades out of thin air, the water blades is flying through to the wyverns as well as hitting any wyverns that trying to get near her and Goldie.

This… they are all strong…

Hm? You are wondering of what am I doing all this time? Of course I'm hiding! There's nothing this useless me can do to help them after all…


With weird buzzing sounds out of nowhere, a bluish portal door is emerging in the air. Walking out from inside the gate is that Randy guy with Shez in his right arm. Shez is unconscious and Randy hold Shez In the back of his neck, like Shez is some kind of cats.

Throwing Shez away like he's a garbage, Shez landed to the ground and rolling for some time. His body is full of bruises and some parts even have bloody holes.

Grabbing his left arm, which now I noticed that from the left elbow and below is gone, Randy say "Impressive feat, for a strong mortal. But now that he's in no shape to fight anymore, it will be your doom, mortals."

"Are you the boss of this time catastrophe?" asked Gome as he pointed himself with the tip of his gun "I'm Gome, the man who will bring you down, remember that."

Smirking at Gome attitude to him, Randy pointed his index finger to Gome and say "illusion magic: Emergence of ten thousands boobs, G cup version."

"kuhaaahk!" collapsed immediately after that, bloods flowing like waterfalls from Gome nose "t… this.. s-so… many… boobies…guhaak!" and then Gome fainted from the blood lost.

What the hell….

"Now, another one down." Said Randy while smiling at us "Let us begin the second round, mortals~"

Oh boy…

feel free to join my server even for talks or any questions you wanna ask. Who knows maybe I'll make ur characters and add it in the story too!

and you can change how the story goes a well! come my server and I'll listen to your all suggestions!

my server: https://discord.gg/EtsRSdW

RandomGuycreators' thoughts