
Twinkle the rich brat

Twinkle lives with her parents in the western part of Pudan. She's in form five, Twinkle schools at Kadanzi College Pudan. It's a very nice and big school, and trust me, most students you find in Kadanzi are kids from rich homes.

Twinkle is the second child of Mr. and Mrs. Hillary. Her parents are so wealthy. They have just Twinkle and her brother Snoopy.

Twinkle has a girlfriend in school, Bella, that's her name. Bella and Twinkle seem to be the most beautiful girls in their class. Bella is slender, light skinned, tall and very attractive. Twinkle is plump, tall, light skinned and very pretty too. She had the best school bag, best shoes, most costly watch and best hair do in class. She seemed to be on top of the world. She had a class and not everyone belonged to that class. Her friends in school where Bella and Purity and they were of cause from very rich homes.

Twinkle was brought to school that Monday morning with a Hummer Jeep. Her friends Bella and Purity were already in class.

Bella ran out to meet Twinkle, "Twinkle dear, you are on time today, wow, sign of good news". Good morning dearie, what's up? Purity said.

Guess what!? She said

What? Bella and Purity asked.

Dad took me out for shopping last weekend. She said smiling.

Hmm! That's good news, Purity said.

But can you guess mine? Purity added.

No!!! They replied.

Well, I've gotten a new iPhone, Purity shouted.

Wooow!!!!! They girls screamed with joy.

That's great, Twinkle said.

Bella you don't have any news for us, I guess, Twinkle said.

What news? My dad promised me a new Laptop before he fell sick and you know he has been sick for over a month now. It has been so difficult, and you know my mom is no more. I'm the one taking care of him, Bella said sadly.

Ooh!!! Purity replied.

Hmmm!!! I'm not in the mood for bad news. Anyways, I came with Ice-Cream today, she said as they walked to there seat.

Everyone in class worshipped Twinkle and respected her because of the way she carried her self.

But she is very rude.

After school that day, the three girls went to an inn to have lunch. Bella didn't have any money on her, Purity and Twinkle ate while Bella watched.

I can't keep spending my money on you, I don't think I will gain any thing from you, Purity said.

But you know if I had money on me, I will buy for you and Twinkle, Bella said.

Please leave Twinkle out of this, it's very clear that you don't belong to this class anymore. You are wretched or don't you get it? Purity asked.

I'm not wretched, Bella shouted.

Hmm!! Look at this pauper, you know something? Today marks the end of our friendship. Twinkle said and stood up to leave.

Twinkle what's wrong with you? Asked Bella.

Of cause you, Purity replied.

I don't have time for this nonsense Twinkle said as she took her bag and left the inn with Purity, leaving Bella behind.