
The pyrofrost twins and the dark king

In a world where the monarchy's iron grip threatens all who oppose them, siblings Lily and Arthur face unimaginable grief after losing their parents – a brave flame swordsman and a compassionate nurse. As they struggle to navigate life without their loved ones, Lily is consumed by sorrow while Arthur finds solace in practicing his swordsmanship. As time passes, Lily's overwhelming grief transforms into burning anger, igniting her desire for justice against the oppressive regime that tore her family apart.

Mohamed_Azyan_9705 · Fantasi
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76 Chs

chapter 10- The attack

As the sun began to peek through the treetops, casting a warm glow upon the forest floor, Arthur and Lily were already deep in their training. Their swords clashed in a symphony of steel, the sound ringing out through the tranquil woods. Every movement was precise, every action deliberate, as they honed their skills to perfection.

Suddenly, a thunderous explosion shattered the peaceful atmosphere, causing the duo to freeze in place. They looked around in confusion, trying to locate the source of the sound. It was then that Lizana, the leader of the Heaven's Guerrillas, appeared from the shadows, her face contorted with fear.

Her voice was trembling as she spoke, "Rosemount is under attack! The Dark King and his army are laying waste to everything in their path."

Arthur and Lily's hearts skipped a beat at the news. They have seen the Dark King's ruthlessness and the devastation he had wrought upon the nearby kingdom of Narnia kingdoms. It was clear that they needed to act fast.

Without hesitation, they followed Lizana as she led them through the dense forest. Their minds were racing with thoughts of how they could help, what they could do to save Rosemount.

As they ran, their footsteps pounding against the ground, they could hear the distant sounds of battle. The clash of swords, the screams of the wounded, and the roar of the Dark King's army filled their ears.

When they finally arrived at the gates of Rosemount, the sight that greeted them was one of utter chaos. The once-beautiful city was now a smoldering ruin, the air thick with smoke and the stench of death. The Dark King's army was everywhere, their black armor gleaming in the sunlight as they laid waste to everything in their path.

Arthur and Lily's hearts sank at the sight, but they knew that they couldn't give up. They drew their swords and charged into battle, their bodies moving with a fluid grace as they fought to defend the innocent.