
The Queen Bee is Her Master [GL/BL]

( Mature Language/ Mature Themes) The term was simple "if you don't want me to make your life hell you have to do something for me " The agreement was easy"Okay " And the rule was real "from now on you will address me as Master" But there was a punishment" I want you to seduce my ex-boyfriend's new girlfriend. You're a Virgin right?" The answer was known "that's good you should be glad that I will teach you how to seduce " "Okay, Master... ------------------------###---------------------- A nerd has a crush on the Queen Bee A Queen Bee who's a little possessive of her possession And a punishment What could go wrong? ******* As  English is not my First language they're will be some Grammatical mistakes bear with me.   This work is pure Fiction, Every name, character, Place, Business, Event, Locals even Incident is either my Imagination or Used as Fiction manners for entertainment purposes only. Any resemblance with real person or events is purely coincidence. Anyway if you do read this book then generally                     " THANK YOU!!" folks                                                 

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35 Chs

Chapter — 24 [ Jealousy, maybe.]

'Amid a myriad of crowds you all I wish to see.'


Within the ample hallways of Wilmington where all the students are bustling going to their classes. In the locker room area with a harsh slam of her locker room virtually flinching her friends Ariana looked to her side and leaned."If you don't stop talking about the nerd Jo I swear. " The threat earns a sheepish grin from her friends they beam at the annoyance

"Oh Ari, we're just asking how your night went nothing more girl chill," Danny jested a sharp glare darted in their direction as a response

Not only Ariana was tired because of replicas of questions and interrogations are merely giving her a headache not comprehending since when her friends cared about the Egghead so much she fought back the urgers of telling the truth but still her friends didn't believe her since Yeri knows her very well ostensibly

"First of all the nerd wasn't with me. I don't know where she was and I don't care ."

"Really?" Seo inquired, a playful smile emigrated on her lips ." Well then if you don't have any interest in her I can take my shot ." Now that beguiles everyone. "You know Ari after yesterday's performance everyone is curious about the nerd and most importantly when they know someone beneath those granny glasses can be pretty and hottie anyone would like to take their chance,"

"Shut up. " Ariana demands deadpan. Their chance huh? like hell, anyone would ever wish for that nerd

Seo elbows Danny, beckoning her to say something likewise. "She's right I mean since you don't have any interest in her other than using her for that seduction so maybe, " eyeing Jo she glanced back to her friend. " We could get a chance with her and see who can take her out first. "

The rumination of Danny holding The nerd Seo following her like a puppy almost ready to buss down with kisses every time they can Ariana squinted her eyes her jaw clapped together. "I said Shut.it." She riposte this time it wasn't elvish anymore the group of friends intuits how her voice changed more to a dark and stoic one

Ariana was getting furious.

Yeri observed the thin air between them and the louring look both Danny and Seo were receiving for their remark she sighed. "You can shut them but they're right, "

Ariana turned her attention raising an eyebrow Yeri glanced at the other side of the corridor where Seyong was coming along with her best friend talking together clutching the straps of her bag and the other arm held by Lucy. The stares the nerd received were evident: students were ensnared. " There are guys who won't hesitate to take a step." and she was right

The next thing Ariana witnessed was a guy talking to the nerd. The slight blush on those cheeks peeved corals inside her skin; the return of the smile nettles her patience wasn't the nerd usually blushing for her. How can she do that for someone else?

Before she could stop her heels moved forward the younger was still wearing her uniform which means she didn't change. "Don't you've class? "

The guy who's from the same class as Seyong, turns around to face the student council President, folding her arms on her chest, head tilted to a side. "yes? " he replied

Ariana rolled her eyes. " Well, then get out lover Boy teachers won't wait for you. "

The guy is still detained at her awestruck mostly by her appearance, smiling slyly as he looks at Seyong. "I'll see you at class then, " he said Seyong nodded

'No, you Won't.'

As he left for the class Lucy gave a toothy grin to her friend that didn't last long conclusively when Ariana didn't see him she turned around to face Seyong. "And You Hwang go to your class," she orders

"Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side, " Lucy chiefly ignores the strenuous gaze and discerns something her eyes narrow behind Ariana where along with Yeri the other three minions were gaping at her at first she thought maybe they were watching because of her and Ariana but then she found Jo peering from Danny's shoulders trying to get a glimpse of her best friend all of them were staring at the girl beside her and the smirk on Seo's lips there was something going on

A tap causes her to snap her concentration to her friend. "See you at Lunch Lucy-ya, " Seyong spoke imparting a warm hug

She nodded and walked toward the group of Ariana's friends. "What are you all doing? " she asked frowning

"Nothing! " they answer in unison with a crafted smile

"Then let's go." Since they have the same class as her they followed behind Lucy, Danny had to grab Jo's shoulder to get the girl out of sight from Ariana.

"Umm, Master? " Seyong's eyes drawn into The Queen Bee's. "c-Can I go ? " she implores

"No," Ariana answered, not waiting for a retort, she began to saunter. " Follow. " She looked over her shoulder to see if the younger was obeying her and she was.

Quivering her lips together Seyong began to walk behind her Master whenever she'd think maybe she lost track to follow the aroma of her crush would bestowing her how close they were not touching but close enough for others to see and for her to feel the heat it won't be a surprise if she walks beside The Queen Bee the gossips would spread like fire in woods she swallowed when they almost reach Ariana's class

"Master? " The elder hummed, still not inconvenienced to stop. "My classroom is on the right. "

"I know. " Shrugs off Ariana

Seyong's eyebrows pulled taut in confusion. "Then why w—'

"Tsk, Chao Seyong, stop talking. " Came a sturdy answer

"b-but I—"

"You dare to talk back to me! Don't forget who you are, if I say follow you follow. " Her Master snapped

'But My Class Notes, '

The younger lowered her gaze, rooting herself. "Oh, you won't fail for not attaining one class, ask your boyfriend he'll give notes to you. " She looked up in puzzlement, a huff irks from the elder. "What don't tell me your boyfriend is not a nerdy type. "

"Boyfriend? " Seyong's forehead wrinkled. "But I—" Ariana raised her pointer finger, a warning. she sighed ensuing.

Peeking by the side of the door she enters the classroom glancing at her Master who was sitting in front she gulps. Seyong was never someone who would sit in front she'd rather be at the end of the seat distant from everyone's weird stares. Almond hazel eyes looked at her an eyebrow raised mentioning her to sit on the bench beside

The whispers can be heard that she doesn't belong to this class walking in. She had to bend slightly to place her bags properly to sit at the sight of Chao Seyong bending down a nearly mouth-watering view for some students. They whistle in thrill Ariana darted her eyes to them even girls were practically eye fucking The Nerd. She rubbed her temples sensing Seyong is sitting beside her she grip her pen writing down something in her notebook to omit the whispers getting inside her skull.

Seyong gently taps on the desk waiting patiently for the teacher to arrive even if it's not her class but as they say, it's never bad to learn something new she peer at The Queen Bee who seems to be warfare with the poor notebook the way the pen was almost keen to be broke from the hold it displays someone is fuming but who was she's angry with frowning slightly she jerked when impetuously Ariana slammed her hand over the desk flinched all the students

"Bitches and peaches get your fucking eyes on your notebook before I clip them out! " The Queen Bee's voice boomed into the class hushing all the impious whispers. "And balls too," she added

The younger ambient her gaze around the class indeed tumbling down silences all the students keeping their eyes on their books no wonder the power Ariana carries over them.

The Latter peered beside her at the girl who was rapt to her. She can breathe in the sweet yet exotic scent of wild lilies. Somehow it was one of the most pleasant scents for her. Her eyes soften their gaze apishly, a smile lifted to her lips as Seo's words echo in her mind 'Pretty and hottie' No, She is not only that. Chao Seyong is an adorable tiny bean. Turning her attention to the board she stood up as the teacher entered.

At the lunch table resting her chin in her palm, Ariana watched Danny eat her food well. It was mostly junk food for her without less nutrition, she sighed. "You should eat real food Danny, not this shit,"

Her friends wiped her mouth. "And you should eat your food seriously, what are you waiting for My Lady? "

Ariana rolled her eyes and straightened her back to get a better view of the entrance to see if the person was coming who she'd been waiting for.

Hence all her friends were 'Busy' Yeri is with Jo helping her with some project Seo is staying with Noah doing some arraignment for their schedule of studies she ends up with Danny alone in the cafeteria which is not that bad until her dear friend starts illogical topics that would lead her to talk about her seduction lesson if that still going Or not. "Why do I have to be stuck with you? " she groaned running her fingers through her locks

Danny smirks. " Because I'm your mate "

"I don't want it. " She glared back not threatening but sternly

"Of course not, because you want that hottie nerd for yourself. " An impudent statement causes her to frown

"I don't. " Maybe.

"Yeah right, and I believe that. '' Danny shook her head in disbelief and glanced at the entrance where her friend was ogling since she showed up. A smile curled on her lips when she finally saw The Nerd. "Oh, Finally My grace is here. " she proclaimed standing up, aware of how easily her friend flickered her attention, almost dazed by verisimilitude. "Come on Ms. Hottie sit here. " pulling a seat next to her she offered the younger smiling triumphantly

"No, she won't. '' Announced The Queen Bee sitting elegantly crossing her arms

"Why? Because you want her for yourself, " Danny didn't wait for a response. "My dear Ari, she's a human, she has the right to choose, " looking to her side she raised an eyebrow. "So Ms. Hottie will sit with me. "

"Stop calling her that. " Ariana answered nonchalantly glancing back at her Seyong

And that's when Seyong witnessed the next fifteen minutes of argument between two friends the topic starts with not calling her any nickname that had been set for her led to who'll sit next to her to be fair being flummoxed She gazed back in forth frowning observing the situation that was only becoming unending probably because Danny is Ariana's friend both of them won't give up in an argument. 'God, just get me out of here already. ' she hoped sighing standing in front broadly lost at sea

"Sit here Seyong. " Ariana ordered glaring at Danny

She nodded and pulled a seat but before she could sit Danny scowled to her friend. " Seriously I thought you said You Don't Care and now you're just forcing her to follow when I'm trying to get my chance."

Chance? She glances back at Ariana who scoffs in annoyance. "Chance, do you want me to believe that well then No you don't have a chance Not until I gave permission. "

Permission about what? queries dishevelled jumbled her mind. She watches Danny pursue her lips. "You're just jealous, admit it."

It was mostly for a bit of a moment but for a sec Seyong saw how the loss of words The Queen Bee was her lips shuddering ready to cuss down Danny's existence for using a statement that won't be true

"Hey, Seyong!! "

The abruptly delighted buoyant voice seized their attention Seyong turned her head to find Sana coming on her way smiling. 'Uh, Oh. ' she swallowed, putting forward a smile. "Sana, "

"Seyong where have you been? We were looking for you, let's go to eat lunch outside my treat, " Sana spoke pleasantly as Lucy stood behind, grasping Seyong's arms. "Danny, your friend can join too. ''She implored verily admiring Ariana who was leaning her head in a gesture of observing

Danny prepared to deny the offer but her friend stood up with a soft squeak of the seat she retained beside her. " I've got a better plan, " Ariana smirked, taking a step closer to Sana. She lightly pushed Seyong away. "And she's not going anywhere. "An elliptical declaration that leaves no room for argument

The girl's eyes twinkle as her lips grin. "You're Ariana, right? "

"Yes, Sana. '' Ariana answered equitably

"You know my name?"

"Of course." The Queen Bee let out a smile. " Only a fool won't recognize Lee Jea Youn's belove girlfriend."She mused.''So Sana have lunch together.''

"Sure, "

Lucy sits beside Ariana. Sana Seyong and Danny sit in front of them. Usurping a seat beside Seyong, Danny had to bite her tongue to suppress a laugh seeing her best almost hiss because she couldn't sit next to the nerd.

If eyes could have expunged Sana's hands would have been the first thing that would snuff away the moment she dared to feed the nerd. Plainly that so-called God of heaven perhaps hell always loves to test her tolerance. Gritting her teeth, her hands clench the fork.

"Wow, Your Mom taught you that. " She heard Danny's voice in wonderment as they were talking about how Chao Seyong learned the piano. Her friend kept digging deeper into her servant's life and Sana was as enthused as her friend.

She watches The younger nod apathetically eating. "Is she a pianist? " Seyong nodded again. "Why didn't she come to the event? " A brief pause Ariana eyed the younger hands that were clutching the fabric of her skit she knows the habit it's a form to reduce anxiousness

They wait for Seyong to answer however Lucy musters instead."Because she's busy. "

Danny's eyebrows frowned. "Busy? What's her name does she have any social media accounts? " she asked

Seyong rubbed her palms fisting her knuckles she glanced around everyone was keeping their eye on her. Social media accounts she has spent her nights looking for it but it never gets an applicable result . "i-i can't tell her name it's personal. " She muttered

Everyone could sense Seyong is not feasible to answer for the first time Sana noticed how uneasy it was for her but still Danny pressed. "Oh come on I'm like your friend I'm not trying to steal your mom. " She quipped lightly squeezing Seyong's shoulder

Lucy cleared her throat. " Danny it's personal leave it. "

"But I want to Kn—

"Danny, please. " Sana meekly said


"Son Dyang stop bitching and finish your smoothie! " The thread of Ariana's patience tears down her voice shirks.

Whereat Sana knowing her place as a new transfer student politely requests The Queen Bee being herself yelled at her friend their used it afterall. "You don't have to shout. " Sana advised

Ariana frowned at the nerve of this girl to interfere while she talk. "Listing Yo—

"I'm sorry! " Danny almost shrieked giving a pleading look to her best friend not to lose her temper. "I'm sorry, " she apologizes to Seyong. "But yeah I really would love to meet her someday. "

'Me too. ' Seyong thought to herself and shrugs. "It's fine friends don't say sorry. "

As the girls continue eating Sana explains how much fun she has in her new university and talks about her family which wasn't something Ariana was inquisitive about she already knows everything about Aihara Sana she didn't stalk her just some research she used from her sources.

Merely for a few more moments later as the bell ring Sana get a call from her boyfriend she had to leave. Arranging her things and bowing goodbye when she is about you turn Ariana stops her. "Sana this Saturday I'm hosting a house party you have to come along with your boyfriend."

Sana gazes down at her phone."Umm, Ariana, I'd love to b—

"Uh, No but," Ariana impedes. "It's for a celebration," eyeing Danny and Lucy she goes on. "My precious Danny wins so it's on me, I'll send the invitation card. "

Even though uncertain Sana ducks down. "Okay, I'll, " giving a quick eye to the others. "See you guys later. " she waved her hands

'Such a fool.' The Queen Bee brooded skimming her eyes on the path until Sana departed taking a look over the pairs she scrutinized the younger. "Seyong, " she called her tone sweetened dark eyes tractably board into hers she leaned placing both of her hands on the table. "Dye your hair I want them blonde tomorrow," she orders turning her attention to open-mouthed Danny. "Let's Go. " her heels trailed off

"Are you going to color your hair? " Lucy inquire passing the corridor.

Seyong smiled faintly. "Yeah, " Her father will surely end her if he saw that but he don't want to see her face nonetheless.

Her best friend grinned cradling her arms together. "Well, then we are doing it together. "

Seyong shakes her head. "Okay, Blondie. " She has no idea what is going into The Queen Bee's head. Yet Her pristine vestal locks that had never been touched before going to dye for the first time just for her Master.