
Chapter 5

Mars followed the dean to his office, holding a compelling book that begged to be read. As he settled into the seat across from the dean, he felt a mix of anticipation and the weight of the upcoming conversation.

"Since this is the last semester, I assume Ms. Nada has already provided you with the students' records," the dean began. Mars nodded solemnly, his brow furrowing with focus.

"The music majors have already been assigned, leaving only the arts students. And…"

The dean paused, intertwining his fingers and resting his chin on them, "I'd like you to mentor Summer for her thesis."

Mars' eyes widened in surprise. First, there had been Ms. Nada's odd behavior, sending him reports that mostly included Summer's information. Now, the dean's request seemed equally unexpected.

"But that could be seen as favoritism," Mars responded, puzzled by the unusual turn of events.

"I get why it might seem that way, but I'll handle it as discreetly as I can," the dean replied, though Mars could sense his skepticism.

As the dean stood and Mars followed, he positioned himself in front of a painting—Amarias' eastern castle, the warmest and most picturesque spot, with endless meadows and blossoming flowers.

Mars noticed the eerie similarity between this painting and one hanging in his own home, except this one lacked the girl.

"You know Amarias is a place full of mysteries, right?" the dean asked, eyes fixed on the painting.

"Yes, sir," Mars responded.

"I know you're digging into the cliff," the dean continued, turning slightly to look at Mars. "Consider this an interesting clue." Mars was puzzled by the cryptic comment.

"Maybe I'm a bit biased, but Summer is a fantastic student with a real passion for history and the cliff," the dean added with a chuckle, shifting to a lighter tone.

"Well, I guess that would benefit both of you."

After some laughter and conversation, Mars decided to take Summer under his wing, though he didn't want to admit to the dean that he was secretly pleased about it.

The painting in his home, the towering cliff, and Summer were the three enigmas that intrigued Mars the most, and he eagerly looked forward to solving them. Not seeing Summer and her friends on campus all day because of the absence of a literary class left him a bit exasperated.

He sighed as he left the college; it was already late, following an earnest discussion with the dean and a pleasant meal with fellow educators.

The dean had introduced Mars to the entire faculty, and some of them remembered him from his time as a student. They were delighted to see him return as a teacher. Mars, in turn, shared his research on a cliff near the northern castle.

"Oh, that's a challenging but impressive endeavor," one of his former professors remarked.

Some even suggested he visit places that could aid his research. Mars and the dean liked the idea and decided that organizing an excursion to Amarias' three castles for the final-year students would be a worthwhile proposition.

"I'll definitely mull it over; once the second round of midterms is done, let's set something up," the dean suggested.

Waiting at the bus stop, Mars couldn't stop grinning as he replayed his conversation with the dean and his other teachers in his mind. It had been a fantastic and successful day.

After what felt like an eternity of hitting dead ends in his thesis research, the dean dropped a bombshell by mentioning a clue about the history of North Castle.

Mars was thrilled at the prospect, reminiscent of the mysteries he used to unravel back in high school and college.

In his excitement, Mars might have overlooked the familiar strains of "The Paper Crown" and instead hummed along to "Two is Better Than One." The reason behind his fixation on North Castle remained a puzzle, fueled by a unique brand of optimism.

Sometimes he attributed it to the lack of concrete evidence, unlike the other three castles, and occasionally to his deep-rooted passion for history.

Mars diligently began jotting down his thoughts and plans in the notes app on his phone, ready to dive into this new adventure with renewed vigor and support.

The air was chilly, a typical scene in Amarias' northern reaches, where Mars figured it must be snowing. Deep in his note-taking, Mars got interrupted by a message from a friend.

 Hans: Hey, Mars! Are you free? Mind if I swing by?

What a surprising turn of events! Mars found himself unexpectedly reunited with his childhood friend, Hans.

They'd once shared the vibrant tapestry of their youth but drifted apart as they pursued different careers. Hans had headed south in pursuit of a business education, drawn by the region's reputation for international enterprises and abundant opportunities.

After what felt like ages, who could resist a reunion?

Filled with excitement, Mars quickly replied:

Mars: "Stop with the questions and just come over."

Hans: 😊

Mars was overjoyed to the point of losing track and ending up several kilometers away from his destination. The other passengers had already left the bus, and the driver was asking where he needed to go.

Driver almost shouted "Where are you headed?"

Snapping back to reality, Mars got off the bus, paid his fare, and sighed in dismay realizing he was on the wrong side of town, far from home.

His choices were limited: either hail a taxi or wait for the next bus, which meant a two-hour delay. But as he looked around, he hesitated to choose either option.

Mars vaguely remembered the place, and it had undergone a remarkable transformation in the six years since he had last visited. What used to be a rather mundane area had now blossomed with charming small shops and welcoming residences.

With Hans not expected until late in the evening, Mars decided to take advantage of this opportunity and explore his new surroundings.

As he wandered through the vibrant streets, a poster caught his eye, advertising the grand opening of a delightful new café. This unexpected discovery added to the sense of wonder and magic that filled the air.

Mars sauntered towards the café with a pleasant idea: "Maybe I could grab something for Hans as well." It was as if his feet had a mind of their own.

Or perhaps the day hadn't been as splendid as he'd thought. He had intended to visit a quaint little café and a couple of nearby bakeries down a narrow alley.

However, his stride came to an abrupt halt when he spotted a quartet basking in laughter by the window. But why would the sight of four joyful souls faze him? Maybe it was because he recognized three of them.

Inside the café sat Liam, Warrin, and Summer. Oh, but wait, there was a stranger in the mix, sharing a pastry with Summer.

Mars had never been one to pry into a student's love life, but he couldn't help noticing a strange resemblance between this newcomer and someone he knew. Who could it be?

Mars felt uneasy as he watched Summer chatting casually with the stranger, who had a distinctive mark on his forehead. He didn't approach them or move on.

Instead, he stood there, silently observing, which was unusual for him. He was lost in thoughts and scenarios he hoped weren't real.

He kept his eyes on them for a solid five to seven minutes, until it looked like they were getting ready to leave the café. Acting on impulse, he darted behind the nearest small building, watching them like a shadow.

He didn't understand why he was doing this, but he couldn't seem to stop himself.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Caleb," Liam greeted with a smile.

"Yeah, seriously, if it weren't for Summer, we could've connected a year ago," Warrin remarked, receiving a playful smack from Summer.

As Mars eavesdropped on their conversation, he thought, "So, his name is Caleb. A year ago, huh? Must mean they recently became friends."

The alley's small size made their conversation faint but still audible. Mars's ears perked up as he tried to catch more of their discussion.

Summer handed Caleb a second helmet and asked, "Caleb, why do you carry a spare helmet?"

Caleb replied with a smug expression, "I was hoping you might need it someday."

Summer chuckled. "Caleb, we've just met. Don't make me hate you already. But get ready for some witty banter in the future." The four of them laughed together at Summer's friendly yet sarcastic remark.

"Anyway, how do you plan on getting back home?" Caleb asked. Summer glanced at her two friends, Liam and Warrin, who began to whistle, pretending they couldn't hear.

Summer shot them a displeased look, let out a small gasp, then turned her attention back to Caleb.

"I'll take the bus," she replied, her tone still tinged with sarcasm.

"Or I could give you a ride," Caleb suggested.

"Please, Caleb, rescue us, or she'll torture us with her chatter all through the upcoming semester," Warrin chimed in.

"We're in our final semester, Warrin," Liam retorted.

Mars overheard their argument about only having one bike and leaving Summer behind. After a brief exchange, Summer agreed to join Caleb. She put on her helmet again and hopped on the back of the bike.

Just as they were about to leave, a café employee came out with two bags, handing one to Warrin and the other to Summer.

"I couldn't resist sharing these with you two; you make such a lovely couple," she said with a warm smile. They all thanked her, and she beamed in response.

Soon after, they departed, leaving Mars alone. He emerged from his hiding spot and approached the café with a mysterious look on his face. It wasn't happiness or sadness he felt, but a deep sense of suffering, the cause of which was unclear.

Seeing that it was 7 o'clock, Mars knew Hans could arrive at any moment. He quickly went into the café, bought a few pastries—the same ones the hostess had given to Summer and Caleb—and left, leaving the hostess somewhat puzzled.

Back at home, Mars slouched on the couch, engrossed in his phone's news feed. Pastries and beer bottles were scattered across the coffee table.

Ding Dong! The doorbell echoed through the house, jolting Mars from his seat. He leaped up, excitement coursing through him, and hurried to greet his old friend, Hans, with a warm, hearty hug.

Their laughter filled the air as they rejoiced in their long-awaited reunion.

Hans' eyes sparkled with joy, reflecting the happiness of the moment. You could almost see yourself in those bright orbs. With a contagious grin, Mars gently pulled his friend inside his cozy home.

"The house looks just the same as it did all those years ago," Hans remarked, his voice soft and soothing, perfectly matching his attractive features.

"I never saw a reason to change it," Mars replied with a nostalgic smile.

"Pastries and beer, a deadly combination," Hans mused, glancing at the coffee table laden with treats. He deftly removed his jacket and winter cap, revealing sleek raven-black hair.

As they made their way to the inviting couch, both Mars and Hans knew there were countless topics to discuss that couldn't be covered over the phone.

"Hey, guess what? I'm now a guest faculty member at The West College of Arts and Music," Mars said proudly.

"Wow, congrats! That's awesome," his friend replied, eyes lighting up with curiosity. "But what about your research on Cliffe?"

Mars grinned, still excited. "It's still going strong. I even got a student to help me out."

His friend chuckled, appreciating Mars's resourcefulness. "Smart move."

Mars, curious about his friend's sudden visit, asked, "So, what brings you here out of the blue? I thought everything was going well in the south."

Hans grinned, eyes twinkling mischievously. "Everything's fine. Can't a guy visit his hometown?" They both laughed, nodding in agreement.

"But I do have some important business here," Hans said seriously, hinting at some unfinished task he couldn't fully explain. Mars didn't push for details.

Their friendship worked that way – Hans would drop hints, and Mars would piece it together. It was this dynamic that had always defined their bond. Even when Hans planned his trips to the southern region of Amarias, he'd drop clues, and Mars would figure it out.

They understood each other without needing explicit explanations.

"So, you'll be seeing more of me," Hans continued.

"I'm ready for it," Mars replied with a smile. They both raised their brand-new beer cans, clinking them together before cracking them open and savoring the first sip, followed by a hearty burp.

Mars and Hans were on a quest to uncover the hidden secrets of Amarias. The ancient castles held mysteries within their walls, secrets whispered through the ages.

While the words written in the four libraries across the four districts of Amarias echoed from these castles, most people shrugged them off as mere fiction.

But not Mars and Hans – they knew there was more to the stories than met the eye.

Summer lay on her bed, restlessly tossing and turning as her thoughts wandered back to an encounter she had put off for a whole year.

"If only I had realized how sweet he is," she murmured, her voice muffled by the soft cushions.

Caleb, a genuinely nice guy, had dropped Summer off in front of her house. Liam and Warrin quietly trailed behind, just in case Caleb turned out to be less trustworthy than he seemed.

Summer had tried to offer Caleb a pastry as a kind gesture, but her younger brother spotted her from the window. To keep their parents from discovering the secret snack, he suggested that Jake takes it instead.

Caleb didn't ask for Summer's contact information, worried it might seem impolite. To his pleasant surprise, though, Summer shared her details willingly.

Late that evening, a brief but heartwarming text arrived from Caleb. It read, "Good night 😊 and thank you for today." Summer was taken aback by the unexpected message, having assumed Caleb would wait for her to reach out first.

Her heart skipped a beat as she read the words on her screen.

Summer found herself caught in a whirlwind of emotions, her excitement palpable. She hurriedly tucked herself under the cozy embrace of her blankets, unable to contain her joy.

For the first time in a long while, she drifted into a peaceful slumber, a wide grin stretching from ear to ear, her heart feeling lighter than ever before.