
The psychopath named Dan

Dan grew up in a small village with orcs,half-orcs,ogres,giants and trolls. Day after day Dan would get in fights against students to test his strength. sometimes he won sometimes he lost. With his strength hitting a plateau Dan grew more and more apathetic until he felt no emotion. This all changed after receiving a system that allowed him to grow stronger without hitting a plateau. With this newly discovered power he drops out of school and travels the world with his friend who wants to kill the summoned heroes. Listen I'm not going to lie, there is a shit ton of grammatical error in the beginning. I started writing this book for fun with zero experience but I started taking it more seriously. By book 2 everything is sorted out. That includes the messed up power system, the cheat system, the characters and the grammar. I hope you can get through the beginning. During the Elf Folulheim arc, that is when the true nature of the MC begins to show as a physchopath who only wants to cause problems and death. Also side note MC is very racist towards elfs. He hates them and goes out of his way to kill them if he sees them. Also there will be a lot of disturbing things in this story. Also I'm not gonna lie, the first volume and half of the second volume is trash. I wrote them when I was inexperienced. It is unbearable and terrible but if you somehow managed to get through that then I promise I will do my best to deliver quality writing to you.

sensei_24 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
111 Chs

Chapter 43

Their so called nation was more like a city or a giant town. Unlike the previous human kingdom it did not have walls. There were simple houses made of concrete that were built to a far place.

It was really a simple city. As Dan was dragged in chains along with Crion and Charlie he looked at the kid.

The people were insulting and cursing at them throwing tomatoes, rocks and many other stuff. "Remember this!" he said to Charlie. "This is how they treat outsiders, look over there."

Charlie looked to where Dan was looking at. There were several human bodies on stakes. Their heads were detached from their bodies and laying on the ground in a mixture of urine and shit. There were several naked humans waiting for their deaths at the hand of the elf executioner who was carrying a giant axe. Some of them were screaming in pain as their skin were peeled of.

Their screams were music to the elf's ears as it was met with cheers, raucous laughter and demands to hear more.

Charlie's breathing increased and sweat formed on his head. He felt light headed that he could faint. For a child to see things like that and be told he would suffer a fate worse than that, it would do a lot of physiological damage.

"Look over there, you see that? They are savages, what would you do if they captured your brother and you? Would you be able to watch them torture him for amusement? Killing is a necessary part of life. Whether you do it for fun, revenge or greed."

For the past week Dan had been reprogramming Charlie into thinking that killing was a good thing. Having seen this only changed Charlie's perspective in murder.

They were circled around the city twice. Dan had to put away his giant chain away in his inventory a few days ago when Mkola tried taking it away from him.

They were then thrown into a dungeon in the kings castle. For a few days they were held there and tortured.

Dan was already suffering from painful cramps as a punishment from the system as a result of not being able to do his daily mission.

While they were in their cell Dan would watch as Charlie cried and Crion barely breathed.

He could have given Charlie a pain tolerance potion but the store had been closed down ever since he was told he had to grow stronger on his own. The amount of items he could buy were severely limited.

But even if he could give it to them he wouldn't have. He needed Charlie to hit his breaking point before he could tip it over.

Right now they were standing in front of the king and queen of this country who were sitting on their thrones. Next to them were two people, a woman behind the queen and a man behind the king.

Dan looked around and saw knights lined up next to both walls wearing heavy armour. There was a crowd of people on both sides of the kings court. They were the nobles of this country.

After what seemed like an hour of argument between the king and queen on what their punishment should be they finally came to an agreement.

"You shall be sent to the abyss, effective immediately." Several gaurds walked over to them and before they took them away, Dan made a small remark that would lead to the king having sleepless nights and have paranoia.

"The person you least expect and consider the closest will be coming for your neck."


Dan stood before a giant pit, it's diameter several kilometres long. Dan looked and with his enhanced eyesight he could see the lava at the very bottom. He could see the creatures lurking in the dark ready to swarm him when they were thrown in.

There chains were removed from their arms and legs and they were standing at the edge.

Dan was the first to be thrown inside and as he looked up he saw Charlie's figure along with Crion's hurtling downwards.

They continued falling for what felt like 10 minutes straight until finally he saw lava. He summoned the wind and stop their fall only a few metres away. The wind guided them to ground surrounding the lava.

Dan set Charlie and Crion down although they were not able to walk for some reason.

Dan also felt a huge heaviness on his shoulders that was trying to bring him to his knees. Dan withstood it and with all his strength walked over to Charlie and Crion.

Crion was able to stand up while Charlie on the other hand was laying flat on his back. He was trying his best to stand up but he couldn't.

"This is all your fault you bastard!" he shouted. "Had I not followed you, none of this would be happening to me!"

Charlie was trying his best to stand up but he could feel the tears welling up in his eyes.

"Shut up kid," Dan replied without hesitation. He was looking somewhere as if expecting something.

"What do you mean by shut up, I shouldn't have followed you, you are a madman. Yo-"



Dan walked over to Charlie and looked him in the eye.

"We can talk about this some other time but not now," There was a hint of exasperation in his voice.

"Look around you, this place of full of creatures, we are at the bottom of the food pyramid, unless you want to draw the attention of whatever is lurking down here then be my guest. I can barely walk, she can barely stand and you can't do nothing, if you call upon those creatures, then we are going to die."

Tears were already rolling down Charlie's cheeks. He had been forced to walk all that distance, be tortured, shamed in front of strangers, been traumatised and now he was stuck in a place like this.

Anger started welling up him as he cried.

"Come on, I'll help you up." Dan said. He picked up the kid and wrapped his hand on his shoulders.

The kid who Dan could easily pick up a few days ago felt heavier than before. Maybe it was the gravity since they were further down the earth or maybe it was because he was tired.

"First things first, we need to find good shelter while we adapt to the gravity and quickly before something arrives."

If talking about the devil summoned him then the same could be said about trouble. Trouble always seemed to find him whenever he asked for it and even when he didn't ask for it.

Dan stopped in his tracks as he saw something in the distance. Even with his superior eyesight he could not see it. It was in a dark corner a hundred metres away.

"What's wrong?" Crion asked. Dan let go of Charlie and Crion caught him. "There is something over there. It looks the same size as a dog."

Dan quickly summoned his sword from his inventory and unsheathed it.

The shadowy figure moved forward as if drawn by his sword. It walked just like a dog and after it walked for 10 metres it stopped.

It stood on its hind legs and stretched to it's full size. A ten foot tall lanky shadowy figure lurking in the darkness. Its movements were the most erratic he had ever seen and it seemed to have involuntary ticks. What was scary about it was the fact that it actually looked like a dog when it was crouching but now it didn't. It looked like a really tall person suffering from malnutrition. Its arms was as long as its body reaching the ground.

It stretched its hand forward and pointed at Dan. It let out a loud howl of sorts as if summoning demons and with loud booming footsteps it charged at Dan.


Those were the footsteps of a giant and not of a normal creature.

With each step it took the ground quaked and shook. It ran like it was swimming, its hands pushing through the air as if it was water.

Dan swallowed the saliva in his throat and tightened the grip on his sword. His heart was beating erratically threatening to destroy his ribcage.

Fear! That is what he was feeling. He hadn't felt this emotion in a long time. In fact he thought that he couldn't feel it anymore.

Dan knew that either the creature was going to die or him and he had no intentions of dying.

Dan charged forward despite the gravity beating down on him and the painful cramps he was feeling. His adrenaline was through the roof.

As Dan charged forward he heard a weird voice. It was a mixture of a child's voice, an old man and a barbarian. It was like a fusion of all three of them talking at the same time in harmony creating this feeling of despair.

"Huuuuuungggggrrrrryyyyy! IIIIII.... HUUUUNNNNGGGGEEERRRR!" The voice said. It was as if it was whispering into his ears.

As the figure reached Dan it swung its giant hand. Dan jumped in midair and launched a kick to its neck that would have knocked out a normal person but not this creature.

It seemed to be unaffected as if it was not even hit. It tried grabbing Dan who was still in the air but Dan saw its giant hand coming for him. He used its body and pushed himself down to the ground landing on his back. He quickly rolled backwards and then used his hands to do a backflip of the ground.

The creature was relentless in its attack, swinging with utmost ferocity and not even bothering to dodge Dan's attacks. It was almost like it ate that shit for breakfast.

Dan parried on of the creatures attacks and then counter attacked. His sword cut through the air before landing on the creatures arm.

He was expecting it to be completely cut of but it only got through half way.

Dan removed his sword and jumped 2 metres back giving himself some distance. He wanted to observe the creatures reaction to the damage. Would it still attack, run away or become as dangerous as a creature on its death throe.

Dan observed as the creature stood still for a second and looked at the wound it just recieved. Dan watched in horror as the nearly cut of hand regenerated. The creature face was dark and unseeable but Dan knew that it was sneering at him.

Dan charged forward once again dodging and slashing against the creature with two hands. It did not make any noises when it was hit but as they fought Dan noticed something.

The creature was dodging some of his attacks every once in a while.

'Is it learning?' Dan asked himself.

Soon after a while the creature had gotten used to Dan's attack pattern and was dodging perfectly putting Dan on the defensive.

Charlie and Crion watched in silence and amazement as Dan fought with the creature. It was an absolute exhilarating fight to watch, even the most docile persons blood would start to pump after watching this.


A sound that should have been impossible to hear. The sound of two metals hitting with one another. The creature's hand collided with Dan's sword and for a moment there was a shockwave as the two were pushed of one another.

Dan quickly regained his footing and saw that the creature was wide open. He leaned forward and stabbed the creature in his stomach.

It was as if it was waiting for this moment, the creature managed to land a heavy hit on Dan. He flew back several metres and flew into a wall leaving the imprint of his body.

The creature watched as Dan slowly fell down from the wall and landed on his back. It watched as Dan landed on his two feet blood dripping all over his face nearly covering his eyes.

The creature pulled out the sword from its stomach and waved it around as if to taunt Dan. "Keep it," Dan said. He raised his two fists and got into a fighting position. On his hands were flames from his magic that he casted.

The fire was bright and hot but Dan's adrenaline was to high up to feel any pain.

"I will be back for you!" The creature snarled. It got on all fours and ran away carrying his sword in its mouth.

Dan waited for a few minutes before extinguishing the fire on his hands. Crion rushed to Dan dragging Charlie along.

"Are you okay?" she asked.



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Also check out my new book called football masters. it is an urban sports novel.