
The raging True Dragon... Dead.

A new True Dragon

DaoistsLWnnQ · Komik
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31 Chs

Chapter 27 : Feldway

I did not want to make this but my sister kinda blackmailed me and stole- I mean borrowed my account and made this.

I did not make this my sis did


" I will start teaching you how to flexibly use your wings and how to use the sword, " I said as the clone and I attacked him.

" Agh " He screamed in pain as his body was cut in half.

His lower part was now blown away by a water blade. It was immediately regenerative in a second.

" I'll be going now," I said as I left.

I then went to the center of the world where Ivarage is.

" Hey," I said as I waved my hands.

" What is it? " He said while looking at me.

I was surprised, I just thought that he would not be able to talk to me since he did not have a will.

' How can he talk? " I asked while still having a calm face.

{ Answer: It took Master 1,000 years to arrive here and in that time he was able to have a will }

' What do you mean 1,000 years? I have just been here a few hours ago " I asked confused that it took that long even though I have just been here for 7~8 HR at most.

{ Answer: Traveling to the Demon Realm took Master 500 year's and going here took 500 years }

' What? " I thought and was full of shock.

" What is it? " He asked again as he looked at me.

" Nothing much," I said as I was still in a dilemma.

' So that's why Guy said that he would not help me " I thought and finally realized what those words meant.

" Free me, " Ivarage said as a [ Command ] was given to me.

" No," I said as I broke his spell.

" What?!! " He said in shock that I was able to brake his spell.

" If you keep giving me trouble you'll be in deep shit," I said as a cruel smile sprouted on my face.

" Tch pest," Ivarage said as multiple cryptic's attacked me all at the same time.

" Ara," I said as my aura was released and all of them were now on the floor.

" Aghhhhh " A cryptic screamed well not being affected by my aura.

He then proceeded to destroy my body. If I get hit by one of his attacks my soul would shatter.

" [ Cataclysmic Beam ] " I said as a beam of mass destruction hit the critics.

" Who are you? " A voice said as all the higher being surrounded me.

" I am Veloro the True Dragon of the Raging Sea," I said while slightly bowing at them.

" Die," A voice said and a small beam of white mass destruction energy was fired at me.

It was an attack that could kill anyone with a single blow and their soul would be shattered.

I dispelled it using [ Information Particle Manipulation ] as the basis.

" That's quite a dangerous spell," I said as I pulled out [ Vania ].

" Tch " Zalario said while revealing himself.

" Ara what are you doing? " I asked while looking at them.

" Just die, " Cornu said while attacking me with his axe.

" [ Combusting Bomb ] " I said as a small circle appeared in front of Cornu.

It exploded in his face while I teleported away to not damage me.

Then a cryptic attacked me from the back. The cryptic had an EP of over 5 Million. It then used its claws which looked like a synth to slice me.

" [ Explode ] " I said as his body then burst open.

A guy then attacked me using martial arts. I blocked his attack using [ Vania ] and made some distance between us using [ Nyx ].

" [ Water Reflection ] " I said as a clone of him attacked him.

The both of them were in a stalemate and I finally saw him it was Zalario.

He then killed the Water Clone instantly with his sheer power alone.

" You want a fight I'll give you everything I've got, " I said as I made multiple magic spell's on my hand and made a magic jamming barrier in the next second.

' I'm ready " [ Vania ] said as multiple tentacles arm came out of my back.

It was made out of the water and was then made into a thread that was thin but still can be seen. This skill can cut almost anything.

Once, there was no sun my power was doubled and I had all the advantages in this fight.

" [ Shadow Bind ] " I whispered as multiple arms came out of the ground and grabbed them.

They all immediately destroyed it of course, since there all special S-ranks.

" Atack," Feldway said as all his subordinates attacked me all at the same time.

I then teleported out of the fight, I could still use magic since I had multiple spells on my arm that were ready to use anytime.

" [ Heave's Fury ] " I said as a beam of light hit them.

The angels were not affected since they were angels But the others were a different case. Most of the Cryptics were now dead except for the special S-rank. Zalario's forces did not take that much damage since they were immune to magic.

I then used the threads to try and kill them, But it did not work some dodged while others just broke it.

" Surrender and we will give you a painless death," Obera said as Zalario and Feldway attacked me.

My left arm was gone and that was part of the plan.

" [ Cataclysmic Bomb ] " I intentionally teleported to a faraway place where Ivarage would not get affected by this spell.

The bomb could annihilate everything even the astral body once hit.

" [ Castle Guard ] " Feldway whispered as all the others tried to dodge.

They could not teleport so they only had one option to take the bomb head-on or to dodge.

" [ Eye of The Moon ] " I whispered as my eye looked different and turned into a moon-shaped eye.

" [ Stop Time ] " I said as the world stopped.

" You're quite strong," Zelario said as he attacked me on the neck.

" Thank you," I said as his arm was tied by the water strings.

He broke it immediately, but that small mistake was enough for me to stab him.

We then attacked each other using pure technique and nothing else, but slowly and surely I was winning since I still have the water string's with me and was slowing him down.

As a blade came to my neck. I immediately stopped it using my water strings.

" Ara," I said as multiple blades came at the both of them.

My swordsmanship technique would look like the moon, which could change its size and shape like the moon.

" Agh " Zalario said as he was hit.

" Haa " Feldway said as his blade hit me.

I was sent flying and Zelario did not let this chance get away and aimed my leg.

" No you don't," I said as my sword multiplied and blocked his fist.

I was then able to stand and went on a 2 v 1 attacking them and defending at the same time.

I was now at a disadvantage since I was the one who made the world stop and now it was a 2 v 1 fight.

" Cancel," I said while restoring time.

" No you don't," Feldway said as time stopped.

" [ Combusting Accelerator ] " I said as time continued again.

' Activate [ Assassination ] and [ Melt Slash ]" I thought while teleporting in front of Zelario.

{ Confirm: Activating }

" [ Death Wish ] " I put another spell on him.

I was then in front of Zalario and was swinging my sword on a vertical line and was going to cut his head off.

Then a subordinate of Zelario that looked like a fairy pushed Zalario. She was then cut in half by my sword once contact.

" Pest," I said as I attacked them both again.

" [ Life Steal ] " I said as my hand glowed blue and the skill of the fairy thing was now taken by me.

The others who knew how strong she was, were now scared that they would die too.

" [ Beelzebub ] " I said as their souls were taken.

" Useless " Zalario said as he regenerated his left arm.

" [ Seal of Nothingness ] " I said as I pierced my sword on the ground.

The entire place was now covered with my seal and was now trapped there and they all could not move.

" I'll show you my strongest attack!! " I said as I put all my magicule on my hands.

" [ Star Bomb ] " I said as a pure destruction power was made and was going obliterate everyone that was inside the [ Seal of Confinement ].

" [ Beelzebub ] [ Seal of Nothingness ]" I said as my body was now covered with black water and was protecting me.

Feldway was covered with [ Castle Guard ], But the others were not and were going to die.

" Shit " Zelario said as he put multiple shields on his body.

* No sound *

That was the most terrifying sound that you could ever hear since there was no sound at all, Just like the void.

I then stopped time to immobilize Feldway's [ Castle Guard ] and attacked him with my sword.

" Who's gonna die now? " I said as I pierced his stomach and was eating his body using [ Beelzebub ].

" Ahhhh," He said as he was stabbed.

" As if " His expression changed again into a cruel smile.

He then stabbed my chest and Zalario ripped my head off as my head was sent flying.

I then opened my eye and saw them grinning with victory.

" Ha [ Flesh/Organ Domination ] " I said as all the bodies that were lying on the floor and my body started to shake.

All the dead bodies then became water and disappeared into thin air.

My body regenerated instantly. This was all part of the plan.

" [ Calamity Claw ] [ Magic Jamming ]" I said as a huge black hand went berserk and hit everyone.

" You can't win," I said as a water thread hit Feldway's subordinates.

" [ Light Bullet ] " A voice said and the light that was small but fast came to me.

" [ Beelzebub ] " I said as my body became black and ate it.

{ Notice: The Extra Skill [ Light Bullet ] has been gained }

As the claws attacked feldway and almost killed him.

" Cancel," I said as the barrier was then broken.

" [ Calamity Beam ] " I said as multiple beams were fired at them.

" Tch " Zalario said as he attacked me.

" Ha," I said as a beam was going to hit him.

" Tch," He said as he teleported away.

A beam of light was then going to hit me again.

" [ Fallen Hypno ] " I said as they then felt a little sleepy.

" Hehe," I said as a beam was going to hit them.

" Shit," Feldway said.

' Put a spell on my arm " I thought as Feldway put on [ Castle Guard ].

{ Confirm }

" [ Stop Time ] " I said as the beam stopped and another was created again.

" Haaaa " I screamed out loud as 1 black beam was going to hit both of them.

" Shit " Feldway said as he tried to dodge.

Zalario then jumped in front of me and was going to cut my head. I was not protected by any sort of magic and was focused on Feldway's upcoming death.

" You let your guard down, " He said as he was going to kill me.

" [ Vania ] " I said as a blue glowed on his face.

She then blocked his punch and the both of them went on a 1 v 1 fight, where even one mistake could lead to your death.

Feldway's left leg was destroyed while his right leg was heavily damaged.

" No you don't," He said as he jumped away as far as possible.

{ Notice: 90% Of magical reserves have been used }

' Shit I have to run away " I thought as I ran to the demon portal.

" [ Vania ] come back," I said as she turned back to a hairpin.

" Cancel," I said as I teleported to the demon portal.

" See you again," I said while leaving.

Zalario wanted to stop me from using his martial art.

His right hand was going to hit me but I barely was able to escape with my head intact.