
The pyrofrost twins and the dark king

In a world where the monarchy's iron grip threatens all who oppose them, siblings Lily and Arthur face unimaginable grief after losing their parents – a brave flame swordsman and a compassionate nurse. As they struggle to navigate life without their loved ones, Lily is consumed by sorrow while Arthur finds solace in practicing his swordsmanship. As time passes, Lily's overwhelming grief transforms into burning anger, igniting her desire for justice against the oppressive regime that tore her family apart.

Mohamed_Azyan_9705 · Fantasi
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76 Chs

chapter 13- new allies

The forest of everlasting rain loomed ominously around them, the twisted branches of dark trees reaching up to the sky like skeletal fingers. In the distance, the faint sound of battle could be heard, the clash of swords and the roar of magic echoing through the trees.

From his throne in the Black Keep, Dark King watched with cold fury as his army retreated from Rosemount. He had expected the small town to fall easily, but the people had fought back with a ferocity that surprised him. Despite their defeat, the flame of hope still burned in their hearts, and it made him seethe with anger.

Kirito stood before his monarch, his head bowed in shame. He had been a loyal member of Dark King's army for years, but the attack on Rosemount had shaken him to his core. He could no longer ignore the atrocities committed in the name of the monarchy, and he knew that he could not continue to serve such an oppressive ruler. He confided in Gilbert, The spider archer that he was beginning to question their actions. When he confronted Dark King, the oppressive monarch ordered Gilbert to kill him for his betrayal. Kirito stood his ground, ready to die for what he believed in. Gilbert stood nearby, his bow at the ready. He had always loved arachnids, and he had named his bow Black Widow in their honor. But now, as he watched Kirito stand up to their king, he realized that his love of spiders paled in comparison to his love for justice.

As Gilbert took his aim, a powerful creature suddenly appeared, attacking the army and disrupting the chaotic scene. Gilbert took a moment to think and realized that Kirito was right. He turned on Dark King's army, joining forces with Kirito, and the two of them escaped.

As they fought the creature, Kirito and Gilbert made eye contact, and they both knew what they had to do. They escaped to the nearby meadow by teleporting, their minds set on joining the rebellion and fighting the monarchy.

Arthur and Lily had been assigned to guard the entrance to Rosemount, but they knew that the war was far from over. They could feel it in their bones, the sense of impending doom that hung over the land like a thick fog. They were warriors, trained to fight and defend the innocent, but they also knew that they were just two people, and the enemy was vast and powerful.

As they patrolled the forest, they heard a rustling in the bushes. They tensed, ready for battle, but then they saw two figures emerge from the undergrowth. Kirito and Gilbert stood before them, their faces set in determination. They looked tired, but their eyes burned bright with a fierce hope.

Arthur and Lily were skeptical at first. They had seen too many people come and go, too many false promises of aid. But there was something different about these two. They could see the truth in their eyes, the deep conviction that burned within them. They listened as Kirito and Gilbert told their story, of how they had been loyal members of Dark King's army, but how they could no longer stand by and watch as innocents suffered.

Lily watched them closely, her eyes scanning for any sign of deceit. But she could find none. These were two people who had seen the horrors of war, who had been forced to do things they never thought they would do. And now, they wanted to make a change.

Arthur and Lily exchanged a look, and then they nodded. They led the two newcomers through the forest, towards the hideout of Heaven's Guerrillas. The air was thick with tension, the sounds of battle and magic echoing through the trees. They walked in silence, each lost in their own thoughts.

When they finally arrived at the hideout, they were greeted by Lizana herself. She was a fierce warrior, with fiery red hair and a fierce determination in her eyes. She listened intently as they told their story, and she could see the truth in their words.

Lizana knew that they needed all the help they could get. The war had already taken so much from them, and they couldn't afford to lose any more. She welcomed Kirito and Gilbert into their ranks, and she could see the relief in their eyes. A meeting will be held to discuss if the can join the Heaven's Guerrillas.