

Kojiki watching me fall asleep on her lap. Kojiki got up putting on clothes, going to the office again. Kojiki shutting the door quietly so I don't wake up. Kojiki walking to the office she began to go to the computer watching videos of me again. Kojiki watching a clip of me dancing with my friends, she chuckled. Turtle appearing he looked at Kojiki. "Turtle?" Kojiki said, still watching the video. "Nothing, Just ...do you think he will find out?" He asked in a concerned way. Turtle looking at her and sighed. "It depends if he does or not. But if he finds out...then he has the right to know. What I said in the room… were the part that we're both lovers and we need to know about these things. He'll know soon if he doesn't make the wrong move." She said harshly.

Turtle sighed. He bowed then disappeared. Kojiki shaking her head she sat back down to do the wedding paperwork. After clicking the X to close the video. Opening the door to the office I looked at Kojiki while I had my shorts and shirt. Kojiki looking up at me she smiled. "How's your sleep?" She smiled then did the paperwork after. Walking towards her I rubbed my eye from seeing the sunlight in the office. Going behind the chair that she was sitting on, I watched her fill the papers out. "My sleep was ok...but what's that?" I asked. "It's just wedding stuff." She stood up and kissed me. "For us?" I asked. Kojiki nodded. "There won't be time for a wedding but, at least I get to be your wife." Kojiki said walking down to the door.

I smiled. "That is true." I said running to her picking her up princess style. Kojiki started to laugh then I put her down, and kissed her cheek. "Come to the room when your ready." I said to Kojiki while leaving the office. Kojiki smiled. After waiting in the room I held a ring box. Kojiki walking into the room, her eyes widen. Standing up walking to Kojiki, I went to her and kneeled. "Ok... I know… this isn't the right place to purpose but…even though we are married, would you still marry me?" Looking at Kojiki in her eyes seeing tears forming up she smiled. "B-Baka ...of course I'll marry you!" Kojiki hugged me. I smiled and pulled her back a little and kissed her deeply. Us both pulling back from my kiss we both chuckled.

After packing my stuff in bags we both planned to stay in her house for a little while. Kojiki looked at me. "You done?" She asked softly. I nodded. Watching her walk to me, she kissed my cheek then my lips. "Imma go put the stuff in the car." Kojiki grabbed my bags and hers then walked to the car to put them in. Looking around the room at the mansion I smiled about how grateful she is as my wife. Walking to the door to the bedroom I looked at the room again then closed the door.

Walking outside I see Kojiki leaning on the car on the right corner where the trunk is crossing her arms. I smiled and walked to her giving her a kiss. She smiled. "Do you need anything else?" She asked. I looked at her then answered. "Nah, all I need his my puppy." I chuckled while touching her wolf ear. Her ear twitched and she scoffed. "I'm not a puppy." She kissed me then went to the car and started it.

While Kojiki was driving I held her hand while she held mine back. I smiled. Kojiki looked at me then went back to the road. "What are you smiling about?" She asked. I shook my head. "Nothing I'm just glad that you're my wife that's all ." I kissed her cheek. She blushed a bit. After reaching to her house she started to unload the car. "Here are the keys to the house just open it and make yourself home like always." She handed me the keys and kissed my right cheek. I smiled and went to the front door to unlock it.

Opening the door looking at the house it had hardwood floor, a kitchen, a couch where you could walk in, and then chair's on the right and left side of the couch . The stairs behind the chair on the right that go up. It had a coffee table that was long and a big flat TV screen. The house was painted in a villain color with white pinkish cherry blossom petals patterns on the wall. Kojiki walking in with the bags setting it down near the door she hugged me from behind. "You alright?" She kissed my neck from behind. I nodded. "It's just the same as always." I chuckled. Kojiki smiling she kissed my neck again. "Well, help me put the stuff in the room." She walked out to grab the last to bags. Watching her grab those last ones, I grabbed the ones near the door and carried it up the stairs.

Opening the door to the bedroom, her bedroom was clean and it was filled with her sweet scent. Her room was painted white, a bed with a gray bed sheet, black and gray plaid pillow cases, and a black warm blanket. It had a balcony where you can walk on with a white table set with chairs, the flooring and railing part was all wood. The dresser was long were it can fit my clothes and hers. The bathroom across the bed, it had a nice tub and a shower plus a small room to close the door so you can use the toilet. I smiled. "Same as ever." I chuckled. Putting the bags on the bed I started to unpack.

Kojiki reaching to the room she set the last bags on the ground. Then she started to help me unpack and put my clothes into the dresser. Kojiki walked behind me and hugged me from behind. "Your done my love?" I asked with a slight laugh. She nodded. "Ya, I put your clothes into the dresser and plus, I can do my own clothes." She let me go and sat on the bed while she watched me fold her clothes. I smiled.

"Well then let me return the favor." I said folding one of her underwear that was black. She blushed and grabbed her clothes and put them away. "P-Perv…!" She was red. I chuckled and hugged her from behind as she did to me from before. "Aw ...you know you like it." I teased her. She blushed again while pushing me to the bed. "Then let's see, shall we?" She smiled kissing my neck. I grabbed her right buttcheek then slapped it lightly. She flinched a bit and kissed me. "I'm going to cook what do you wanna eat?" She put her arms around my neck while I held her putting my hands on her waist. "Mmmm....Make your best." I smiled and kissed her. Kojiki kissing me back she smiled. "Ok then, Imma make some stir fry." She let me go and so did I.

Walking downstairs with her I went to the living room to watch tv. Kojiki went to the kitchen and cooked. While watching anime I stood up and went to the kitchen to ask if she needed help. "Hey, do you need help?" I hugged her from behind while she was cutting chicken breast. She smiled. "No but, you need to be careful I'm cutting." She did a small laugh. I kissed her neck. "I'm sorry. But are you sure you don't need help?" I put my chin on her left shoulder watching her slice the chicken into small pieces. She nodded. "Just relax, I'll be fine." She looked at me while she stopped cutting. "Sure?" I started to do the puppy face. She looked away trying to not get persuade by my eyes. "Come on baby…..I don't want you to get hurt." I started to puff my cheeks. "Yes, I'm-" While she talked she got cut.

"See." I said with a small sad voice. She looked at me. "Hey, this is your fault." She put down the knife and turned to me where I still held her waist. She pinched my nose in between her index and middle finger. By her soft pinch, I looked at her when she put her hand down and gave me a kiss. "I'll be fine. Now go and watch your anime." She kissed me again. I grabbed her finger and sucked the blood that was still going. "Let me treat you first." I looked at her with some puppy eyes. She sighed.

She smiled a little. "Ok, but after this you have to go over there and let me cook ok?" Looking at her I nodded sadly. She pinched my nose again softly. "I'm not dying." She chuckled a bit and kissed my cheek. "Still!" I said while puffing my cheeks. "I'll be ok." She smiled. I smiled a bit as well. After putting the bandaid on her finger I went to the couch and watched anime. While watching anime, the swift of the smell of Kojiki's stir fry started to smell good. My mouth began to water. "The food is done love." She started to make my plate then looked at me while setting it down on the table counter. Standing up I went to her and kissed her lips. "Thank you for the food." I smiled. "Your welcome." She began to eat.

Helping Kojiki washing the dishes after eating, we went and got ready to go shopping. Kojiki waiting downstairs I started to put in my jacket. After walking out of the house we went to the car and started driving. "Hey Yui is gonna visit us soon you ok with that?" Kojiki looked at me then looked back at the road while she drove.

"That's fine ...did you not want her to come?" I looked at her. She was silent. I giggled. "Aww so cute my little puppy wants me all to herself." I covered my mouth while laughing. She blushed. "Y-You got a problem with that?" She said cutely with a small voice. I smiled and shook my head. "I love you." I said while kissing her cheek. "Mhm." Kojiki turned around facing me for a kiss. I kissed her before she looked back to the road.

Pulling up to a parking spot we began to walk into the mall. While walking into the mall we started to go into a store. Seeing dresses and suits Kojiki looked at them. "Koji?" I called her. She turned to me. "I'll get you a suit you can pick me a dress. Don't worry about the price I got it." She went to me and kissed me. I got confused. "Are we going to a party?" I asked her while holding her waist. Kojiki shook her head. "It's just for fun. Come on." She chuckled. I sighed. "Ok then and I got it, I don't want you wasting your money." I smiled and kissed her forehead. Kojiki pinched my nose lightly and began to walk into the suit area. "Oh I wanna waste it on you." She smirked then laughed quietly. I chuckled. "Then I'll do the same." I walked behind her then slapped her butt.

Kojki looking at me with a blush I licked my lips while looking at her. Then turned around to pick out a dress for her. Kojiki looking at me she turned and picked out a suit. Which was black. After picking a dress for Kojiki that was long and silver we both met up at the fitting room. I looked at her and she looked at me. "You don't have bad taste." She chuckled while grabbing the dress I picked out. "You to my love." I said while grabbing the suit. We both went into a room and tried it on. Kojki opening the door she went to the mirror to look at herself.

Walking out of the room I see Kojiki standing there looking so beautiful. I came right behind her and hugged her. Kojiki looked at me on the mirror and smiled. "You look so pretty." I kissed her cheek. She blushed and bit her lip. "And you look so handsome." She chuckled. I chuckled as well. I nibbled on her ear while feeling in a different way. "You know ...I just want you right now." I smirked. Kojiki blushing she turned around and pushed me lightly and playfully. "We're at the store." Kojki started to walk away into her fitting room. "Don't play hard to get love." I followed her. Kojiki closing the door fast. I slipped in before it can close. "L-love…!" She tried to get me out while I hugged her, and locking the door.

Kojiki trying to push me away, we started off on the floor. Using my body as a shield Kojki looked at me worried. "Shadow you ok?" She put her hand on my forehead making sure I was alright. I nodded. Moving my hands up and down on her back to her butt, back and forth. She blushed and I stopped. "I'm fine." I smiled. Helping her stand up and standing up. Kojiki hair started to cover her eyes. I looked at her. "Koji?" I asked. "I-I-Idiot!" She slapped me across the cheek.

After walking out of the store, there was a big handprint on my right cheek. Kojiki carrying the bags to the car she had her cheeks puffed. "Love I'm sorry ok? I couldn't help myself." I went to help her opening the trunk. "Your a big idiot ...hmph." She said while putting down the bags in then closed the trunk. I sighed and went inside the car. While driving I looked at her then looked at the window. "What's wrong?" She asked when she looked at me then back to the road. "Nothing….I just screwed up that's all." I said sadly. Kojiki sighed. "Look I know you couldn't helped yourself. I forgive you. But next time be careful." She looked at me. Looking back at Kojiki I nodded. "I'm sorry." I kissed her lips and she turned back to watch the road. "It's ok. Now cheer up I'll treat you when we get home." She said with a smirk. I smiled.

While driving Kojiki's phone started to ring. I looked down and picked up her phone that was in the cup holders. The caller was Yui, I looked at her and she nodded for me to pick up. I answered the call. "Hey Kojiki?" Yui voice on the phone started to sound worried. I started to speak. "Kojiki is driving right now, Did you need something? Also its Shadow." I said. Yui sighed. "Yes, can you ask Kojiki if you guys are going to tonight's party?" She asked, and I started to get confused by this 'party'. "Uh, Yui what do you mean by party?" I started to question, then remembered about the party I asked her when we were in the store. "Eh?! Shadow you didn't know about it?" Her voice was a little high. I nodded and responded with a yes. Looking at Kojiki, she kept on driving with no expression. With no trouble look or a worried one. She was calm, I started to ask Yui to explain the party to me.

"The party is for Kojiki. She's been taking over the company by her father, when you left her. She made a big help so now for the party we are going to promote her to be the chairman if not then at least the CEO. She's made big changes into the company. So the party is for her, also her dad will be there too…." Yui said with a pause. "Please let her know." Yui said quietly with a worried tone. "Ok then, I'll let her know. But let me ask her." I looked at Kojiki and she nodded. "She said yes." I replied. "Ok then, I'll see you guys soon." Yui hanged up the phone. Putting down the phone I looked at her. "I haven't seen you dad yet. Do it get-" Getting cut off from Kojiki her voice began to sound harsh. "Sorry about not mentioning the party to you. I didn't know you would be home this early. So that's why the clothes are there for us. Sorry." She said while her driving started to be more faster.

I looked at her then turned to the road. "Please drive carefully, and your fine." I said with a sigh. Kojiki started to drive more slowly. "It's fine if you didn't want to tell me. But like you said before when we were in the room. I should know these things to." I asked and she nodded. "So about your dad." While mentioning her dad, Kojiki's eyes began to glow a little black with her blood red eye color. I gulped. "I don't want to hear him nor see him. You will not meet him… he did something that I will not forgive." Kojiki said harshly warning me. I sighed. "Ok then." I said not to get myself hurt.

After reaching to the house we both got out of the car, and grabbed the clothes we bought. I looked at Kojiki while she was opening the door to the house. "I'm sorry." I said when I was behind her. Kojiki paused before she went in. She turned to me and patted my head. "It's fine. I was being way to overboard. Please don't worry about it. I'm fine. So lets get changed and have fun for tonight's party alright?" She smiled and kissed my lips. I nodded but began to worry for her. I started to think to myself, 'She may seem cheerful now, but...she will be lonely or different later on.' I shook my head while thinking in my thoughts. I sighed and took a deep breath, walked in after Kojiki to close the door.

While watching Kojiki changing into her dress that she bought at the mall, I began to change into the suit that she got for me. Kojiki looking at me while I was buttoning the shirt she came over. She grabbed the black tie and went in front of me. "What's wrong?" She asked. I put my hand down, while she put the tie over my neck and began to tie it. I shook my head to make it seem like I'm fine. "Its nothing I'm ok." I smiled to her. She looked at me and put her hands around my neck when she finished. "Don't lie to me. What is it?" She started to puff her cheeks a little. "Its just...I worry for you that's all. Because you don't really tell me what your past is. I know I'm being a little selfish but I want to know what happened to you and why you chose me." I looked into her blood red eyes then down to the floor.