
The Pure Evil 666

just a deranged serial killer

ALPHA_GANG_Price · Realistis
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs

Chapter Three: Echoes of the Past

In the depths of Cain Hadeson's twisted mind, memories of a distant past danced like phantoms in the night. He saw flashes of ancient blood spilled upon barren earth, heard the anguished cries of a brother betrayed. The mark of Cain, a scar upon his soul, burned with a malevolent fire, a reminder of his cursed lineage.

But amidst the chaos of his memories, one figure stood out above all others: Abel, his brother, the first victim of his insatiable wrath. Theirs was a bond forged in blood and betrayal, a tale as old as time itself.

As Cain walked the streets of New Arkham, his thoughts turned to the past, to a time when innocence still held sway over his heart. He remembered the taste of blood upon his lips, the thrill of power coursing through his veins. And though centuries had passed since that fateful day, the memory of his crime still haunted him, a specter of guilt that refused to be silenced.

But Cain was no mere mortal burdened by remorse. He was the embodiment of evil, a force of darkness that defied all reason and morality. And as he gazed upon the world with eyes cold as ice, he knew that his reign of terror had only just begun.

For in the heart of the night, where shadows reign supreme and the wicked thrive, Cain Hadeson would carve his name into the annals of history, a testament to the enduring power of evil. And though his tale may be one of darkness and despair, it would be told for generations to come, a warning to all who dared to stray from the path of righteousness.

But for now, as the city slept and the stars blinked out one by one, Cain disappeared into the darkness, a silent specter haunting the dreams of the innocent. And with each passing moment, his legend grew stronger, a beacon of terror in a world consumed by darkness.