
The psychopath named Dan

Dan grew up in a small village with orcs,half-orcs,ogres,giants and trolls. Day after day Dan would get in fights against students to test his strength. sometimes he won sometimes he lost. With his strength hitting a plateau Dan grew more and more apathetic until he felt no emotion. This all changed after receiving a system that allowed him to grow stronger without hitting a plateau. With this newly discovered power he drops out of school and travels the world with his friend who wants to kill the summoned heroes. Listen I'm not going to lie, there is a shit ton of grammatical error in the beginning. I started writing this book for fun with zero experience but I started taking it more seriously. By book 2 everything is sorted out. That includes the messed up power system, the cheat system, the characters and the grammar. I hope you can get through the beginning. During the Elf Folulheim arc, that is when the true nature of the MC begins to show as a physchopath who only wants to cause problems and death. Also side note MC is very racist towards elfs. He hates them and goes out of his way to kill them if he sees them. Also there will be a lot of disturbing things in this story. Also I'm not gonna lie, the first volume and half of the second volume is trash. I wrote them when I was inexperienced. It is unbearable and terrible but if you somehow managed to get through that then I promise I will do my best to deliver quality writing to you.

sensei_24 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
111 Chs

Chapter 25

"An ID card young one," The old man said "I need to verify whether you are of legal age, I don't need the city gaurds shutting me down."

Dan had never been more confused in his entire life. An eye. Why would this old man need an eye? Was he blind and in desperate need of one?

"Sadly, I do not have an eye that I can give you, but as I said I need some rolling paper. I have the money to pay for it."

The old man stared at Dan in confusion. "Why would I need an eye? Mine work perfectly fine."

"Did you not ask me for an eye just now?"

"I did not, I asked you for an ID card." the old man was surprised to see the bewildered look on Dan's face. "A ID card is a card that shows that you are of 18 years of age and are able to buy alchol and other such substances."

"Well, I am not buying alchol and I am 18 years of age."

The old man sighed, every once in a while there would be this one minor who wanted to buy something without proof of age. "I'm sorry but I can not sell anything in this store without pro- What were you saying you would like sir?"

The old man's entire attitude did a 180 when Dan slid a gold coin across the counter. He quickly grabbed the gold coin and pocketed it.

"I would like however many bottles of alcohol this can get me and several rolling papers." The old man grabbed eight bottles of alcohol from behind him and several rolling paper from under the counter. He even put in a pack of cigars.

The old man put them in a bag for Dan and handed it over to him. "Please come again sir." he said. Dan walked out without saying anything to the old man. He did not drink alcohol but he decided to get his worth with his money. For all he knew he would need it someday.

Dan came out and noticed Kan urinating on a tree. He let him finish his business before calling him with a whistle.

"Let's go back to the inn, Pedro is gonna meet us there soon." Dan said to Adam and Charlie. They nodded and they all headed back to the inn.

Pedro was waiting outside the inn. "What happened to your face?" Dan asked, "You look like you got roughed up."

"Nothing happened." Pedro replied. Pedro's eye caught the two kids standing behind Dan.

"Who are these kids?"

Dan sent the two kids to their room before explaining to Pedro.

"You want to take care of these children? Did you hit your head by any chance?" Pedro questioned Dan.

"No I didn't but it seems like you did. I'm serious about this Pedro, I genuinely mean it."

"It doesn't matter if you are serious, I know you. You want to create your own country, how original. You are psychopath. You can't take care of kids let alone an entire country. Let me ask you this then, you didn't pick up those kids on a whim did you?"

"Of course not! I told you I'm serious about this."

"Your serious about this? Like when you were serious about killing Ms Patrick? Or when you were serious when you said you wouldn't eat my food 418 days ago?"

"Your still on about that?"

"Listen I'm long over that but I am proving a point, you are a liar, everything that you do is on a whim, you have no motivation, no ambition and no dreams."

"Come on Pedro, Don't be like that, what's done is done? Look at the bright side, you always wanted someone you could teach magic to."

Pedro let out a heavy sigh, he rubbed his temple with his thumb and middle finger. "Dan, these are kids with a future, If they stay with us their future will be destroyed. Can you take responsibility for that?"

"Of course I can, Come on, let's go and eat before we leave." Dan said as he grabbed Pedro by the shoulder. Kan followed behind them still confused on who this bald guy was. He seemed really familiar.

Dan turned towards Kan, "Go get those two kids from upstairs." Pedro was surprised when he saw Kan leave and go upstairs.

"How did you do that? Can you talk to animals?"

"We've been together since we were kids, obviously he would understand what I say."

They sat down at a table in the corner and five minutes later Kan came downstairs with the two kids.

Pedro was drinking a bottle of wine that Dan gave him. After the two kids sat down he introduced himself to them. Adam politely acknowledged him by nodding his head and Charlie shook his hand.

"What do you want eat?" Dan asked Pedro.

"I already told you I'm not eating anything from a place like this. The fact I am sitting here alone disgusts me. Also this alchol tastes like it's cheap."

"Why do I even bother asking a stuck up brat like you?" What about you two?"

"I do not mind eating anything." Charlie said.

"Me too." Adam said.

As if joining the conversation, Kan let out a bark that let him know he was hungry to.

Dan called for the waitress and ordered for everyone except Pedro. The food arrived within five minutes.

"So when are we leaving?" Adam asked when he finished his meal.

"Sometime now I think." Dan said.

"Not really we have 3 more hours before the carriage leaves. I think we should spend that time learning more about each other."

"I think so too," Dan said as he lit a cigar. "my name is Dan, that alcholic over there is called Pedro Kingsley, and this guy over here is my partner Kan."

"Don't call me an alcholic, you drug addict."

"I'm not a drug addict."

They spent the rest of the time arguing with each other and learning more about the kids.

"Well looks like it's time we left." Pedro said. He barely stood up and walked clumsily. Every time it seemed like he would fall Dan would summon the wind to carry him. "Go get your stuff," he told the kids. They quickly went upstairs to get their stuff as Dan multitasked keeping Pedro stable and paying for the food.

The kids were already back down within a minute, with several bags in their hands. They left the building.

They followed Pedro whose brain was barely functioning. Somehow they managed to reach the caravan they were to go with.

"Where are the tickets?" Dan asked Pedro.

"Issssshhh...inn ... my ... iiiiinnnnnnvvvvnnnnneeeetttoottrry."

"Take it out then."

"I shont... want tchu... tchu much work."

Dan grabbed Pedro and smacked his head with both hands. Pedro immediately snapped back and was shocked.

"What... what... what happened?" he asked.

"I forced you out of your drunk state for a while, anyways we need the tickets to ride the carriage, hurry up and take it out of your inventory."

"You can do that?" Pedro asked in amazement. He was still feeling tipsy as a headache hurt his head.

"Of course I can, I'm just awesome like that, but it's temporary so you will feel drunk after a while so just take out the tickets before you do."

Pedro grumbled under his breath and with a shake of his hand, four pieces of paper with numbers written on it appeared.

"Three of us are carriage is number 8, while one person has to sit in carriage number 12."

"Why did you get tickets in two different carriages?" Dan asked.

"They others were full obviously. Anyways you can stay with those two brothers and I'll sit by myself and keep an eye on Kan."

Dan looked at the carriages and noticed that they had numbers written in bold on the side. There weren't any horses in front of the carriages, which surprised Dan. He thought that the horses would be latched on later on when it was time to leave but what he didn't know was that it was a mechanical carriage.

Despite his incredible eyesight he did not even notice that the carriages were attached onto each other.

As he scanned the area he saw a woman wearing a blue sundress. Her red hair billowed in the wind and with every step she took it felt like time had slowed down for Dan. She wore short high heels and carried a small purse. The way the lady carried herself was elegant and smooth just like her skin. Dan could see her nipples on her nearly flat chest as the wind blowed on her dress. She climbed onto the stairs of a carriage and the doors were opened for her by a man who was standing in front of the carriage. There were men standing in front of every carriage and opening the doors for anyone who was entering. coincidentally the carriage turned out to be carriage number 12.


Pedro snapped his finger in front Dan's face breaking him from his trance.

"So as I was saying, you should-"

Before Pedro could finish his words Dan interrupted. His voice was completely different from what it was a minute ago. Now it was just a deep, husky voice oozing with manliness.

"No, how about you teach them some magic? Obviously we are gonna be spending a few days on this journey, so I think it would be a great idea if you taught them the basics."

"What happened to your voice?" Pedro asked as he tilted his head. Pedro had always done this ever since he was child. Any time he was confused he would tilt his head to the side for some reason.

"What do you mean? This is my voice." Dan replied. His voice was so low that several woman who were passing turned around and stared.

"Stop that, it's annoying, although I don't use mana, I do know about it, I suppose I could teach them the basics and a simple spell within a few days." Pedro said. Pedro was a demon, which was why he could use magic without using mana. Among all the races demons had the highest affinity to magic. It was so high that they didn't use mana unlike the elves and dragons.

Everyone else in the academy used mana except for Dan. He was the only known person who was not a demon and could still use magic without mana.

"That's good, I leave it in your hands." Dan replied. The ladies that were staring could feel the vibrations in the air. They were doing all they could to stand up straight as their knees grew weak. One of the ladies managed to gather herself before the others and walked over to Dan, she wanted to talk to him but no words could come out of her mouth. Dan moved before the ladies extended hand could touch him.

"I'll be in carriage number 12 then." Dan said as he snatched a ticket from Pedro's hand.

"Could've just asked." Pedro mumbled.

Dan looked at Charlie who was standing in front of him. "This guy is the guy who is going to be teaching you magic, although he looks like a dunce, he is really good at magic tricks. He going to be teaching you and your brother the basics within the next few days."

"Okay." Charlie replied.

"Well then see you soon." Dan walked over to carriage number 12 with Kan at his heels.

He handed the man his ticket and tried entering but the man raised his hand to stop him.

"No animals or creatures of any kind are allowed on board." he said.

"Why?" Dan asked.

"Wooooh?" Kan also barked questioning the guy.

"It's the policy. Animals of any kind are put in Carriage number 14 and number 15. I can let you on but not him."

"Why? Is it because he is a dog? That is called blatant discrimination. Go take a bite Kan."

The man's eyes caught Kan looking at him menacingly. He was afraid of him, he already met a lot of people who were like this, who always wanted to carry some animal onboard.

"If he does, then I'm afraid that you will be banned from riding any of our carriages."

Kan lept towards the man who still was not even flinching. There was drool on Kan's mouth as if he could not wait to take a chunk out of the man's face.

Dan grabbed Kan's chain and pulled him back just barely in the knick of time. Kan's teeth chomped on thin air, a millimetre away from the man's nose.

"You got nerves of steel, I give you that." Dan said. The man did not move even an inch away or blink but it was not because he was not scared but it was because he was frozen in shock. His consciousness had already left him.

He did not think that the dog would actually lunge at him. He was wondering if he could live without a nose, had Dan not stopped him.

"It doesn't matter, I still can't let the animal on."

"Tch... annoying guy." Dan crouched down and rubbed Kan's neck."I'm sorry about that. I'll get you something nice later on, don't feel bad it."

Kan snarled at Dan baring his teeth at him. "I said I'm sorry, alright? Come with me."

Kan walked behind Dan with his teeth bared at him. Dan was standing in front of carriage number 14. There was a bearded man with a clipboard in front of it.

"Name and carriage number?" he asked.

"uhh... Dan, number 12." Dan replied.

The man quickly jotted it down and gave a piece of paper with a number on it. It said number 99. The man looked at Kan who was still snarling at Dan.

"Make sure you do not lose that piece of paper. It's going to be a hassle later on." The man opened the carriage door. "Go put him in the room with the number, on that piece of paper on it."

'Room?' Dan thought. 'Are there several rooms in this carriage. No he probably meant a cage or something, if it's a cage then we fighting for real.'

Dan walked inside the carriage and what he saw surprised him. He never thought he would see something like this in his entire life ever again. He had only seen something like this once before.