
The purgatory journey

Chapter 1

My name is Haru my life was perfectly fine until one day I was playing with my toy sword when I heard a wired noise come from outside when I went to go see that it was I was hit with a blast of bright light then everything was dark then I heard a voice "You have died. When you went outside you were hit by a drunk driver. You have two choices stay here or try to get your life back by journeying the land of Purgatory."

"WAIT WHAT IM DEAD!!! How I went outside and was hit by a bright light and what about that noise what was that"

"The noise you talk about was your Guardian angle she was guiding you for your journey."

"What if I choose to stay here."

"Do as you wish but not much happens here." It was true they were just sitting there for hours when Haru gave up "fine I'll go on your journey what do I have to do" right when he said that appeared before him was a layout of a bunch of toy weapons "you must choose one of these weapons and only then will you start your new life."

"But there all toys how I am going to live if I can't fight back. But If I had to choose one, I'll choose this sword it looks like the one I had." As soon as I picked it up it started to glow and change it kinda Looked like when your monster would evolve in that one game were you had to catch them all. When it was finished, I noticed there was a big eye at the very top of the handle then it spoke to me "hey kid can you hear me"

"Yes, but who are you and where are you?"

"I'm your sword you haven't given me a name yet but for now call me Hiroto."

"but your sword swords can't talk"

"The world your about to go in is full of magic and other wired things."

Then the weird voice from before came back "now that you are ready, please walk through the door and start your journey."