
The psychopath named Dan

Dan grew up in a small village with orcs,half-orcs,ogres,giants and trolls. Day after day Dan would get in fights against students to test his strength. sometimes he won sometimes he lost. With his strength hitting a plateau Dan grew more and more apathetic until he felt no emotion. This all changed after receiving a system that allowed him to grow stronger without hitting a plateau. With this newly discovered power he drops out of school and travels the world with his friend who wants to kill the summoned heroes. Listen I'm not going to lie, there is a shit ton of grammatical error in the beginning. I started writing this book for fun with zero experience but I started taking it more seriously. By book 2 everything is sorted out. That includes the messed up power system, the cheat system, the characters and the grammar. I hope you can get through the beginning. During the Elf Folulheim arc, that is when the true nature of the MC begins to show as a physchopath who only wants to cause problems and death. Also side note MC is very racist towards elfs. He hates them and goes out of his way to kill them if he sees them. Also there will be a lot of disturbing things in this story. Also I'm not gonna lie, the first volume and half of the second volume is trash. I wrote them when I was inexperienced. It is unbearable and terrible but if you somehow managed to get through that then I promise I will do my best to deliver quality writing to you.

sensei_24 · Fantasi
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111 Chs

Chapter 15

Dan turned around instantly and tried leaving the room. If his friend was into this then who was he question it. As his friends, he should support him even if it meant waiting outside all night. 'This is his first time, he should enjoy it.'

"Stop misunderstanding! Dante, come back!" Dan stopped and glanced over his shoulder.

"This is your first time Pedro, it's better if you just had fun instead of inviting me to join you."

Pedro's face was just like Dan's from earlier. It contained disgust and surprise. "I said don't misunderstand. Why are you misunderstanding? Are you doing this on purpose? Come inside and close the door."

Dan sighed and closed the door when he went inside.

"Do you know what this is?" Pedro asked Dan as he pointed to the maid.

"You mean, who this is? I never knew you were into this kind of stuf-" Pedro's fist landed on Dan's face landing on the floor.

"How many times am I telling you to not misunderstand? That is a succubus. She came here to take our vitality."

Dan rubbed his nose. Pedro's punch was so weak. It lacked power, it lacked speed, it lacked weight and most importantly his fists were so soft.

"So what? I thought succubus were one of the main species of demons. Why would she be here?" He asked Pedro.

"That is what I have been finding out. The only way to get information out of a succubus is by sexually torturing them. Apparently she came here with her mistress to take my ..." Pedro's voice trailed of during the last sentence and Dan could not hear what he said but he didn't pay attention. There were bigger things to be handled.

"So where exactly is her mistress?" Dan asked in a sly voice as he rubbed his hands together.

"I knocked her out and tied her up in the bathroom." Dan walked over to the bathroom.

A beautifully dressed girl with blonde hair on the floor tied with the same scratchy rope the maid was tied with.

"Point being is, we have to go now Dante." Pedro said.

"But why?"

"Because although these two woman were acting on their desires it does not change the fact that we tied up the young lady of the house and the maid. We have to leave right now before they notice that the young lady is missing."

Dan once again sighed. He put his hands on his waist and shook his head.

"Always getting us on trouble." he grumbled under his breath.

"Then let's go. We don't have to pack anything. It's not like we have anything to pack." Dan said


"Let's go out of the balcony. We're only on the first floor."

"Wait," Dan rushed over to the bookshelf. He grabbed several books and threw them into his inventory.

"What are you gonna do about them?" Dan asked Pedro referring to the maid and young girl.

"We'll leave them as they are. Sooner or later they will find them."

Dan let out a low shrill whistle. Kan's ears pricked upwards. He woke up and rushed to Dan and Pedro.

"Ok, let's go." Dan followed Pedro outside and picked up Kan. He jumped over and landed on his feet. "Ouch." He placed Kan on the floor.

"Just follow me. I know the layout of the entire house."

Dan followed Pedro closely behind with Kan on his heel. It was more of a light jog than it was a full on sprint like when they ran away from home.

They managed to reach the market which was bustling with life. Men and woman walked in a hurried manner as if trying to get somewhere. There were stalls that were selling different items. Some were selling fruits, some were selling vegetables and some were selling meat.

Dan leaned over to Pedro and whispered in his ear.

"That's elf meat over there. 20 years old female. She must of had a large amount of magic in her body indicated by the bright red meat.

"How do...you know this?"

"I was a butcher once as a part time job. I learnt it. I even cut humans up several times."

Pedro felt like he learnt something new about his friend.

"I also ate elf meat on several occasions. It's pretty expensive. Female elfs help with weight loss due to the amount of magic and special hormones in them. It was pretty popular with the ladies. Male elfs helped with gaining muscles due to the density of their magic. Children who are training to be swordsman usually eat it to build muscles."

Pedro gagged and helt back from vomiting. "How can you eat a being that can talk?"

"A demon has no right to teach me about morals."

The two continued walking while arguing with each other. Kan let out a whimper and Dan turned around. "I know it can be scary-" Two kids, a blonde fat boy and a blonde girl were stroking Kan's head. They scratched his head and his body.

Dan stood right behind them exuding a ridiculous amount of killing intent. The kids turned around to see who it was and they saw Dan's face staring at them. "DON'T TOUCH HIM, YOU BRATS!" The boy fell backwards and scrambled backwards on his hands like a crab. The girl on the other hand just went back to scratching Kan.

"SEEMS LIKE LITTLE MISSY HERE IS REALLY BRAVE!" Dan reached out to the girl and almost grabbed her shoulder when he pulled his hand back. A sword passed through were his hand was a few seconds ago.

"Do not touch the princess of this country you filthy commoner." A voice hissed. Dan's looked and standing in front of him was a man dressed in casual wear. His sword had been drawn out of his sheath and there were two more shoulders that he carried. A broad sword on his back and a short sword on his other hip.

"Simon, I want this dog. Get him for me." The girl said. The man without hesitation throwed a heavy pouch of what seemed to be money inside it at Dan.

"That should cover the cost for a mere mongrel. Be lucky that you didn't die by my hands."

Dan was still confused. What was going on? What just happened? Who was this guy? All he knew was that he called Kan a mongrel. How dare he!

Kan was not a mere mongrel. If anything he was a super mongrel. He had been through so much physical training that he could hunt an entire pride of lions by himself with ease.

'So she wasn't acting brave, she just wasn't afraid because her gaurd was with her. If I knock him out then she would be alone and to scared to walk back home, wouldn't she? She'll have to learn about the world."

Dan held the pouch and weighed it with his hands. Within the blink of an eye Dan had thrown the pouch at the gaurd and it struck him in the face with a resounding jingling sound.

He closed the distance and slapped the gaurd across the face.

The face that the princess made was worth it. It was like reality had hit her without holding back. The man was lying on the ground unconscious.

He cracked his knuckles and spoke to her "Your gaurd is seriously weak."

"Back away from me." The girl shouted. "Do you know who I am?"

"No and I don't care. If someone tells you to not do something that would greatly displease them

then don't do it or pay the consequences."

Pedro grabbed Dan's arm. "Hey Dante, you're drawing way too much attention you know. Look around us." he whispered. Dan looked and saw lots of people looking at him and whispering.

"He has no shame,"

"He is scaring a little girl."

"Did you see how he just through the pouch of money that man graciously gave him back at him."

"He is probably some kind of criminal."

"Probably a rapist."

"Maybe a murderer, he would just kill that man if we weren't watching."

Dan pulled his hand away from Pedro. He didn't care who was watching. This girl had to learn a lesson. Don't ever touch Kan.

He slapped her on the face so hard that her blonde skin instantly became red. His hand returned and his backhand landed on her other cheek. He slapped for a full minute as people gasped and mad aloud wincing noises.

No one dared to help her. All they could do was just stand there. They needed something to gossip about tommorow.

Dan took the pouch that he had previously thrown at the gaurd and placed it in his pocket. He touched his pockets and rummaged through. He found two more pouches of coins and left with Kan in front of him this time.

Pedro quietly followed him from a 5 meter distance. He did not hesitate to hit a child in front of an audience. 'Subject is showing signs of lunacy. Incident number 1. He threw a fit of rage when a girl touched his dog. He seems to have a highly emotional yandere attachment to his dog. The dog must be a coping mechanism for something. I'm hurt that he doesn't become that worked up for me.'

"Hey Pedro do you know where the nearest restaurant is, I'm hungry." Dan said.

"Wait let me check my mini map... there is a high end one 4 streets down."

"Then let's go." Dan and Pedro reached the restaurant. There was an outside eating area that was packed with people. They tried entering the restaurant but a man stopped them.

"Where do you think you two are going?" he asked.


"Not dressed like that your not, this restaurant is visited by the richest people in the country. Dukes, merchants, businessmen and celebrities. Judging from your clothes you look broke. And why on earth did you think that we would allow a dog inside this establishment."

'Damn, those are some big words he is using, what is a celebrity?' Dan thought.

Pedro spoke up, "We have more than enough money to pay for our food, who are you to tell us we can't eat here. A door guard has no right to turn away customers."

"But I'm not a door gaurd, I'm the owner and if you don't leave now I will have to use force."

Pedro argued with the owner of the restaurant who acted like a door gaurd for a while. Dan kissed his teeth and called for Pedro.

"Let's go man, there must be some better place than this dump of a restaurant."

The owner of the restaurant waved his hand airily, "That is if you can, Are you gonna compare that trash inn which serves terrible food to my magnificent restaurant that only the upper part of society can eat in. Your presence would only bring discomfort to my guests."

Pedro sighed and checked the mini map on his system. He searched for a restaurant and after a while of scrolling he found an inn.

"Fine we'll go to this inn you talk about so that we dont have to listen to your crap."

Dan and Pedro walked away and talked to each other.

"You know, I didn't expect the human world to be like this."

"Me neither."

"So far we have met assholes, spoilt brats and manipulative snakes. What will we meet next."

"I don't know but it won't be someone nice."

They had finally reached the inn. The outside didn't look appealing, but Dan had eaten in worse places so he didn't mind. Pedro however was not. "Let's go somewhere else, I'm not going in there."

They argued trying to convince each other but it didn't work. "Man, I'm tired and hungry, I have been training for a long time, my mood was spoilt by that child, let's just go in. This is an inn, they serve food and a place to sleep. Who knows maybe the next one we go to will turn us away."

Pedro argued with Dan making points such as, "I can't sleep in a place like that. The beds are probably infested with bedbugs. The food is most likely terrible. How on earth do you expect me to eat in such a place?"

Dan handed Pedro two of the three pouches he had. " The food will probably be expensive so here. Go find some place to sleep and eat. I'll be here."

"You're gonna regret this. Tommorow morning when you see me I'll be the only person who got sleep and you will be looking like an undead."

"Sure whatever, I'm to tired to argue. I'm just gonna eat and go to sleep."

Pedro left Dan in front of the inn. There were lots of people surrounding the inn. Some were just leaning on the wall while others were passed out drunk. In front of the door there was a kid who was lying there. People passed by him showing him no attention.

Dan walked over to the kid and squatted in front of him. He tapped him softly on the cheek with his finger. The kid groaned lightly and spoke softly. Dan cupped his ear to hear what the kid was saying but he couldn't hear.

"Speak up louder I can't hear you." Dan said.

"oo...fo..food...gimme food." the kids stomach growled loudly.

Time: 10:33 p.m. Level:74

➡️Name: Dante Oak Aliases: D, Dan, Dri.

Hp:869/869(F) Potential:♾

Speed:1250/1250(E) Endurance:1800/1800(E)

Intelligence:122/122(F) Stamina:1034/10034(E)

Strength: 750/750(F) Vision:151/151(F)

Magic knowledge: 40/40(F)

Unused stat points: 5


Beginner Magic (Proficiency 99%)

Intermediate Magic (Proficiency 82%)

Elite Magic (Proficiency 4%) Street fighting (S+)

Martial arts combat (Proficiency 12%)

quick thinking (Proficiency 8%)

Swordsmanship (S+)

Sword technique:Limited series:Pain and sorrow; First form (mythical)

Chaos energy (A+)

Invisibility (Level 1)


➡️ unique skills

⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ Level 1

➡️status: Tired, cramp, exhausted. Intrigued.

➡️ Titles

1.Krim slayer.(level 1) Additional damage to Krim foxes by 8%

2.Pro-gamer move.(level 1) Casting time decreases by 2%

3. Clobi Alpha

4. Extinction witness.

Sorry guys for not posting a while. I had some issues to take care of at home. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope you send me power stones.

sensei_24creators' thoughts