
The Quest for Meru

Meru is the land of dreams filled with the unknown and is incredibly dangerous. Countless people die for a chance to be born in the illusory city of gods yet, no one knows if it's real. In reality, Meru is a convergence of everything divine and miraculous in the universe. The entrance to the city lies somewhere on the Jambu continent whose location changes at the speed of thought moving endlessly across the universe. Countless civilizations across the universe have perished as the city has remained elusive beyond touch. In the world of Rendul, the quest for Meru started as daring adventurer set to the Sea of Milk and returned alive with the powers from beyond. The world itself changed filled with divine, cursed and the supernatural. Shapish has been traversing the cosmos to discover the secret of Meru. While he has some secrets of his own, accompany Shapish as he uncovers the truth about Meru. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 chapter a week till I post 1 daily No chapters on weekends generally If I want to ,I'll put out extra I will be posting this story on royalroad also RoyalRoad Profile- https://www.royalroad.com/profile/396809

bigmadtoe · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs


Shapish woke up in the morning, the next day. He was extremely exhausted. By now, there was no sign of yesterday's events in the surroundings. Sunlight shone upon his face as he sat up observing his body. One of his eye sockets was completely empty as if someone had dug out even the optic nerves from his brain. What was baffling was how cleanly 'he' did it!

"Woke up finally...eh?", said The Priest.

" You've been unconscious for a whole day", said Wars.

" It's called deep sleep", replied Shapish.

"But, that aside... Why does everything look so foggy?... ", said Shapish.

"Of course, you have drained your spirituality. The third-eye chakra needs the spirituality of a person who has opened three chakras! You only have two...of course, you can't keep it open...there's a qualitative difference... ", said The Priest.

"How much time can I use it for? ", asked Shapish.

This matter was very serious. How could he be lenient with something that concerned his survival? After all, he had suffered so much for this. How could he not be concerned?

The priest replied, " Two minutes at most at a time before your spirituality is completely depleted...you see it's like a multiplier... talent ...one chakra can allow you one percent of the relative spirituality at the three-chakra level... and ten percent of spirituality at the two-chakra level."

"So, how do you open the third chakra? ", asked Shapish.

" You can't", replied Wars.

Shapish was really frustrated. He said, "What do you even mean by that? "

"You just can't... at least before turning 15", said Wars.

" What the hell! Is this supposed to be some kind of joke? You want me to be blind for fifteen years. I can barely see with this one eye. There is no point in even discussing depth perception. How do I even train? ", said Shapish.

" First of all, don't shout...And don't blame me! Did I tell you to call 'him' as a witness? Blame yourself, you fool! ", said Wars.

The priest snickered as he saw Wars scolding Shapish. " This is what happens you live the present like the future doesn't exist... Hehe...so short-sighted...this is why you should listen to your elde-", he muttered inwardly.

" Most awakened can only open two chakras till twenty. Only geniuses can attempt to open three chakras at fifteen and that too with the help of their clan deity. "- said Wars interrupting the priest.

He added, "Stand Proud, My courageous child! You have obtained something even geniuses can't do despite being born with mediocre talent! "

Shapish found the whole sequence cringe-worthy but still felt a tinge of happiness. After all, it was the first time, someone genuinely praised him. He glanced at the priest and observed his expression. As expected, it was uglier than usual.

"What can I even do for now? ", asked Shapish.

"Do you know what the requirement for the third- chakra is?", asked Wars.

" .. ", Shapish inwardly snorted, " How would I know?.. This guy...is he seriously not trying to just fuck with me? "

"Oh, I forgot you haven't even awakened once!... Seriously my memory really isn't great", said Wars.

" Why does he have to repeat the same thing again and again... It's.. it's annoying ", thought Shapish.

Wars ignored his expressions as he continued,

"You need to figure out at least two different concepts, figure out a domain with it, and -".

" Woah! Woah! Stop for a second! Why are there so many requirements? ", Shapish was flabbergasted. Wasn't that too much?

The priest snorted, " Everyone opens the first chakra with the first concept as basis. Since you basically got it for free, your root chakra has no frequency"

"What do you mean by frequency, Senior?"

"Ugh! You're a total nincompoop! Don't you even know basic  language?", said The Priest

"No...no, I know what frequency means, but what does it have to do with chakra?", asked Shapish.

Though Shapish wasn't a fan of the way this haughty priest spoke, it wasn't like he was averse to some sort of boot-licking. There was once a saying," In times of need, even the king agrees to call the fool master!" After all desperate times call for desperate measures.

Seeing The Priest not budging, Shapish swallowed the cringe and spoke again, "Please dear senior, enlighten my humble self"

The Priest smiled as if he had clinched a victory in battle of nerves. What was this guy even thinking?  What battle do you think you had with a certified sycophant?

"Chakras vibrate!", said The Priest

"And they do with a particular frequency. Chakras are essentially gateways to the spiritual world. The frequency they vibrate resonates within the spiritual realm and attracts or repels spiritual aspects that belong to the corresponding frequency".

"Now, when you learn concepts, you attune your body to a particular frequency. Since your body is already attuned to that frequency, the elements of that nature help you awaken that chakra which would then become the gateway with a frequency similar to the element or aspect."

"Now, since you frauded your way out, your chakras aren't attuned to any frequency. The second chakra is attuned generally to a similar  frequency with the help of a concept that is the extension of the previous one"

"The third chakra is opened when the balance between all the concepts reaches the maximum and you open a domain"

"So, how do you even infuse concepts into already opened chakras? ", asked Shapish sincerely.

" You can't ", said Wars.

Time skip in at most 2 chaps

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