
The psychopath named Dan

Dan grew up in a small village with orcs,half-orcs,ogres,giants and trolls. Day after day Dan would get in fights against students to test his strength. sometimes he won sometimes he lost. With his strength hitting a plateau Dan grew more and more apathetic until he felt no emotion. This all changed after receiving a system that allowed him to grow stronger without hitting a plateau. With this newly discovered power he drops out of school and travels the world with his friend who wants to kill the summoned heroes. Listen I'm not going to lie, there is a shit ton of grammatical error in the beginning. I started writing this book for fun with zero experience but I started taking it more seriously. By book 2 everything is sorted out. That includes the messed up power system, the cheat system, the characters and the grammar. I hope you can get through the beginning. During the Elf Folulheim arc, that is when the true nature of the MC begins to show as a physchopath who only wants to cause problems and death. Also side note MC is very racist towards elfs. He hates them and goes out of his way to kill them if he sees them. Also there will be a lot of disturbing things in this story. Also I'm not gonna lie, the first volume and half of the second volume is trash. I wrote them when I was inexperienced. It is unbearable and terrible but if you somehow managed to get through that then I promise I will do my best to deliver quality writing to you.

sensei_24 · Fantasi
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111 Chs

Chapter 17

Sliddy's face was aghast in horror. This was only natural since one of her men just jumped from the building to his death. When she gasped in horror the other two quickly turned their heads to look what scared her.

The moment the first man turned his head around a heavy object connected with his jaw leaving an imprint. He almost fell from the building but he managed to pull himself back up from the edge by rotating his arms forward.

A loud thud was heard and the man looked up. The second man was on one knee holding his calf in pain.

The first man watched in horror as the man's head turned all the way around. It was like he was watching everything in slow motion. He could see his comrades face contort from the immense pain he was in. The crunching sound of his neck breaking, the squishing sound of his skin twisting beyond it's limits.

"AAH...AAAARRGHHH!" Screams escaped the man's lips as he fell backwards and moved backwards on his hands towards Sliddy. Sliddy grabbed him and laid down with him on the floor. "Stay vigilant, the enemy is probably a magic user who uses curses from a long range distance."

However she could not be any more wrong, Dan was standing merely a few metres away. Dan looked at the poor souls who were lying on the ground not knowing that their time to live has expires. 'These idiots, I thought they could at least sense me since they looked so tough. I planned on throwing that guy of the roof but he caught himself. Looks like I will have to kill them at the same time.'

Dan decided to take things easier this time. Instead of using his fists or a sword, he just hit them with two long giant pieces of ice. The ice erupted from the ground raising them a few meters up in to the air. The block of ice pierced through the front of their chest completely destroying their organs. They died almost immediately.

All of this happened within 10 seconds.

"Damn, double homicide!"

Dan deactivated his invisibility ability and looked at his handiwork. "Not to shabby, could be better though." Dan jumped from one building to another until he saw Charlie. Nothing had happened to him, He breathed a sigh of relief. It felt like some weight had been lifted of his shoulders. Finally Charlie slid between a small alley that only a child or a cat could fit in. Dan followed from above.

Charlie entered a small box inside the small alley. He heard the sound of talking from inside and Dan waited. He had already come to a decision of his own. He jumped down from the building and landed heavily.

"FUCK! THAT WILL TAKE A TOLL ON MY KNEES." Dan was a normal human. Even though he could do amazing things he was limited by his physiology. If he jumped from a high distance he could die. If he was stabbed he would bleed, if his heart stopped he would be dead.

Dan limped over to the alley cursing under his breath. This could have been simply avoided if Dan had used the wind to slow down his fall or if he just scaled down the building.

Dan waited for 30 minutes until finally the kid's voices and munching noise died down. The alley was so small that Dan was wondering how the kid even got in. He must have been severely malnourished.

Dan stuck his head in between the walls. As long as his head fit in the rest would be easy. Dan could dislocate and rearrange every single bone on his body at will without any problem. It was a truly painful experience than Dan did not like in the very least. This was a very important technique for a martial artist to be very flexible.

That was what Kliran told Dan, but truth be told Kliran only taught Dan this technique only because he was having a bad day and wanted Dan to share his pain.

Dan crawled all the way to the box and tapped on it.

Charlie stuck his head out, "who is it?" he asked. The kid could not see Dan because it was dark in the alleyway but he knew there was something out there. No human could possibly enter between the small alleyway. 'It could be a cat or a mouse.' Charlie thought.

"Hey." Dan's deep voice startled the kid but not enough to scare him. Charlie recognized the deep voice of Dan.

"Hello mister?"

"Fuuuuuuucccccckkkkk!" Dan shouted from the pain. He hadn't done this in several years and he had gained some major muscle mass than before.

"Is there something wrong sir?" Charlie asked.

"Sorry, it is really uncomfortable in here, how do you live in this place." Dan said to Charlie.

Charlie was shocked at this, he could not believe it. How did this guy enter this cramped place? He body was built like a martial artist dense with muscles so how on earth did he manage to do the impossible?

"Who is it, Charlie?" A weak voice came from inside the cardboard box.

"That must be your brother you told me about, right?" Dan asked.

"Don't worry brother, it will be alright." Charlie replied to the voice.

Charlie turned to the place where he heard Dan's voice.

"I'm over here," Dan said to the kid who was looking the opposite direction. One of the benefits of having high eyesight stat was that he gained night vision. Dan hadn't noticed this but during the night time his pupils were so wide that they filled the entire of his eyes.

"Listen I came here to offer you something," Dan continued when Charlie turned around. "This place is really uncomfortable I'm guessing, do you want a place to sleep tonight?"



A loud scream was heard from the giant royal palace of the Frincik Kingdom. The scream was so loud that it was even heard in the marketplace which was several kilometres away.

Pelar, the prince of the Frincik Kingdom was sitting on his bed sweating profusely and panting heavily.

8 Gaurds barged into the room without knocking, swords in their hands fully covered in armour of the highest caliber.

"What happened my prince?" the man who appeared as the leader asked in a loud menacing voice. He had been on a break, drinking hot tea and eating biscuits when he had heard the loud shout from the princes room.

The prince was staring at his shaking hands that were on his lap. He slowly lifted them in front of him and stared with so much intent that even the gaurds felt it.

Finally he turned his gaze to the gaurd and frowned. "Who are you guys?" he asked with an indifferent voice.

The leader removed his helmet revealing a freshly cut, smooth face. Brown eyes with jet black hair. A strong jawline with red lips that beckoned to everyone. This face was truly the face of a handsome devil.

"Ah, so it's you Link?"

The gaurd was surprised by this. How did the prince know about this? He rarely paid any attention to people he considered less than him. "How..." the gaurd asked but Pelar cut his sentence short.

"All of you get out."


"You heard me, get out!" Pelar said in cool voice. This wasn't a threatening voice but since the prince had never shown any kindness before the gaurds thought it was a trap.

They all fell on one knee and bowed down. "But sire...what shall we tell the king?"

Pelar thought for a second before answering, "Tell him to mind his own business."

The gaurds could not believe what they were hearing. The prince was ordering them to speak insolently to the king.

"But prince..."

Pelar finally snapped. He released cruel killing intent at the gaurds as a sign for them to piss of.

The only person who was not affected was the Link. He bowed his head, put on his helmet and left with the gaurds.

Pelar jumped of his bed and walked to the giant mirror on the other side of the room. He touched his cheeks and turned to the side to get a good look at his face. He caressed his short hair, and gave himself a smile. His teeth were pearl white with no hint of any other color. All of his teeth were intact. He let out a loud cackle as he laughed at his appearance.

His laugh stopped a few seconds later, he bit his lips and clenched his fists.

"I trusted you Pedro. I dont know who gave me this second chance buy I promise you will pay your betrayal with your life. I will hunt you down and kill you myself."

Pelar had been fighting Pedro a few seconds before. Now he was in his body 7 years prior to his death at Pedro's hand.

Pelar had travelled back in time. His aim, vengeance! His target, Pedro Kingsley!

please make sure to remember to vote with powers stones. Get ready for a new chapter in the story.

sensei_24creators' thoughts