
The psychopath named Dan

Dan grew up in a small village with orcs,half-orcs,ogres,giants and trolls. Day after day Dan would get in fights against students to test his strength. sometimes he won sometimes he lost. With his strength hitting a plateau Dan grew more and more apathetic until he felt no emotion. This all changed after receiving a system that allowed him to grow stronger without hitting a plateau. With this newly discovered power he drops out of school and travels the world with his friend who wants to kill the summoned heroes. Listen I'm not going to lie, there is a shit ton of grammatical error in the beginning. I started writing this book for fun with zero experience but I started taking it more seriously. By book 2 everything is sorted out. That includes the messed up power system, the cheat system, the characters and the grammar. I hope you can get through the beginning. During the Elf Folulheim arc, that is when the true nature of the MC begins to show as a physchopath who only wants to cause problems and death. Also side note MC is very racist towards elfs. He hates them and goes out of his way to kill them if he sees them. Also there will be a lot of disturbing things in this story. Also I'm not gonna lie, the first volume and half of the second volume is trash. I wrote them when I was inexperienced. It is unbearable and terrible but if you somehow managed to get through that then I promise I will do my best to deliver quality writing to you.

sensei_24 · Fantasi
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111 Chs

Haider's outburst

Inside the darkness and the raging thunderstorm that threatened all living creatures in a 2km radius in the sky two men were fighting. The weapons clashed with each other refusing to break and screaming out in anger.

Dan clashed with Haider who parried creating a distance between the two. He raised his finger into the air and chanted. " Protector of elves, lover of nature and king of strength lend me your strength so I can overcome this hardship."

A bright light emanated from Haider's body who was naked due to the fight. A symbol appeared on his chest. It was three line each adjacent to the other. In between the first and second line there were 2 numbers. The first was number one and the other was number two.

To Dan's surprise this took less than 5 seconds who was expecting it to go on for at least 20 seconds. He had been expecting to be hit by a weak flame or beam of light after it.

Haider charged at Dan once again his speed much greater than before. "So it was an enhancer." As Haider charged at him Dan summoned an ice spike. It was 20 metres long and 5 metres thick. It headed straight for Haider's back at an impressive speed that was impossible for such a giant object.

Haider turned around and with a single punch he split the ice spike in two and using the axe in his right hand he sliced it into tiny pieces in under three seconds.

Haider from his current location only for an explosion to take place where he was previously. 'It's a good thing I can detect the increase and decrease in temperature before the explosion otherwise I would have suffered serious damage long time ago.'

Haider turned around only to feel a heaviness on his back. "Playtimes over kid," He turned around only to meet Dan's fist. Dan's blow was so strong that it threw Haider to the ground. Haider lay in a crater 3 metres deep on the floor that was in the shape of his body. Haider coughed up blood and opened his eye to look in the sky. In the sky where there was lightning and darkness previously clashing was only darkness. Lightning had lost as it was not strong enough.

Haider pushed himself through the pain and stood up jumping out of the hole he was laying in.


The sound of an object cutting through the air at unbelievable speeds was what caused Haider to look up.

Dan was grinning madly as he dived towards Haider like falcon for the killing blow.

Haider readied himself by summoning a giant sword twice his size made of lightning. He knew a single mistake in this deciding blow could lead to his death.


All of a sudden Dan felt something hit his body. He did not know what hit him but it definitely derailed him from his course. He fell on the floor a hundred metres from Haider as he skidded on the floor his skin being torn of with ever time he hit his body on the floor.

Haider looked to the side and saw Winfrey, Lind, Sind and Horatio standing in next to him. Winfrey's giant shield had slammed into Dan.

The four ran up to Haider and stood before him each holding a sword or dagger or a long sword. "What are you guys doing here?" Haider asked.

"We are here for you, we are not going to leave you alone to fight that monster." Horatio said.

"That's right, we are friends and friends look out for each other." Sind said.


"Our friendship will last forever and no one can ever break it." Lin chimed in. If a person was to describe the emotion they saw on Haider's face then they would say it just utter confusion.

"Don't worry, we are here with you."

"Why are you guys here?" Haider asked.

"We already told yo-"


Haider sudden outburst shocked the four. They were not expecting any of this as Haider had always kept his cool.

"Haider pleas-"

"Shut up, I dont need your help, just leave me alone and stop burdening me." Haider said as he limped past them fuming and cursing.

"Haider, you don't know what you are saying, surely with a fight like this you are bound to have some kind of concuss-" Horatio's words were cut of by Haider's.

"Even if I have a concussion I am speaking my mind, I hate you all, I hate everything about you guys, you and your little stuck up families. What about my family huh? Are you the one whose brother was killed?"

"You guys do not even need to be troopers yet you joined to make my life a misery. You could have lived a comfortable fancy life being served by your maids and human slaves."

"We don't have slaves!" Winfrey shouted. She did not understand why Haider was like this. None of them understood this outburst.

"Oh I am so sorry I mean to say your servants because now they get paid minimum wage and don't have to fight their children or parents or their pregnant wives to death any more for your pleasure. You act like you care about me but you don't, you don't care about nobody and nothing except for yourselfs and your entertainment. I should have just quit school when I found out you guys were the people behind the illegal human betting ring."


"Haider we do care about you, we are you friends," Sind tried placing her hand on Haider's shoulder but he swatted it away.

"Your not my friends, you never have been, I don't know what I was expecting from a woman who was literally rode people's backs like they were horses. Your just a rich broad who wants to spice her life up by manipulating me and having fun with me."


Haider touched his searing cheek which had a hand printed on his fair skin. Lin who was particularly quiet and listening without interrupting finally had smacked him. Her face was darkened and she was biting her lips trying to hold back her tears only for a few trickles to streak down from her eyes.

"Don't say that... we have overcome so many obstacles together, we are not proud of actions but we tried our best to change and we did. We also have problems to deal with just like you so please... please stop taking your anger out on us."

Haider kissed his teeth when he noticed her tears. "Little miss slut, how could I forget about you, problems? you have problems to deal with? Don't make laugh... Hahahaha... Let me guess, your torn on which dress you should wear to the Ball where rich assholes come together to boast about how they oppress people and make money of it."

"Or your problem is more about what your going to eat for dinner or... or the fact that your father wants you to wear a dress but you don't want to and you feel like he is trying to control your life."

Haider shook his head in an irritating manner.

"Every single time I try to vent my anger and frustrations you just slap me and start crying for no reason. Do you idiots know how many times I could have died trying to save your life when you fools decide to do something dumb and I had to deal with the problems? I just stopped counting at like 100 or so."

Haider's words cut deep like a knife. They wanted to say something but Haider would not even let them open them their mouths. He had a lot to say.

"Give me your shield," Haider said to Winfrey with his hands extended.


"Because I'm about to fight that guy and if you guys die I will be held responsible and if I die then he will kill you." Haider pointed his finger at Dan who was sitting cross legged eating meat.

'This is better than any drama book that I have read.' Dan thought to himself. He took a bite from the meat and choked on it coughing and wheezing like a person who was covid positive. He jugged some water down to ease it up.

Winfrey handed the small shield locket to Haider.

"You know I am truly grateful for one thing though." Haider said his back towards them.

"What is it?" None of the four noticed his hand clench harder onto the sword he was holding.

"I'm glad that man came."


"What do you mean?"


"I'm glad that he came... so when I kill you guys... I can blame it on him." Before the four registered what Haider said he swung his lightning sword and cleaved right through them his sword going up for everyone he killed. His sword began at Horatio's waist and ended with Sind's neck being cut of.

Dan chocked on the meat again!

He was not expecting this at all. He did not think this would happen and quite so quickly.

"Now that is what I call a plot twist."



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