
The Queen Bee is Her Master [GL/BL]

( Mature Language/ Mature Themes) The term was simple "if you don't want me to make your life hell you have to do something for me " The agreement was easy"Okay " And the rule was real "from now on you will address me as Master" But there was a punishment" I want you to seduce my ex-boyfriend's new girlfriend. You're a Virgin right?" The answer was known "that's good you should be glad that I will teach you how to seduce " "Okay, Master... ------------------------###---------------------- A nerd has a crush on the Queen Bee A Queen Bee who's a little possessive of her possession And a punishment What could go wrong? ******* As  English is not my First language they're will be some Grammatical mistakes bear with me.   This work is pure Fiction, Every name, character, Place, Business, Event, Locals even Incident is either my Imagination or Used as Fiction manners for entertainment purposes only. Any resemblance with real person or events is purely coincidence. Anyway if you do read this book then generally                     " THANK YOU!!" folks                                                 

Peringkat tidak cukup
35 Chs

Chapter— 31[Elastic Heart 3: Silence]

'Why the need for galaxies when I can see the universe in her eyes  '


The cold breeze blows against the chubby rose petal cheeks as a group of juveniles rush pushing the petite form away causing her to stumble onto the leaflets. Their obstreperous laugh lingers a trace effect displays with delight, Her head bounces dark feline eyes aglint up between faces slight strands of hair fall by a side. She smiles sounds of her giggle reverberate from the back of her throat then her eyes look forth within a meter away, A woman is elegantly sitting on a bench Soft rays of the sun ascend over her dark brown hair as She watches the kids play smiling likewise she waves. 

Natural peach tint lips tugged up into a mischievous grin standing up from the grass she ran toward her mother as her eyes caught something. " Mama, " pecking over the book that was held by the willowy hands, She sighed at the confection grandeur of the sun.

"Yes,  Mia Cara, "delicate digits brushed her hair aside, smoothing it with caress the honeyed voice hummed lips gently curling, admiration of amber eyes agleam as they set on her while hands meet the side of her flushed cheeks gently cupping the woman's smile grow, dimples appear.

"You're so pretty Mama, " little Seyong said wildly, nudging her face into the palm.

"Grazie, so are you My Little beautiful Yongbee, " her mother fondled over the crown of her head, shading the sun from the squinting vision of her little girl's eyes. " But we are not buying ice cream, " 

With a pout. " But Mama, " Seyong urged her mother, who raised an eyebrow in disapproval. " Just one, " maundering back, gaze cast down. Her mother was worried about her health. Little seyong had spent 2 days in hospital after catching a fever because of heavy rain before her 7th birthday."Please," 

Unable to withstand the contemplation when the woman found her daughter wasn't able to look away in awe from the ice cream cart she couldn't help but sigh. Dark orbs meet hers ." Okay," a smile rises showing the perfect white teeth of the little one's glee. She held out one of her long fingers." But just one." 

Slightly nodding, the little girl stood dusting her dress. When her mother told her she'd go with her shaking her head Seyong let out ." Mama, I'm a big girl. I'll get one for you too." In defeat by her adoring child's statements and enthusiastic stare, Mrs. Chao smiled and palmed her the money, keeping her eyes firm as her daughter tiptoed trots toward the stall. 

Beforehand, she glanced at her mother who was now talking on the phone. As the stall came into her view tenuous fingers taped over the counter to catch the man's attention, her small belly pressed against the side. The old man smiled kindly and handed her two white cups of dessert with two plastic spoons she paid him and began to walk cautiously clutching the cup

However, when a group of boys hustled toward cheering, the ice cream cup from her right hand fell before she dodged another wave. Strong sway of an elbow and body forced her to shove against the nearest person making her fall flat on her rear. Something cold dripped down from her hands, a whimper passed her lips and the other ice cream had fallen as well. 

A weak groan sounded closer to her ears as dark curls tickled against her cheeks, a soft body hovering over hers,  gaze narrow She flicked her eyes up only to greet with hazel iris haunting down sharply. Eyes that look almost the same as her mother's.  "Can't you see where you're going, " the girl snaps rudely, still leaning uncomfortably, hands falling on either side of  Seyong's head while her legs knelt on the ground. 

Seyong's mouth fell open, the pleasant ador filled her sanity, permitting her lungs to swell into the fragrance— 'Lavender' she thought. The hazel-eyed girl puckered her lips when she didn't get a reply and began to upright her feet but winced with the abrupt movement she retreated herself.  There was a small scratch over the knees. " Are you hurt? " The girl who was also the same age as hers shakes her head, lips trembling as she struggles to stand up straight.  

Strange. Implicitly Seyong wrapped her arm around the confused girl's shoulder, wide eyes shifted to gape at her Startled by a presence she smiled affirmed how it meant no harm, and helped the unknown stranger to sit on the wooden bench.  

Taking a few meticulous side steps the little girl kept her eyes on erstwhile to make sure no other group of boys Or anything else ran into them.  Once they sat, tears beamed in those bright hazel eyes,  gazing around. " Wait here, " Seyong said. 

Certain times, the major thing her mother taught her was to help others when you can and she always ensures it.

 Soaking the red rose print handkerchief with water she ran back to the girl. " It'll be okay, " she breathed, crouching down, shaky hands gently grasping the knee, allowing soft fingertips to retain the skin. She dabbed the soft cloth to clean the red-stained skin.  An audible mewl made her stop. The girl was still in pain.

Biting down her lower lips, Seyong outstretched one of her hands, summing out what else she could do. There was a belief her Mama did whenever she felt pain, holding her hands as long as she wanted an assurance chiefly that she was not alone: eyes stared at slender wrists stoutly even with that ardent stare. The little girl didn't let fear haze her mind; she was only endeavoring to help ." If it hurts you can hold my hand," she offered wistfully without looking up to the piercing big hazel eyes. 

A pause affixed before with a shy nod a soft hand clasped her wrist."Sorry, " movements halted, feline dark inky eyes peered up, brows wrinkled together although the other girl was not looking at her, still her dulcet voice dented in Seyong's skull smoothly. " Your ice cream,  sorry about it. " 

Covering the injured knee with her handkerchief she sat down beside her new companion, they faced each other. The brassy cheers came forth from afar making the girl flinch in horror of getting another slam of bodies almost jump onto Seyong who was protectively willing to enfold her arms.  

For an awkward moment, they looked over at the boys, and then a belly laugh broke out discerning how the girl was practically clinging herself closer to Seyong like a frightened cat. They chuckled in unison, sweet gentle chuckles that were pleasing to hearken ever. "It's okay, maybe it's my fate today." 

Fate— a power that defines events fixed by the universe. She had learned it from her father this week and with eagerness, she has saved it in her knowledge bucket. 

The girl tilted her head affably and traced her finger over her injured knee. She sighed. " Let's go, " It wasn't a request but not an order either before Seyong could grasp what was happening. Her small hands were held securely, legs obeyed in maladroitness as they stopped in front of the same ice cream stall. 

In anticipation, she waited while the other girl held out two cups again. Eyes blinked in confusion for the first time. There was warmth in those hazel orbs and reddened cheeks. " When you want something it has nothing to do with fate as an apology here is your ice cream. " 

Feline eyes were stuck on the cups as they were being offered. " But I don't have money to repay, " 

Lips turned up into a smile, the girl took a clement step. " You help me and that's enough. We're even now. " 

Seyong demurred for a bit but the manner of apology was not that threatening.  Her hands gently hold the cups. A dreary nonpareil phenomenon trips down her fingertips as they brush against the latter's palms, their eyes locked."Um, I— tha-Thank you, " she stammered. 

The girl nodded before turning her heels and began to walk away. For a moment Seyong kept her eyes on the stranger then she glanced down at the cups.  ' An apology. ' 

"Seyong? " her mother's voice lured her away from those funny feelings she felt a while ago. Her mother was pacing hastily; she sighed in relief as her eyes found her daughter. " Where've you been Dear you know Mama gets worried, " the woman cupped her cheek amber eyes scrutinizing the dust over the floral print grey dress. " What happened?" 

"Non preoccuparti Mamma, " Seyong smiled, offering a dessert cup to her mother. She started to walk and the woman followed, frowning." I fall a—"

"Someone pushed you? " Before little Seyong even finished her mother gazed down sternly. " Who? " her eyes austerely began to glance around.  "Those kids I swear don't have any manners. Parlerò con i loro genitori." 

Shaking her head she began. " No Mama a fated encounter," her mother's soft brows furrow together. Her smile widens musing her father's words. " We fall. We met. I helped her and she repaid me. So we're equal now. " 

"She? " 

Fervently the little girl nods. " Yes, I think I made a friend, Mama. My friend, " putting a spoonful of her ice cream into her mouth she savors the taste.  When Seyong finishes eating, a strong hand wraps around her small waist to carry her in delicate arms. 

Her mother hummed sauntering with her little lass. The eagerness in her daughter's voice didn't lie quiet as words blunder from those sweet lips. In amusement, her mother inquired. " Okay,  but what is your friend's name? " leading into the arch wall path passing by other parents with their kids. 

"Oh, I… I don't know.  She left before I'd ask. " Seyong whispered, the corner of her mouth curled down resting her temple against her mother's shoulder. 

"Never mind, " she glances toward her mother who smiles warmly. " Next when you two meet, hold her hands and don't let her go. But yes with consent " 

For the second time, Seyong laughs remembering how that strange hazel-eyed girl flinches when she holds her shoulders without permission even though she only wants to help.  Maybe she will hold her hands but solely when the girl offers it. 

"Yah!  Chao Seyong!? " The loud pricing call causes Seyong to jolt her awareness, She glances in front where Ariana is standing holding two cups of vegan ice cream. '' Seriously, what's up with you? I've been calling you five times. " 

Five times?   Seyong must be daydreaming waiting for her master. "sor-Sorry, " she apologizes."Thank you."  The elder didn't say anything except roll her eyes as she held out one of the cups.  Standing up from the bench she grasped it while they began to wander around the park.  

While passing the cheerful kid's eyes stole a glance at Ariana. Today was one of the weirdest but the good thing was finally Seducing Sana is off. She breathed in relief but a thought crept in with disappointment on soft features when Seyong fumbled all the apologizing for her every careless demeanor of last night Ariana had made it clear while eating lunch in a non-so-fancy vegan bistro that she didn't want her to do anything with Sana which means they won't see each other personally anymore.  Won't spend time together.  The Queen Bee won't look for her within the hallways.  There's no need.  There won't be any demand for her presence.  

Her heart heaved the bliss she felt being with her crush slowly began to fall apart turmoil with her mind. This is the last time they're walking together beside each other where she can breathe into the rich pleasant scent so closely 

"It's melting, " Ariana said. The younger one blinked and glanced down. Almond hazel orbs watch carefully.  " Your ice cream is melting. "

'So is my heart, ' Seyong had to bite her tongue to stifle those words back she nodded. Possibly this is the last time so why not live it as long as The Queen Bee wants before abandoning her? A smile raises it's better for good anyway. 

"What's wrong? " The elder frowned worriedly, stopping in her tracks.  

Seyong shook her head away from the thoughts whatever for now she is with Ariana.  It's perfect.  "It's just really good, " she smiles 

"It is? " Seyong stepped back as the latter leaned, eyes narrowed to the brown substance. " I wanna try. " It wasn't a request. 

Flabarested the younger began to lower her spoon thinking maybe the latter would use hers but instead, eyes bore into hers Ariana took the spoon into her mouth a soft almost faint moan slipped by. Seyong dashed her head away, cheeks flushed red in embarrassment. " Sweet". The voice husked. 

Heartbeats apex between her lungs. Drag of breath quivered as heat throbbed in her core Still she didn't dare to look until something cold held near the corner of her mouth carefully she peeked back at it and saw a spoonful full of the desert.  " I tasted yours, don't you want to try mine? " She stares at the spoon. Isn't this going to be an indirect kiss if they— how many times are they gonna— And why Ariana doesn't seem to mind it? Why does she always keep doing—

"We'll be even now," Ariana stated. 

The prior odds of consideration are thrown away. If Ariana wants her to try it she's willing to do so.  Her tongue wrapped around the warm spoon feeling her crush staring at her, Warmth spread across her cheeks She pulled away quickly and cleared her throat looking everywhere but at the elder. Why does this feel like they're on a date? Are they on a Date?  No.  Stop it.  She schooled her beliefs.  'Never get your hopes up Seyong you know what happened next'.  


But how could she not hope? when the sincerity in those eyes is so livid dwelling within frenzied with genuine emotions. How gentle those grasps feel whenever their hands are clasped together. "Seyong, " they stop together and she looks at Ariana. A gentle gush of winds caressed the side of brunette locks there was an unspeakable dubiousness." There is something I want to tell you." 


And that was it. Maybe Ariana will tell her 'Leave I don't need you anymore. Your punishment is over.' 

"Yes, " she waited. 


" I- I never did this before so—I don't know where to begin,  bu-but I — there's is… that I…, " 


An audible sigh with a faint cuss could be heard. Why was The Queen Bee struggling and fidgeting so much? Was there something else she wanted to say?  "So the thing is I think I.. No scratch that I know I. " Again she paused mostly in desperation and frustrated by herself   

"Okay, "Seyong said, offering an assuring smile. Whatever Ariana says, she'll accept it all like always. " You what? " she implored sweaty palms clutched by her side in anxiousness

Breathing out Ariana opened her mouth again and Seyong closed her eyes she didn't want to face those hurtful words but that's what reality was


"I want to tell you that even if you don't remember anything from last night.  But I consider them all because, for the past few days, you made me realize that I- Seyong I li— Noah? " 

Noah?  What?  When she opened her eyes the frown on the elder's face and twitching jaw hinted at an annoyance. She followed those intense gazes behind where Ariana was looking. Noah with his boyfriend. She tilted her head There were Yeri and Jo as well her brows knitted What were they doing?  

" Miss Nerdy, " Noah grinned. "What a coincidence. " he flattered 

Before Seyong could speak Ariana tsk—ed her tongue.  " What are you all doing here? " 

"Same to you. What are you doing here? " 

Ariana fired back. "None of your business. " She wasn't in the mood for bearing Noah's questions after they ruined her moment. 

"We'll, it is my business if it's about my Dear Ari," 

The squabbling surely wasn't new to Ariana's other friend Enrik gave her a small smile Jo mouthed 'Hey, ' she nodded. Yeri was busy looking back and forth about how long the bickering went on. " Okay okay, that's enough, quit it both of you. People are watching. " 

They looked around and a few strange stares were drawing at them biting back Ariana sighed Noah's grin still perched he raised an eyebrow at Seyong. " Anyway, So Miss Nerdy what I was saying was. We are going to watch the sunset, wanna come?"  

"And why would she be interested in watching Sunset and shit with you? "  Ariana didn't even suppress her irritation 

 That didn't bother Noah; he still went on for the sixth time when he looked at Seyong with broad enthusiasm; She couldn't say no hot on the tail Ariana followed behind.

" I never saw her this happy before. " Yeri said gazing back at her friends

Noah smiles as they observe from afar Seyong standing close to his friend. Indeed a coincidence when they saw the pairs on the side path street the curiosity and suspicions of what was going on didn't bridle back to the middle.  The death glares her friend was giving had made it clear once Ariana got him alone she'd not be gentle enough to let him slide off easily. " Well, finally our Ari found her match. " 

"They're cute. "Enrik's cold voice calmly said, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend's shoulders for comfort. 

"I wish someone would look at me like that, " 

The trio looked at Jo who was dreamily admiring Seyong.  Noah cackle. Yeri glared back at him. He stifles his chortle with a cough." Jo maybe your match is right beside you," he tried to imply 

Jo looked around ."Where?" 

Now that made him laugh hard, poor Yeri never gets back the same affection she shows to Jo. It was foolish and naïve to get tangled in emotions where no matter how much she chambers her feelings they only reside deeply into an unusual selfless depth. There were times in High school when she had been pondering herself— 'One day things will be normal,' but as time went by as they grew up the acts became fragile to hide. Her strength became powerless wherever Park Soo-Ji looked at her causing her to melt in deliamass and she admitted.'This will never be normal,' 

"It's fine though," Yeri gazed down beside her as Jo's voice leaned closer, a hand drawn against her arms  ." Until I found my match, we could accompany each other." 

Yeri smiles, the gold sincerity is merely playful but her heart believes them all." If you say so." 

Along with the lines the sun condescends toward the horizon casting its warm golden glow across to embrace the peace of silence. Her eyes watch the sky transform into a canvas of vibrant neon, varying with pulchritudinous shades of pink gold and purple cascade as if heaven bidding a farewell to their moments when the gentle breeze caresses their complexion almost playfully ruffling their hair aside to let them admire the awe artistry of nature. The contented silence held the passion of unsaid words with overwhelming beauty; resounds of mild winds were a rhythmic beat of her heart. The urge to keek at the girl was still retained, scared of the spectacle seconds of the frugal present. 

"I  don't get why watching the sunset is special for some people," Ariana mused. 

Her tone didn't sound mockery but it gave Seyong a reason to look at her. She turned her head ." It's not only about watching the sunset," Ariana glanced back ." It's the moment we spent together," she whispered." Like us, like them," mentioning toward the group of Ariana's friends she caught them all staring 

The corner of those amused features softened. Irritation on Ariana's face vanished so did the scowl, a tender smile grace on her lips as she hummed." Maybe," 

Sensing Ariana was still looking at her." There was something you wanted to tell me," Seyong allowed her wonderment without nervousness  

Ariana shrugs."I'll," giving a blood-shivering death glimpse to her friends causing them to look away. Smirking at the effect she smiles warmly back at the younger." When we are alone.`` 

"Does that mean we'll meet again?" 

"We study in the same University Miss Chao Seyong of course we'll meet every time wherever I want unless  you don't wish to but I can assure… I'll always find you," 

She nodded, unable to find every rightful phrase of how she was eager to meet Ariana letting the silence permit between them whilst she engorges in The Queen Bee's company. The tranquillity of the rays flees into the moments but she buries them deep in a vast field like voracious treasures to never be discovered chanting with whispers of dignity with existence allured by eyes. 

"It does look  beautiful, " 

Enrapturing voices swelled the younger nucleus pouring with devotion in those feline eyes as they stared at the calm complexion like a simped child. "Very, " 


"You know it's rude and creepy to stare at people. " Ariana spoke without sparing a glance 

Feeling an insult of stab she seeks to look away. "Sorry, I- didn't mean to—" 

" I don't mind it. " Came a fierce answer to stop her blunder mumbles 

Chewing unpretentiously onto the bottom flesh of her succulent lips blush tint with a Scarlett hue on her cheeks forbidding thoughts were almost sinister she couldn't perceive if Ariana was serious but to douse the flame of frisson excitement before they led to torture in her dreams.  Seyong processes her retainment from confiscating feral imagination.  She let her eyes behold Ariana's smile crawl up to those delicate lips.  "You're an exemption Seyong, Be pleased with it. " 

Even though Seyong was muddled, exceedingly obscure by the gestures she let them root fudging how the words didn't affect her yet in the depth of her treasure those syllables will remain imprinting her heart making her soul lose the rhythms, tracks, and ways to beat for anyone else. A little bit of clichés possibly but they are her passions.  She let her eyelids close as a pointer finger grazed against her palms before Ariana's hand clasped with hers she smiled being an exemption does feel good.