
Demon Chant

In the name of our Lord God, I invoke you, Furcas, great prince of the inferno, who teaches mechanical sciences, logic, rhetoric, and languages. 

Appear at this hour before me, in a pleasing and friendly form, so that you can grant me power over fire. 

By the power of your seal, and by the authority of the Most High God, come forth and show yourself, Furcas, our faithful servant. 



In nomine Domini Dei nostri, invoco te, Furcas, princeps magnus inferni, qui docet scientias mechanicas, logicas, rhetoricam, et linguas. 

Appare in hac hora coram me, in forma grata et amicabili, ut mihi potestatem super ignem praestare possis. 

Per virtutem sigilli tui, et per potestatem Dei Altissimi, exsisto et ostende te, Furcas, servus noster fidelis.